Mecabricks Chistian Group Discussion
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And as @TallGirl2006 said, many religions teach similar or partial truths to what Mormonism teaches. However, we believe that they do not have the whole truth. We believe that many religious leaders, such as Buddha, the Pope, the Dalai Lama, etc have received enlightened truths from God to lead their people and help them come unto His true religion, but that there is only one true religion. Again, we believe that everyone -- literally everyone ever that has lived, is living, or will live -- will get to partake of this religion, no matter what they may have believed on earth. They can choose to reject it or accept it, and that is their choice freely given and freely accepted or rejected.

@Rubricks - Interesting, I didn’t know all that. I agree with you, I don’t think God puts miscarried babies in hell, they weren’t given the choice to follow God, as they don’t have fully developed brains. I read a book (true story) written by the father of the main character, called Heaven is For Real, which a 3-year old boy briefly leaves his body during an operation and goes to heaven, but the doctors heal him and he comes back. While he was “gone,” he saw his parents talking in other rooms, and experienced other phenomenon, like angels singing to him and Jesus with “markers” on his hands. (He obviously didn’t know the full story of Jesus’ death, given that he was 3)
He met his deceased Grandpa, who he’d never seen pictures of, but he described as looking like a young man. (20-30)
He also met his sister who’d died in a miscarriage. She was around the same age as him and had black hair like his mother, whereas he and his ISTAR had their dad’s blonde hair. He’d never known about the miscarriage either, and didn’t understand at first who she was, but then asked his parents later about it and they explained what happened.

I think there’s a judging process involved, and that you don’t immediately go to hell. God bases your circumstances, whether you’ve been living on a dessert island all your life or you were just a baby.
I don’t, however, believe that a person who does good all their life, (and knows about Jesus) but doesn’t pay any mind to him, will still go to heaven.
God can’t save somebody who decides to ignore him, so purposeful non-Christians can’t get to heaven, even if you’re somebody loved and treasured. (Like Stan Lee, for example 😭)

Hang on, why don't you think we would be here if Adam and Eve didn't sin? Every living thing was to be "Fruitful and multiply"

Pyro - I don’t really believe every Mormon change, either, but I’m still open to hearing about it.

I asked him to clarify his opinion... because I'm open to hearing it 😄

The Mormon beliefs are . . . intriguing, for sure. I would make many criticisms of the theology, but my theology differs from most Christians, so I know that the points I raise won't matter too much. But I would like to say one thing:

I don't think that the "age of accountability", as Paul puts it, is 8. I think it varies for every person. For example, say someone with Down Syndrome could live to . . . let's say 20, but their mind wouldn't be as mature as a 20-year-old. They could still have the mind of a 5-year-old. Would it be fair, them not accepting Christ as their Lord and Saviour, because of their mental state, for them to go to hell? I think that the age of accountability is different for each person, and there is no over-arching age that applies to everyone - it's a mental stage of maturity.

Op - Yep, I agree with that as well. If they can’t understand the choice they’re making, then it’s a different ballgame, I think.

Yep! I don't think the Mormon beliefs about the age of accountability are flawed, I just think it differs for every person.

And I’m not sure if a 20-year-old autistic person has the mind of a 5-year-old, more like 8-10.

Wiz: Well, as I said, it's case-specific. But, having done some research on autism, I can confirm that there are people of adult age with autism, that, sadly, have the mind of a very young child. It's sad how badly sin has hurt the world.

True, there are definitely some people who fit that case. I can’t imagine how hard that life would be. 😦

Wiz: I'm not sure how it is for the people themselves, but how hard it is on the parents or caregivers is truly heartbreaking.

Well, going through that would still be really confusing and difficult—you wouldn’t lead a normal life.

Whoo! I agree and disagree with many things in the Mormon religion- I don't even know where to start! I'm curious. Why do you believe all those things about what heaven will be like? I think it sounds very nice, but how do you know/believe that all that is true if the bible doesn't say it? I feel like it's a lot of human logic, like what we humans think sounds right, or just, or whatever. Yes, I do think that it sounds "unfair" that people who died without ever getting the chance to hear about the gospel will go to hell, but I can't pretend to understand God's reasoning. I don't know what he's gonna do, I'm just a human with a human brain that can already barely comprehend the fact that God was, is, and always will be eternal and that he existed from INFINITY. And also, I firmly believe- know that we are called to tell those people on the desert island about Christ. We're their chance! It's the Great Commission. Remember, not the Great Suggestion, the GREAT COMMISSION. Again: it's why we're here on earth. So that we can choose Christ and tell other people so that they, also, can choose Christ. All I'm saying is that it seems like there's a lot of assumptions about heaven. I believe that we do NOT know what heaven will be like, as in whether it has three levels and people can choose the gospel in the afterlife, only that God will judge the good and the evil, the evil will be punished by an eternity without God in hell, and the righteous will be brought to heaven... where it will be GREAT BEYOND ALL IMAGINING because we will be with and worshipping the Almighty God for all of eternity. I mean, how awesome, to be able to be right there with my best friend, um, hehe, GOD, forever and ever, just because I believed in Jesus Christ and and followed him?!
Anyways, basically, I'm not gonna know what's gonna happen and how things go down till I'm sitting there on Judgement day, and then, my God will judge perfectly and justly, cause dang it anyway, he knows it All, and by the way, he's PERFECT. 😄 😄 😄

So, something I don't quite agree with is that you believe that Adam and Eve's sin was bad but also necessary for the redemption of the world. (Is that what you meant?) You say that we would not be here without it. I believe the opposite. If Adam and Eve had not sinned, and none of their descendants also made that choice, but stayed AWAY from that darn tree, the earth would have kept going in perfect harmony with God. Without sin, the world was perfect, and today, we could've still been walking hand in hand with God. I do believe God knew that they were going to sin, because he is Omniscient, all-knowing. But he still lovingly gave them (and gave/gives us) the choice. He wasn't gonna force them to follow and love him. So, he knew they were going to sin. But don't worry, he had a plan. 😉
I don't believe that sin was necessary to give us a choice. Obviously, Adam and Eve already had a choice, and they made it, resulting in a fallen world. Then, Jesus died for our sins- permanently- and we also have a choice: to go with the fallen world, or to follow Jesus Christ, who has forgiven our sins.
But I don't actually know what the world would be like if they hadn't eaten from the tree. No one does.

One last thing that I noticed differs from Christianity is the belief of how the Holy Trinity is possible. This link is literally the only thing I could think of, so I hope I don't offend anyone. 😄

Thank you so much for telling us that, Rubricks. I never actually knew anything about Mormonism. One more thing: Who's Joseph Smith?

He’s the guy who had “the vision” about practicing Mormonism.

Oh. Rubricks, could you tell me what he thought he saw/why he started the Mormon church?

I can tell you.

Long story short, the religion had already been on earth, and Joseph Smith restored it. At fourteen Joseph was having difficulty choosing a form of Christianity, and he went into a grove by his house in Palmyra which we call the sacred grove (I actually live pretty nearby there, and visit often). He was praying when God and Jesus appeared to him, and basically told him to "restore the gospel" etc. Basically, that's the just of it. Also, Rubricks please don't be surprised at my lack of eloquence and knowledge about my own religion, Covid has made church difficult. And I have a bad memory. Primary was loooooong ago.

Tall: Love your points! I would've gone into that, but I didn't want to cause more arguments. But since it seems to be going well, thanks for saying that.

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