Mecabricks Chistian Group Discussion
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Do you want me to tell you a bit about being Mormon?

TallGirl - There’s always a personality number—which number were you?
(I’m a 9–“The Peacemaker” 😉)

Also, I respect the fact that you’re weird—everybody has something that makes them weird, but few admit it! 😃
Also also, please send pics of your radish earrings and your cork necklace! 😂

Well, I got four, but I don't think it's entirely accurate. Cool, tho!
Also- oh my goodness, I would love if I had radish earrings and a cork necklace!!!! 😄 That would be so cool. If I only had blonde hair, I could be Luna for Harvest!

Maybe I'll get a wig...

I'm literally searching affordable Luna Lovegood props and planning my next costume. Princess Leia will have to wait one more year again!

Jalc: yup, if you could!

TallGirl - “The Artist,” nice! I borrowed a book about type 9, (which I’m reading) and these are the different traits:

Oh, and it’s normal to feel like everything doesn’t describe you, that’s why they have “wings” or smaller personality types.
I’m a 9 Wing 1, which makes sense for me because they’re not as shy as most 9’s tend to be, and have a more carefree attitude while still enjoying time alone. 😉

@Tall_Girl, I felt the same way for a while -- I'm a type 5. But if you're a Luna Lovegood type, then you are most definitely a 4. 😂

About the Luna thing: I’ve only been to a few harvests, mostly at our Homeschooling group with a lot of my friends and these were my various costumes over the years:

-Darth Vader (Anakin’s scar makeup underneath mask)
-Harry Potter (Hogwarts Robes/Prisioner of Azkaban)
-A Panda. 😂
-Harry Potter (Brown Jacket/Deathly Hallows Pt. 2)

Alright, looking at it, that does describe me alot- except for space-saver, I don't get that. I am definitely an artist! So I guess it does make sense. For other personality traits... hmm. I am not a person to be cowed, which is sometimes bad, 'cause I hate people telling me what to do sometimes, and that's what parents are supposed to do...
My mom says I am not a follower, as in just going with the flow. True. I like to lead, but sometimes that is also bad, like when I boss siblings. Getting better at it, tho! I guess I just always think my ideas are best. 😁

And when it comes to creative stuff/planning/organizing/setting something up/making stuff, sometimes they are.........

I can tell you like Harry Potter, "Fizzing Whizzbee", to use my brother's nickname for you. Surprisingly, Slim has never gone as Harry, though a friend has- and forgot the scar. Slightly important exemption, don't you think?

I'm going to continue the costume line of thought on the W.E.I.R.D. Club.

TallGirl - Yep, my mom does makeup for the scar, too! 😄
Also, did you know Harry Potter’s a 9? I guess me and him have that in common. 😉

I'm LDS as well (Mormon), but I won't say much about it and my life in practice of that religion. I will just say that all Christianity (including and especially Mormonism) teaches not to lash out at people or be "toxic" as you might say today.

So does Zoroastrianism, Buddhism, etc. Many religions do. That is still not a perfect "similarity". It all comes down to who you worship. Of course, I worship Jesus, and he COMMANDS me to be "non-toxic" and be like him, full of love. But I can act just like that and be a Muslim, and I'm not the same. I will not be with God in eternity because I believed in some Allah. (No offense intended to any Muslims reading this. This is how I believe, and I will tell about it.)
Just pointing that out. 😃
♡, Tall

You have to try as hard as possible to be the perfect example of your religion -- to live life as a true Christian, and to try to be as close to Jesus as possible, both in mind, spirit, and body; and especially in your interactions with your fellow human beings. That does not mean that you are trying to be a God, and it does not mean that you should think you are literally perfect like Jesus, we are not as it is impossible for a mortal to become perfect on this earth (at least according to what I believe). You are simply trying to live exactly as he taught -- he was the perfect example, and his sinless lifestyle is the best one. Trying to be a Mormon isn't much different than trying to be a Christian of many popular sects. However, our religion also teaches to abstain from all alcohol, drugs (the latter is probably common sense), coffee, tea, tobacco, vape, and other similar substances -- this is according to a teaching called the "Word of Wisdom". We also try to avoid meat in excess (especially red meat), but we do not avoid fish, pork, or any other types of meat as do other religions. We believe in the Bible like any other true Christian should, and we do not in any way consider the Book of Mormon to be any more important than the Bible. If anyone tells you that we believe that the Book of Mormon is more important than the Bible, then that is not what a true Mormon believes. We believe that God, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost are three separate, individual people. They are separate people with separate minds and (in God and Jesus' cases, separate bodies, too), but they are one in will, which is why the Bible may seem to refer to them as being one person. We believe that God and Jesus have bodies of tangible flesh and blood, just like us. We believe that the Holy Ghost is a spirit. We believe that God created us in His image. Regarding Adam and Eve, and sin, we believe that the original sin of Adam and Eve was planned -- it was part of, and even essential to God's plan. I.E., if Adam and Eve did not sin, we would not be here on earth today. However, sin is bad. It is evil, it comes from the devil, and it has never been good and never will be. The reason that Adam and Eve's sin is essential is because there was a war in Heaven between the devil and Jesus. Jesus wanted us to come to earth with agency, and have the ability to choose our good works. The devil wanted us to go to earth and choose only the things he wanted us to choose, ultimately worshipping and following him (Lucifer). Some chose the devil, and they are the spirits that tempt us to do evil and encourage those who do evil to introduce more and more evil things into this world. Thankfully, more people chose Jesus than the devil. But sin was inevitable. This concept can be the hardest to understand (regarding Adam and Eve), and I do hope that it was worded correctly -- what was to be taken away from it is that sin is not good, but the first sin was necessary to begin God and Jesus' plan of us coming to earth and having agency, the ability to choose good and evil. We do not believe in predestination. We do not believe in transubstantiation. We do not practice polygamy in modern times. While that was a problem in the past, it was outlawed in this church at the same time it was outlawed in America. It is outlawed throughout the church as a global whole -- no true Mormon practices polygamy in any country or nation. We are sometimes confused with another dissenting religion called the Reformed Latter Day Saints, but these are two completely different religions. We do not practice polygamy, and if a member is found to practice such, this is worthy of excommunication. We believe that Joseph Smith and all following prophets are true prophets, and we believe that the prophet is literally the mouth of God in these days, in a way that is relative to that of the Pope. He (the prophet) only says things that God has revealed to him or told him to say, and he cannot change previous law -- a law from God is unchangeable and infinite, and without end. We also believe that sin is bad, as is the devil. God is good, and Jesus was the literal Son of God who came to allow us to come back to Heaven in the end. We believe that people have the chance to accept the gospel in the afterlife, so if they do not receive the gospel in this life, they have the chance to do so after they are dead. We believe that all children under the age of eight are not held accountable for their sins, and that, if a child less than 8 was to die, they will go straight to Heaven. That is why children are not baptized in our church until they are 8. However, we do believe that baptism is necessary to go to Heaven. We believe that works, such as baptism and family sealings, can be done for those who have passed away. Everything has to be fair. I don't want to bring up any debate, so take this as rhetorical (unless you do have questions ig): We believe that, again, everything has to be fair. Is it fair for someone who was never taught Christianity to automatically go to hell? Or an innocent child - a baby, without sin, knowledge, or experience - to sit forever in eternal torment? We believe that all people who die without knowledge of the gospel will automatically have the right to learn the gospel and receive ordinances in Heaven -- in our minds, this is only fair. But of course, people can still reject these things in the afterlife. If they were not to have accepted them on earth, they will not in Heaven. We believe that heaven and hell both have three separate levels. I will not go into those of either, but they are essentially for the progressively good or evil people. They are quite simple to understand. Progressive good gets you a progressive spot in heaven -- those who are most righteous get to dwell on the "right hand of God", just as is said in the Bible. Progressive sin gets you progressive spots in hell -- those who have committed unforgivable sins go to Outer Darkness. The final thing I will say is that we believe that all things will be made fair in Heaven. Every bad thing, infirmity, injustice, etc will be corrected. Every sinner will pay for the sins they have committed. Sins can be forgiven through the partaking of the sacrament and baptism. Baptism is done once, but the meaningful partaking of the sacrament perpetuates our sacramental promises and allows us to be forgiven of our sins once more.

I hope this is clear, I feel that I am sometimes hard to understand. I may not be the best person to understand religion, but I do understand it quite well 😃

27 participants
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