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12538 réponses · Page 417 sur 627



I have not seen the eternals trailer yet.

Wynter: The Eternals trailer was amazing!

DrP: Yeah, it was tough for me, too.

@Wynter, yeah I'm not to interested in it, to be honest.

FB: You're not? It's a super clever premise, saying that all the gods of mythology were the same people all throughout. I'm interested to see how they manage so many characters, too.

You totally need to watch it @Chuck!!

Op: It was! I'm super excited to see the movie and how Marvel brings them to life - we won't be disappointed because, I mean, come on!
It's Marvel!😄
Oh and I love the costumes and how they gender-switched Ajak! So excited😆

Really @FireBlade? IMPOSSIBLE

Yeah, well, it looks pretty bland to me.
Eternals: We're centuries-old heroes
Hitler/Thanos/Stalin/etc: Hi
Eternals: Ok, you're chill. Have a nice life!

I thought it looked interesting, definitely a different direction for Marvel.

Pyro: Who said they were heroes, though? 😂

So I watched Interstellar... and I'll leave my review without spoilers... or at least not too many O_O...

Okay, so, I already basically knew the plot, because my dad had seen it on an airplane back in 2019 and told us about it, but there were still some surprises. Anyways, it was weird... and not in a bad way 😆. I loved how the main character was just some redneck farmer... I also loved the baseball scene 😂 The world famous New York Yankees 😂. Okay, this is just a minor complaint... like really minor 😂... and I'm biased... but come one 😂... this is a space movie, it totally should have been the ASTROS 😂. Anyways, yeah, the plot was already ruined for me... I knew that they were/was [REDACTED], and that Cooper's daughter would [REDACTED]... but still, it was cool. I love the originality of it, and how they mix just confusing weird things into a believably real earth to make a somewhat realistic sci-fi movie. ;kda ak😜 dak; kd ;a d k; adk; kda; kad; f ak. da;k da;k k😜a. kda; ;kad. k;ad. k;ad k ;ad. akd; dk;a k😜a... okay... that had nothing to do with anything... literally 😂... anyways... It was pretty clean, for those who haven't seen it. Just some language. I personally hated the fact that they had their female characters curse... well... I hate seeing anyone use fifthly language, but when a girl does it it just seems all the more unnatural... but that's about it. Oh, and I loved how they used the fact that sound can't travel through space, which made the explosions just weird.


Definitely @MrBrick.

Pyro: Well, it's kind of the whole reason the movie EXISTS.
In mythology, whenever gods fight, it's really BAD. Right? And it's completely devastating for the world and humans, so you can see why they didn't interfere with Thanos and all that jazz. It would've been worse than the Snap. The Avengers handled him in the end, didn't they? Whatever they are dealing with in the movie HAS to be Thanos-level because if that kind of thing happens to Earth again, it would definitely ruin humanity. That's exactly what they're against. They are wise enough to decide when the Avengers can hold the universe up. It was their choice and that's what makes whatever the fight is in their movie so . . .
fascinating, I guess? Poetic? I really don't know😂

Greenie: That sounds awesome! I'm glad there's nothing worse than a bit of language, I'd really like to see it. 😅 I already basically know the plot (I spoil waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too many movies for myself), but not quite everything.

Well guys... I eh... well... I've change I guess 😆... you see...

I watched my first Marvel movie O_O...

Captain America... The First Avenger...

My thoughts?

Well, I'm not sure when it was made... but by todays standers the animation could use some work 😂... but it was still really cool.

Plot and storyline: Well, I sorta knew some things about it... but it was different than I expected. I thought it was pretty good, not like incredible, but still good. Thought... I feel like it could have been a wee bit more original... however, I don't know if it was more original when it first came out. Others could have copied.

Cleanses: Interstellar was cleaner, imo... however, I liked Cap's stance on freedom and why we should fight for it. It wasn't terrible... but could have been better FOR SURE.

Action: Well, as I said the animation could have been better... however it was still pretty awesome. And the Hydra guards were O_O totally sick 😂

Romance: Eh, okay. Seen better...

Beginning and Ending: Five Star.

Violence: More than I thought, but a good level.

Overall... well... as for Marvel movies in general I wouldn't be able to tell 😆... but compared to other movies I'd give it a 4 star rating.

Greenie: Yeah, Cap 1 is a great movie. It's actually the first Marvel movie I saw as well! 😂 But, oh, just wait 'til ya watch Cap 2 (Captain America: The Winter Soldier). Winter Soldier is arguably the best MCU movie of all time, most certainly my fave.

But this is what I mean! It's been pretty much a whole day, and I've gotten 1 notification. 1! 😂

Yeah, I don't know how many Marvel movies I'll watch... I don't think I'll go beyond Age of Ultron... or however you spell his name 😂.

Also... If I were to watch Cap 2... would it be before or after the first Avengers... like... would it make sense if I hadn't seen any of the Avengers movies 😆?

Anyways, yeah, lots of people are at church and stuff... like me 😆

Greenie: You spelled it right. 😂 Well, not really. They fill in the gaps pretty well, but I'd still recommend watching Avengers before it. And Avengers is an awesome movie, anyway. I've seen it 3 times. 😂 And yes, the timeline is Cap 1, Avengers, Cap 2, Avengers 2, Cap 3, Avengers 3, Avengers 4.

While we're talking about movies, I just watched The Voyage of the Dawn Treader again for probably the 9th or 10th time last night.
That film blew me away again. Perfection. Brilliant music. Brilliant acting. Brilliant plot. Brilliant ending.
Oh I could watch it all day! Unbelievably wonderful. I'm listening to the score right now.

As an aside, I've never seen any Marvel movies.

Also the Lightsaber Business is open for one week

@Op Ah, I see... will probably still watch WS first 😂... Idda know though...

@Dragon Yes... though I've not read the book (shame on me)... I personally like the storyline of the movie better. It has more of a plot, I guess... anyways, it is a great film 😂. I've probably seen it about 10 times myself.

Also... though others might kill me for saying this... you can totally live without seeing any of the Marvel movies (or any film for that matter 😂), Cap was cool... but-- wait a second.... I thought I recall you saying that you watch Age of Ultron like a month ago or so O_O... like... I really feel like you said that... Oh well 😂... it doesn't matter... I'm not a big movie person... I honestly feel like they are a huge waste of time if not done right. I hardly watch any movies... mostly because I'd rather do something that counts like spending time reading the Bible, or working somewhere. Though I do love movies, I'm careful how much time I spend watching them. I probably average about 5-10 cool movies a year. Plus, the less you watch them the cooler they seem 😏. Anyways, I need to finished cleaning 😂

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