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12538 réponses · Page 626 sur 627
Welp, this probably the most difficult minifig I have made. And I made it all today!
I have regrets

That is incredible, Guitarman!

Owl City's has been coming out of the shadows!
He made some random posts on his Twitter recently
("Jeremiah was 100% a bullfrog" for example)

Finally, he's made some collaborations (both are bangers, obviously).

@Pyro Hopefully he's just been working on some super big project this whole time, and is working his way back out into the open before releasing it...

... that might be kinda unrealistic, but hey, it's not wrong to dream right 😂?

Owl City made a remix of the unofficial Shrek theme song? Well, that’s not something you see every day… 😂

😂 no it is not

I didn't write this article, but whatever 😆. Just make sure you listen to the song at the end 😉

(We all know the story. The Titanic, a British passenger liner, struck an iceberg off Newfoundland on the night of April 14-15, 1912, and sank. There is part of that story, however, that is not widely known.

One of the passengers on the Titanic was a godly Pastor from Scotland, by the name of John Harper. Harper had recently spent three months ministering at the Moody Church in Chicago, during which time the church had experienced one of the most wonderful revivals in its history. He had not been back in Britain long when he was asked to return and continue his ministry. He quickly made arrangements for himself and his six-year old daughter, Nana, to travel back to American on board the Lusitania. However, he decided to delay their departure for one week, so that they could sail on a new ship, the Titanic, which was about to make its maiden voyage.

On Sunday the 14th of April, 1912, the day when the iceberg was struck, the weather was fine, the sea calm. Harper attended the church service for the passengers. His niece reported that later that afternoon she saw her Uncle speaking individually to people about their souls. It seems he was in the habit of seeking out the lost sheep wherever he went.

The Titanic struck the iceberg at 11:40 p.m. on April 14, 1912. As the call was issued for passengers to vacate their cabins, Harper wrapped his daughter in a blanket, told her that she would see him again one day, and passed her to one of the crewmen. After watching her safely board one of the lifeboats, he removed his life jacket and gave it to one of the other passengers. One survivor distinctly remembered hearing him shout, "Women, children and the unsaved into the lifeboats!" Harper knew that believers were ready to die but the unsaved were not ready. Harper then ran along the decks pleading with people to turn to Christ, and with the ship sinking, he called upon the Titanic’s orchestra to play, "Nearer, my God, to Thee." Gathering people around him on deck, he then knelt down, and "with holy joy in his face" raised his arms in prayer. As the ship began to lurch, he jumped into the icy waters and swam frantically to all he could reach, beseeching them to turn to the Lord Jesus and be saved. Finally, as hypothermia set in, John Harper sank beneath the waters and passed into the Lord’s presence; he was 39.

Four years later, a young Scotsman by the name of Aguilla Webb stood up in a meeting in Hamilton, Canada, and gave the following testimony:

I am a survivor of the Titanic. When I was drifting alone on a spar that awful night, the tide brought Mr. John Harper of Glasgow, also on a piece of wreck, near me. ‘Man,’ he said, ‘Are you saved?’ ‘No,’ I said, ‘I am not.’ He replied, ‘Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved.’ The waves bore him away; but, strange to say brought him back a little later, and he said, ‘Are you saved now?’ ‘No,’ I said, ‘I cannot honestly say that I am.’ He said again, ‘Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved,’ and shortly after he went down; and there, alone in the night, and with two miles of water under me, I believed. I am John Harper’s last convert.

Apparently God wanted Webb's amazing testimony to be shared, because only seven people were plucked from the icy water that night to join the survivors in the lifeboats. Webb was one of them.)


That series by Adam Young is phenomenal, Greenie!

One last video review. As usual, written version below, followed by the author purchase link.
Search for the Astral Dragon
Science Fiction has long been dominated by the big FRANCHISES. But, for readers 8-13 at least, The Astral Alliance series will be a new voice in this sphere. The first book, The Search for the Astral Dragon, was released May 2022, and, as usual for Bryan Davis, characterization is on point, and annoying tropes of the genre are acknowledged and subverted.

Set in a futuristic universe, The Search for the Astral Dragon follows 13-year-old Megan Willis as she struggles to avoid capital punishment for her pirate heritage. The neck shackle she wears uses a failsafe that could kill her at any moment – as well as the usual method of remote execution. While she manages to escape her imminent death and crash-lands on a rural planet, her long-term goal is to find her parents. However, her dire situation is further compounded when she is kidnapped into a ring of enslaved children, mining for a mysterious resource. Should she rescue them or leave them to their fate? Throughout the course of the book, surviving another crash and many strenuous encounters with the antagonists, she gains friends, builds confidence, and learns valuable lessons about justice, mercy, and sacrifice.

Megan is quite the compelling protagonist (hard though it may be for me to identify with a 13yo girl). Her perseverance, wit, and resourcefulness forge her actions perfectly, especially as she struggles to piece together what’s happened before, what her next steps are, and the morality of the conflict between her parents and the government. Meanwhile, there is quite a diverse number of interesting antagonists. The slavers, mine-owner, space navy, and even nature provide challenging obstacles that force Megan to figure out what she believes and act on it. The side characters here are also given deep and complex backgrounds, as well as abilities that complement each other to create a powerful team. Every single character here could stand several books without exhausting the potential for development. 

Although the similitudes here are less overt, fans of Firefly will instantly recognize the historical motifs – like the aforementioned slave trade, or the struggles of living on the edge of civilization. My favourite subversion of classic sci-fi tropes is the way Davis handles both technology and languages. Reminiscent of Roman times, there are two primary human languages understood across the galaxy, Humaniversal and Alpha One. Of course, local communities have their own languages as well, and it is rare for someone on the frontier to know both – or even to speak one. And even though technological ear translators exist, learning the local languages is shown to be much more advantageous in the long run. Meanwhile the technology feels like a natural progression – AI that can assist but not dominate, spacesuits that have magnet boots, and other such common sense features.

In the end, what can I say? Bryan Davis has done it again. His prose vividly paints the picture of a thrilling space adventure, his characters act with perfect believability, and his take on troubling tropes not only subverts expectations, but indeed plays a major role in the story. A perfect gift for a child, The Search for the Astral Dragon may be easily read aloud or alone. If you’ve been looking for a good sci-fi adventure, but can’t quite trust the big franchises to focus on story above all, look no further.
Author Purchase link:

Pyro... you keep torturing me with these tempting reviews and what not XD. I can't spend the money right now, and I have LOADS of other books to read... but... one day 😂

hey guys... guess what? CHAPTER 4!!

To quote a friend of mine, "Yoink!" New custom!

Hey guys, I’m feeling pretty sick today.

I’ve spent almost all day in the bathroom—I’ll spare you the details—“emptying” my contents, through various means.

If you feel like praying, I’d really appreciate it.

@Wiz Ooh... that's not fun... I'll be praying!

@wiz - I will be praying

Thanks, guys!

@Wiz, oofles... I'll pray o-o, emptying your contents through various means is not tight.

Thanks, FB!
And that’s correct, the only “tight” thing is my stomach. 😁

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