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12538 réponses · Page 358 sur 627

@Greeny, YES!!! Whistleharps Forever!
Someday, I will make a whistleharp.



Newest Custom!

@DR: Noice!

@Laxxoo: Cool!

Another win for Duke.

@D_R, nice one!

Alright, Revenge: Skit 6 is out. Then I'm going to make my 100th model.

Please read! (Or have your computer read to you). 😃

I have a story for you. I want you to go to every computer in your house; your mom's, your dad's, your sister's, your brother's and install Honey. Wait... that's not what I was supposed to say O_O... Anywaaaaays... and no, I'm not leaving... I was camping this weekend 😆.
You're probably like... "Greenie, how many times do you camp?" Well the answer is...

... a lot. However, that's besides the point.

We were going on a canoe trip... down the river.... kinda in the middle of nowhere. So my dad and I weren't able to make it early like we usually do... but we were able to pick up and bring our cousin's who are about to leave to be missionaries in Africa. Their dad is a former helicopter pilot for the military... anyways, we picked up my uncle and two of his sons, and canoes down until we finally got to the sandbar in the dark. We set up our tents next to our friends who were already there, and then pulled up our canoes about 50 feet from the river, turn them over, and stake at least the lighter (yet more expensive) one down. Oh... the weather was predicting storms... but things actually seemed to be clearing up... we only got a few sprinkles, or so we though. . .
Anyways, as we got in our tents... late... it finally started to rain, and lighting and thunder started to clap... and it started hailing O_O... we thought we were going to die... Okay, not really... but we were hoping that the tent didn't bust and ice start falling on our heads. Oh, and my youngest cousin was sleeping in a little tents by himself, one that we had stuck a tarp over 😂... he was fine... anyways we all wen't to sleep... and woke up to some stronger rain in the middle of the night... or like 3:00 in the morning... and that rain brought some wind, and you could hear it get stronger, and stronger, and stronger, and eventually bring hail, and eventually push the side of the tent over on top of me so that I can feel the hail striking the side of the tent which should be standing up but wasn't and I could feel the hail pelting the side that was leaning on top of my sleeping bag I could literally feel it through my sleeping back and man that wind was strong and peoples stuff was breaking and blowing over and people were getting wet and eventually it calmed down... sorry about that Operator 😂... anyways, it kinda stops and my dad and I get out... we kinda walk around and shake the ice out of our shoes... and our hearts leap when one of our friends says, "the wind blew my canoe over a little bit!" My dad and I run out to the sand to look at out canoes... are heavier and cheaper one was turned over... and our more expensive one...? Gone. We looked up and down, trying to shine our lights across the river which was now covered in fog... but it was gone. I'm not trying to brag... but I would like to paint a picture of how serious this was for us 😂. That canoe was $4,000. We do a lot of river trips, and it pays off to have a nicer boat if you do a lot of trips, so my dad finally decided to get a We•no•nah... which is basically the bet you can get... and the only reason I say that is to try and put it in your mind how big of a deal this was for us 😂. Anyways, so some of our friends had brought a motor boat (that's how they roll on canoe trips ;-)), and so we decided to go looking for it at 3:00 in the morning. However... the battery compartment was flooded and we had to bail water out of the boat 😂. Eventually... we got out boat back... which had gotten stuck on a log further down river... brought it back, and went back to sleep in a damp and slightly broken tent... I could explain more... but have to go... SEE Y'ALL LATER!!!!!!!!!

Oh... the explanation is that a small tornado probably went by 😂

Welcome back, Greenie!

Nice to be back... for a while I didn't know if I was going to-- DID I MENTION MY BROTHER ALMOST DROWNED!!!!!!!!!!! O_O

Okay... so me and a friend cousin swam out into the middle of the river... and my 7 year old brother swam out... but realized he didn't have enough strength to make it back... so started to panic a little bit... and that wasn't good... I grabbed him and started to take him back to shore... but... both my cousin and I were already tired from keeping ourselves afloat, much less fight an awkward current and keep my brother above water... so, as any person who suddenly realized they are in a predicament does... I screamed out "HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELLLLLLLLLLLLPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"... okay, not that loud... but I did scream out for help... and most everybody else came running. I have a friend who has gone through ALERT, and is a certified Search and Recovery diver... and he was able to jump in and relieve me of my current situation. I was fine and could have made it back to shore without a problem, but when I have my brother in hand... it's a totally different story 😂. It was actually kinda funny because my friend hadn't wanted to swim, but I tell you he didn't care at all when he heard my pitiful cry for help 😂... okay... I'd like to think it wasn't pitiful... and I don't think it was either... but all the same... you have to add the word 'pitiful' into a paragraph every now and then right?

I love how Greenie can turn one comment, message, or post into a story 😆

Wow. 😱
Isn't camping fun? 😄

@Lax 😂 When serious I just say what I feel like is necessary to present my point... and when not serious I feel like saying what's not necessary to make my point 😆. Sometimes I'll mix both the necessary and unnecessary together! That's fun... but takes more time... 15 minutes is already a good amount of time to be writing a comment O_o...

@Snap 😂 Camping is AWESOME!!!!!!!!! Especially when you're in the middle of nowhere... the thing about river trips is, you can have no idea where you are... but you aren't lost. You just have to follow the river and you will eventually end up at your destination 😆.

New story... I walked out to put some gifts in the back of our van for my mom... our church is having a baby shower for like 3 families after the service tomorrow... and I saw two raccoons trying to get into our chicken house... one of them was bigger than our small dog... which I think is big for a raccoon :contemplating: that better have worked I also didn't know until now that there are 2 (c's) in the word raccoon... anyways I went and grabbed my gun... but... they were gone by the time I had come back. I don't really want to shoot raccoons (#2c's)... because I think they are kinda cool... but hey, my pet chicken and all her friends and fellow flock members are of more importance to me than a raccoon... or 2... or 3...


If I ever am a parent, and one of my children has a 'c' in their name... I'm going to spell it with 2 (c's)...


Me: Ccarter?

Ccarter: It's Carter dad!

Me: No, C.c.a.r.t.e.r, I named you.

@Greeny, Hence, why I don't camp. 😂

Talk about full on adventures!

I rendered an animation for an upcoming LEGO Ideas project 😉

41 participants
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Avatar de Greenflame24
Avatar de -Lax_Swag5-
Avatar de Guitarman2
Avatar de Fireblade28
Avatar de _Charles_
Avatar de Dragon_Rider06
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Avatar de KnightofElabor
Avatar de PyrokineticNinjaMaster
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Avatar de Wynter_Studios02
Avatar de Ian_themage
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Avatar de A7X
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