Sebachie Vs Negachie story forum
justyouraveragebuilder started this discussion in Community

okey day, this is where we discuss who's doing what and the sharing of every thing we make for the story and stoof.

443 replies · Page 9 of 23

Okay, maybe have me maybe save him as a civilian, or maybe have him save me. (Cause he’s a mandalorian, what else can I say.)

Maybe he tries to act like a mandalorian, when he really isn’t. 😆

By the way I always chuckle at this. This absolutely has to go into the series.

That'd be funny. 😂

i am confunddled, is babs in or no seb

Well, Negachie did kidnap him in part 1...

I probably think that DDG would be after the rescue.

I changed the ending personally I think this the best one yet

As the two pulled up to the house they were amazed as they stood in awe the house was TRASHED there was holes from the attic to the floor level it reeked of an indescribable foul smell. Glass was scattered everywhere on the driveway trash flew in the cold nights breeze.

Seb- I hope he is all right
Justy- expect the worst

As they walked up to the door it fell back hitting the glass covered floor with a loud bang as they creeped in they saw that the house was riddled with mice they were all over the place one even made himself at home in a box of reese’s puffs while another was eating through a Air Force 1 and had what looked like a dolls head stuck to his tail.

Justy- lets hurry you go and check in his room while I check his basement
Seb- got it

Seb creeped up the two flights of stairs and when he reached the top he observed that just about everything was flipped upside down or covered in a disgusting black fuzz “probably mold” he thought to himself. As he walked into the room the floors creaked and shifted then he noticed something on the bed. It was a leather journal the front said TIME IS RUNNING OUT as he flipped and scrolled through the pages he saw that one of the pages was marked MAY 7 2022 Sante fe the date seemed familiar. When he saw that no one was in the room he left and went back down the stairs.

Meanwhile Justy sprinted down the stairs as he heard a muffled groan when he reached the bottom of the stairs he saw a big room with a side closet, there was no furniture but a flipped table as soon as he saw that table he saw under it was a extremely pale man. “It’s him” he thought. As his heart raced he flip the table and grabbed the pale man, hoisted him on his back and raced up the flight of stairs. And out the door, Seb was already at the car. Justy opened the back door and threw the man in, after doing that he ran to the door of the car opened it and got in.

Seb- Oh my gosh you found him
Justy- yeah he was out cold under a table
Seb -hurry up and drive
Justy- ok ok

As he put the key in and stared the car it sputtered then stoped.

Seb- why just why?
Justy- hold on I may be able to started again

When Justy was attempting to start the car there was a loud knock on the window it was a police officer clothed in a normal uniform, as justy scrolled down the window the cop said

cop- hey sunshine

Then the cop pulled out a foot long gas can and sprayed the car feverishly. Justy and Seb tried to open the doors but they stayed shut. It was no use the two coughed and coughed before falling into a deep, deep slumber.

so what do you all think about my draft

I think it is good. Though the reason I've responded here is that my Free Use MBU Sig-Figs have been updated to include the new ones:
Fred the Porg
Meca Cold_Fire

Oi, justy, so for my version of the final battle, you have a shield AND a knife, rather than 2 knifes. I need to design the shield, how should it be. Colors, preferred logo?

when is chapter six coming out?

Whose draft is we using? I we is taking my route, Imma finish all the drafts before I makes the models. Bu if not, I have zero clue.

Also Robin, I was thinking, for DDG, he could be mentioned in this one. But maybe instead he gets his own story?

we should use your 6 draft and my 7 draft that's about it

Part 6: Coming soon
Part 7: Coming Soon
Part 8: Coming Soon
Part 9: Final Battle Part 1
Part10: Final Battle Part 2
Part 11: Aftermath
Part 12: Kirb's Ending
Part 13: Justy's Ending
Part 14: Robin's Ending
Part 15: Cold Fire's Ending
Part 16: Babs's, Mr. Worriz's & Crazy Cashew's Ending
Part 17: Sebachie's Ending

Here's the format I think we should use for the remaining parts. Robin don't worry, we'll still get the aftermath you want.

you can even right it too

Part 6:

You could say this day is one of the best days in history, for the Mecabricks, an elite team of heroes was first assembled at this time. You could also say it was the worst, for many reasons. Our heroes are suited up in what will soon become their icon attire. Decked in black in gray, their logo on their left arm. They put on their helmets as they exit a garage. Justy gives the orders.

Justy: Kirb, you take the Striker. Brits’ll go with you. You’ll be doing some reconacense. Help any citizen you see needs it. We've two trucks, they each fit four. Seb and I’ll take one. We’ll search for Babs. Robin, Cold Fire, you take the other and look for Worriz and Cashew. We’ll meet up at the local Saucey House and get some food while we wait for Negachie to show. If you see a bot, kill it. If you see Negachie let us know.

Kirb: What if that guy from earlier shows up, the one with the gun?

Seb: Zap ‘em too I guess. You got lightnin’ powers right, red guy?

Kird: Please never call me that again.

Justy: Ready…1… 2…3…

Everyone: BREAK!!!!

Everyone gets to their assigned positions, the battle has begun.

Kirb and Brits are cruising down a city main street. It’s strangely empty except for every now and then. The Striker’s speakers spitting out the sound of Kirb’s spotify playlist, classic rock. By coincidence, just as the song switches a big flash occurs. A van is heading their way, the driver is a Sebotchie. Kirb does a drift and turns around. Brits sticks his head out the window, his gun in his hand. “Kickstart my Heart” is playing at full blast. The bot fires something from out of the van’s headlights, which are revealed to be secret hatches. Kirb dodges, it was a purple beam of light just as before. 


Brits: Fires back at the van, which also doges I DON’T KNOW BUT THESE BOTS ARE BLOODY GOOD DRIVERS.

More vans show up, more purple beams get dodged. This process of getting shot at, dodging, then firing back, keeps going on for a good couple of minutes. The cars come to a stop. An army of big guys blocking the way. One picks up the Stricker, the puzzle-piece area of his chest is replaced with a screen. It’s Nagachie.

Part 7: (Surface’s Version)

As the two pulled up to the house they were amazed as they stood in awe the house was TRASHED there were holes from the attic to the floor level it reeked of an indescribable foul smell. Glass was scattered everywhere on the driveway, trash flew in the cold night's breeze.

Seb- I hope he is all right
Justy- expect the worst

As they walked up to the door it fell back hitting the glass covered floor with a loud bang as they creeped in they saw that the house was riddled with mice they were all over the place one even made himself at home in a box of reese’s puffs while another was eating through a Air Force 1 and had what looked like a dolls head stuck to his tail.

Justy- let's hurry you go and check in his room while I check his basement
Seb- got it

Seb creeped up the two flights of stairs and when he reached the top he observed that just about everything was flipped upside down or covered in a disgusting black fuzz “probably mold” he thought to himself. As he walked into the room the floors creaked and shifted then he noticed something on the bed. It was a leather journal the front said TIME IS RUNNING OUT as he flipped and scrolled through the pages he saw that one of the pages was marked MAY 7 2022 Sante fe the date seemed familiar. When he saw that no one was in the room he left and went back down the stairs.

Meanwhile Justy sprinted down the stairs as he heard a muffled groan when he reached the bottom of the stairs he saw a big room with a side closet, there was no furniture but a flipped table as soon as he saw that table he saw under it was an extremely pale man. “It’s him,” he thought. As his heart raced he flipped the table and grabbed the pale man, hoisted him on his back and raced up the flight of stairs. And out the door, Seb was already at the truck. Justy opened the back door and threw the Babs in, after doing that he ran to the door of the truck, opened it and got in.

Seb- Oh my gosh you found him
Justy- yeah he was out cold under a table
Seb -hurry up and drive
Justy- ok ok

As he put the key in and stared the truckit sputtered then stopped.

Seb- why just why?
Justy- hold on I may be able to started again

When Justy was attempting to start the car there was a loud knock on the window it was a police officer clothed in a normal uniform, as justy scrolled down the window the cop said:

cop- hey sunshine

Then the cop pulled out a foot long gas can and sprayed the truck feverishly. Justy and Seb tried to open the doors but they stayed shut. It was no use the two coughed and coughed before falling into a deep, deep slumber.

Part 8:

Cold Fire: C’mon where could they be?

Cold Fire and Robin continue their search for Worriz and Cashew. The truck is on fire due to hitting the wall. Cold Fire sends blue “Ice flames” from his hands to put the fire out.

Cold Fire: Who let you drive? Now we’ll never find them. I bet the others are already at Saucey House, waiting for us.

Robin: Hey, I told you to let me focus! I crashed because of you and your little blabbermouth.

Just then, they hear a noise from around a corner. Worriz and Cashew somehow managed to escape.

Worriz: Cold? Robin? What’re you two doing here?

Robin: We came to save you. We’re putting an end to Negachie.

Cashew: Yeah, we totally escaped, with the help of DDG. He sacrificed himself, he’s been taken to the cen- OH MY… WHAT IS THAT THING?

Part 9:

All hope seems lost, our heroes are held in captivity. There's no sign of escape.

Kirb: Eyes glowing red, he tries to use his lightning to break free, it’s no use Guys, I just want to say, if we die tonight, it goob being able to work with you. At least we tried our best. That’s all that matters.

Seb: Justy, there’s…. I need to tell you something. Y’know that time whenever you lost your -

He’s interrupted by a bang. Fred the porg is standing atop a building. He squeezes one of his wings tight, destroying the big bot with the screen. Everything shuts down and the heroes break free. They run.

By the time they reach the Saucey House, the bots are up in running again, chasing after them. All but the one with the screen.

Justy: What were you saying Seb?

Sebachie: Nothing. I- it’s not important.

Brits: What was that? Does Fred have the force?

Robin: From my understanding, the big guy with the screen must’ve had a power supply installed somewhere, a radiation maker. When it was destroyed, everything crashed. They must be running on a backup source. As for Fred, I have no Idea.

Cold Fire: GUYS, THE BOTS ARE COMING!!! He begins sprayings frozen flames from his hands

Kirb: I got this.

Kirb’s eyes are brighter than they have ever been. Red lightning shooting from his hands. Two bots are hit and explode on impact. He jumps and slams a big guy in the hollow chest with his electrically charged metal arm. The mech falls, surrounded by a surge of energy, crushing many Scotchies. Meanwhile, Cold Fire is doing the same with his powers. Blue flames cower many of the machines, which explode due to extreme cold exposure. The two young men are on a rampage.

The others stare, that is, until another squadron attacks from behind. Brits and Robin are thrown into the Saucey House through a window. Brits fires both of his guns at the bots, blasting them to pieces. Robin takes his wrench, which splits into a dozen tools, and turns the restaurant's kitchen tools into a flaming sword with heat control. A sebotchie crawls into the building, he swings the fiery blade, melting the metal instantly. Outside, Justy is stabbing the bot, throwing his knife and shield, they come back like boomerangs. Sebachie hits a bot with his bat, which at first does nothing. He hits again, the mech shatters. After a while, all the bots are dead. They think they won. Before they have a chance to celebrate, something arrives, something big. Now the real battle begins.

Part 10:

A giant, black and gold mech stands before the six soldiers. A hatch opens to reveal a speaker. It’s Negachie.

Negachie: So…. Did you really think you could hide from me?

Babs, DDG, Cashew, and Worriz stare in awe as the Mecabricks work together to fight the Negachie Supreme mech. Kirb and Cold Fire send extreme doses of their elemental powers at the metal beast. Justy scrapes at the metal with his knife, and throws his shield. He throws them at Negachie, they bounce back and fold as he catches them one at a time. Brits fires his guns rapidly. Just as Sebachie tries to attack, the mech picks him up and chucks him into the distance.

Justy, Cold Fire and Kirb: NO!!


Kirb: Not if I have something to say about it. INKEMBA!!!!

A green sword appears in Kirb’s right hand. He tightens his robotic fist his eyes brighter than ever. He points Inkemba’s blade at the mech. A red blast of energy is fired from the sword. Its consistency is the same as a giant laser beam. The mech moves one of its arms, changing its form to a blaster of some sort. He fires a purple beam back at Kirb. The charge given off by both is extreme. Kirb’s suit starts to crack, revealing his iconic hoodie. His helmet flies off his face and shatters to pieces. His powers save him from the Radiation. Not before long Kirb is tired, but he manages to weaken the mech.

Negachie: Geeze, what did I do to you to deserve THAT?

Kirb: You know what you did!

Suddenly, a beat up big guy mech comes from nowhere, Sebachie can be seen piloting from the cracked skull of the machine. A massive baseball bat with spikes is in one hand. He master-built it. Sneakily, he hits the Negachie Supreme mech in the arm, breaking off the laser cannon. Negachie punches back. It’s a Mech fight! They keep at this for a while, then Seb takes his bat swings at Negachie’s legs, tearing off the robotic limbs. The mech falls to the ground, Its pilot gets out and tries to run away. Cold Fire uses his flames to freeze him in place.

Negachie: You can’t win this, I’m antimatter. Don’t you get it?

Sebachie: Now out of the mech Yeah, we get it.punches Negachie in the face

Upon impact, Negachies skin cracks, revealing a glowing blue figure that is his true form. Seb winds up to punch again. This time, Negachie presses a button and a yellow light consumes him and Seb instantly.

parts 6-10, how are they? Next is the aftermath, if Robin, you want to right it?

they're pretty good 8-9 could be more detailed also don't forget to credit me for chapter 7

9 participants
Avatar of justyouraveragebuilder
Avatar of LeKirbsterWrinkles
Avatar of FieryRobin
Avatar of JCFRK_yodels_in_the_alps
Avatar of Sebachie
Avatar of Cold_Fire

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