MecaFig Add-on for Blender
Helo started this discussion in Model Export and Render


This thread is intended to provide support for the MecaFig add-on.

On this thread, I will post all the news about the add-on: updates, development of features, major changes, bug fixes... And you can also use it to ask your questions, report any bugs, suggest ideas...


204 replies · Page 6 of 11

Thank you, Helo!

Is this the one you mean:

It doesn't seem to work in my case, is it because it's linked?

Hi, Helo!
I've got a follow up question. So, I've got his hair anchored to that anchor:

What's the best way to animate a head spin so that he can turn to show his second face?

Thanks again!

Hi feureau,

Yeah, these one. It should normally work, even if it is linked.

There is a special bone for this. Toggle on the "Specials" button in the "Armature" panel of the main "MecaFig" menu. You should now see a new bone on the head of your MecaFig named "SP_Head_Roll". Use this bone to spin the head.

Thank you @Helo!

The special bone works perfectly!

However, I still can't hide the body parts when the minifig is linked and proxied, and the parts doesn't show up under geometry when I toggle to open the dropdown:

Any ideas on how to get this to show up?

Thanks again.

Hi, Helo

Another follow up question if you please.

How do I lift up some meshes to slip in things like the batman utility belt:

In the original lego the utility belt sits between the torso and hip:

Thanks again!

Hi feureau,

In the same way you enabled the "Specials" bones, enable the "Root" bones which allow you to move independently each part of the MecaFig.

About the bones visibility and the "Geometry" panel, it's quite strange. Did you get some error messages in Blender or in the Console (if you use the Console) ?

Hi, Helo!

Thanks for the root trick! That works very wel! 😄

on the geometry thing for the linked collection, I got these errors:

Also I found out while trying to add accessories that if I:

  1. import the minifig using mecabricks advanced import

  2. import the same minifig using mecafig import

The imported mecafig turned out like this:

Thanks again, Helo!

Hi feureau,

Sorry for this lateness answer. My past week has been quite complicated.

For the Geometry panel, first try to simply add a new MecaFig in your scene and delete it just after. It should add the missing custom properties. If it does not work, an other solution consists of injecting some code directly with the Python Console. Let me know if my first solution works.

For the other problem, that's the first time I see this... It looks like MecaFig parts have been replaced by Meacbricks parts. Maybe a conflict with the names of the Data-blocks. Can you remake this bug ? And if yes, how ?


Hi, Helo! Thank you for the reply. Don't worry and please take your time.

I'll try the geometry thing. Thank you!

As for the other problem, it's consistently reproducible:

To reproduce:

I'm using blender 2.90.1

  1. simply get a minifig. For this example, I used this one: but I've reproduced this other minifigs too.

  2. import using mecabricks advanced:

  3. import same minifig using mecafig:

and it needs to be in this order. If I import using mecafig first, then mecabricks after, all would be fine.

Thanks again!

Hi feureau,

As I thought, the problem comes from the names of the Data-blocks. I used the same names for the Data-blocks of MecaFig than ones used in the Mecabricks addons. It creates a conflict.

The only solution I can give you is to create your MecaFigs in a separate blend file and then append or link them in your main blend file.

I already modified the names. This will be fixed in the next version.


Awesome! Thank you, Helo!

Do you have a tutorial video to show how this actually works?

Any idea why when I import my figures I lose the hair and face?

Hi Savercok,

These are not really tutorials but overviews. You can find them at tihs link,😛LZVEBAeoJ05ULF0F_g3HubXGz022YYxZW

Accessories are not yet supported by the Importer. However, you can import them with the Mecabricks addon and link them to your MecaFig. Here is a little tutorial:

*The button "Anchors" allows you to show/hide some specific bones (which look like "empties") on which you can parent your accessories:

For parent your accessories, you need to first, in Object Mode, select your accessory then select the Armature of your MecaFig. Then, go in Pose Mode (by hitting "Ctrl + Tab" or by clicking on "Enter Pose Mode" in the MecaFig panel), and select the Anchor bone on which you want to parent your accessory (if you want, by example, parent on the Head, select the bone "ANC_Head") and, finally, hit "Ctrl + P > Bone". You accessory should now be parented to the MecaFig.

If you need to quickly move an accessory to an Anchor, you can use the Snap Tool of Blender:

For this, select the armature of your MecaFig and go in Pose Mode. Select the Anchor where you want to place your accessory and hit "Ctrl + S > Cursor to Selected". Then, go back in Object Mode, select your accessory and hit "Ctrl + S > Selection to Cursor". Your accessory should now be placed on the Anchor. You'll probably need to rotate your accessory sometimes to orientate it in the right direction.*

About the face, do you mean the texture of the head is missing ? If this is a Custom Decoration, you need to manually add it in the Shader of the Head.

i think they mean mecaface!

Hi, Helo! Some quick questions please.

Is there a knee/elbow aim controller?

Like this:

A control node that you can use to make the knee/elbow point to that direction.

Also, in the overview vids, there's this controller where you can snap things:

It doesn't seem to show up when I set it in that configuration, how do I get to this controller?

Also, is there a bevel amount setting too?

Thanks again! 😄 Awesome add-on!

Hi feureau,

Not yet. I already tried to implement this but it creates some conflicts with the IK/FK. Still looking for a good solution.

Yeah, it was a feature in development. I decided to disable it for the same reason above.

Nope. I tested some features to control the geometry of the parts in the early development of the addon but it led to some artefacts and problems when I was using the rig in Soft Mode. That's why I decided to make a unique High-Poly mesh for each part. Maybe one day, with the improvments of the tools in Blender, I'll can implement these features.


I see, Helo! Thank you!
Looking forward for the next update! (and please consider support for Lego Friends type minidolls) 😄

Hi, Helo

Before the update comes out, how can I attach parts to the legs like attaching to the hand? There aren't any anchors on the leg like there are on the hands at the moment.

I'm using FK_Leg.L/R on this one but obviously that only works on FK mode.

this is the Ultron Mk1

Also, the transparency shader doesn't seem to work with this model, the model imports as white head. I had to replace with one imported via mecabricks advanced.

Btw, is there a pivot controller on the foot? A lot of the turning animation with minifigs involve turning on one leg (with another leg extended outward) and I was wondering if there's a pivot there that I can use to rotate the whole body quickly.

Thanks again!

Hi feureau,

Yeah, I already thought to add more anchors on the Fig (and esprcially for the legs) for the next update.

I recommand you to use the bones with the prefix "DEF_". In your case, "DEF_Foot.L/R" would perfecty work in FK or IK mode and even in Soft mode if you use it.

If the maps on the head of your model are under the old "Decoration / Metalness" system instead of the new "Color / Data" system, yeah, some problems happen sometimes with the masking system of the Shader.

Yes, there is a pivot controller for each. You can enable them with the "Specials" button in the Armature panel of the MecaFig menu.

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