LDD & LDraw Conversion Data
Sim started this discussion in Official LEGO® Sets and Parts

If your model imported with the LDD/LDRAW importer is having some bricks misplaced, it means that some of the -what we call- conversion data is still not completed for the misplaced bricks. You can report here (although it will be much at this time) if bricks are misplaced. Sometimes, bricks won't appear in Mecabricks as they don't exist yet.

132 replies · Page 1 of 7
Avatar of Scrubs

Thank you for keeping this section up to date.
60803 and 57895 are both the same part. I think the only differences are the corner pin size. 60803 seems to be the most commonly used in set nowadays so it is good that you kept this one.

50986 - Cockpit 10X4👨 Is way off in position and rotation.
99780 - Angular Plate 1.5 Bot. 1X2 1/2 Generates a half stud to the side.
4589 - isn't in mecabricks, should be replaced with 59900 in imports. 6188 should also be assigned to 59900.
30565 - Plate 4X4, 1/4 Circle Is way off in positioning.
4150 - Flat Tile 2X2 Round Generates a half stud off.
30162 - Prismatic Binoculars End up inside the piece they're supposed to attach to.
30173 - Ninja Sword Ends up snapped higher than it should be.
93273 - Plate W. Bow 1X4X2/3 Positioning is off by 1.5 studs.
88930 - Plate W. Bow 2X4X2/3 Positioning is way off.

These all come from this model of mine: http://www.mecabricks.com/en/models/e8xaDrOgjB7
Original import state is on the right, fixed on the left.

I'm going to try to fix most of them right now. Check soon again, as there are just weird things going on right now with the LDD importer.
I will edit this post to add remarks.

50986 - Cockpit 10X4👨 Is way off in position and rotation.

  • Added conversion data.
    99780 - Angular Plate 1.5 Bot. 1X2 1/2 Generates a half stud to the side.
  • I've done the basic test again (placing brick on 0, 0, 0 and checking the offsets), but haven't found a difference.
    4589 - isn't in mecabricks, should be replaced with 59900 in imports. 6188 should also be assigned to 59900.
  • We can just associate one piece of LDD with one piece of Mecabricks. Problem added to index.
    **30565 - Plate 4X4, 1/4 Circle Is way off in positioning. **
  • Added conversion data.
    4150 - Flat Tile 2X2 Round Generates a half stud off.
  • Good catch, I've already set this part a few days ago as the part is in the icecream stand as well and didn't notice the fault then. Fixed! Thanks!
    30162 - Prismatic Binoculars End up inside the piece they're supposed to attach to.
  • Added conversion data. (the Y-axis offset is a weird one, please check closely if OK)
    30173 - Ninja Sword Ends up snapped higher than it should be.
  • Added conversion data. (same as binoculars, a weird Y-axis offset)
    93273 - Plate W. Bow 1X4X2/3 Positioning is off by 1.5 studs.
    88930 - Plate W. Bow 2X4X2/3 Positioning is way off.
    -Added both conversion data's.
Avatar of Scrubs

Ok, I'll try to think about a solution to assign multiple LDD IDs to the one part. It looks like it should be a good improvement to the importer.

'4589 - isn't in mecabricks, should be replaced with 59900 in imports. 6188 should also be assigned to 59900.

  • We can just associate one piece of LDD with one piece of Mecabricks. Problem added to index. '

This problem has been fixed, thanks to an improvement to the LDD importer. 😉

3788 - Mudguard 2X4 - Positioning is off by +1.5 studs in X [DONE]
3838 - Mini Oxygen Bottles - Rotation in Y by -180° [DONE]
3829 - Steering Wheel Stand - Rotation in Y by -180° and positioning is off by +0.5 studs in X [DONE]
3679 - Turn Table 2X2, Upper Part - Positioning is off by +0.5 studs in X and +0.5 studs in Z and and +1/3 in Y [DONE]
3680 - Turn Table 2X2, Lower Part - Positioning is off by +0.5 studs in X and +0.5 studs in Z [DONE]
3479 - Rudder 2X2 - Rotation in Y by -90° [DONE]
3963 - Steering Nozzle - Rotation in Y by +90° [DONE]
3823 - Windscreen 2X4X2 - Positioning is off by -1.5 studs in X [DONE]
3821 - Door 1👨 Right - Rotation in Y by +90° [DONE]
3822 - Door 1👨 Left - Rotation in Y by +90° [DONE]
3861 - Door 1 x 4 x 5 with 4 Panes - Rotation in Y by -180° [DONE]
60608 - Window 1/2 For Frame 1X4👨 - Positioning is off by -1.5 studs in Y [DONE]
4006 - Screwdriver / Spanner - Positioning is off by -1.5 studs in Y [DONE]
3624 - Mini Cap - Rotation in Y by -90° [DONE]
3962 - Walkie-Talkie - Rotation in Y by +90° [DONE]
4079 - Seat 2X2X2 - Positioning is off by +0.5 studs in X and +0.5 studs in Z [DONE]
4084 - Tyre High Narrow Ø20X8 - Rotation in Y by 90° [DONE]
4214 - Car Roof Holder 1X4X2 - Positioning is off by +1.5 studs in X and Rotation in Y by 180° [NEEDS FI😆
3900 - Sign - Stop - Positioning is off by 2 studs in Y [DONE]

All parts in the list above have been added except ...

3861 - Door 1 x 4 x 5 with 4 Panes - Rotation in Y by -180°

  • Associated part with 3861 is Door 4x5 in LDD and I couldn't find the brick based on name.

Double check the parts and check the 'snapping' by 60608, 3624, 3962 and 3900 closely.

Hogi, the calculations you've did are quite right. If you're interested in joining and helping here and there by adding the conversion data, consider to ask Scrubs. The conversion data positioning for x, z is working with 4,8,12,... (0.5 studs = 4), for the y is this 3.2, 6.4, ... and that's the only remark I had to mention. 😃

I've checked my model imports again and everything except part 4214 is fine now. Thanks Sim.
4214 - Car Roof Holder 1X4X2 - Rotation in Y by 180° is still missing

New missing conversion data for parts:

4211 - Chassis 4X5 - Rotation in Y by -90° and -20 in Z and -12 in X
4176 - Windscreen 2X6X2 Transparency - -20 in X and +4 in Z
3007 - Brick 2X8 - No conversion
4212 - Chassis 4X10 - Rotation in Y by -90°, +12 in X, 3.2 in Y and +36 in Z
3403 - Turn Table, Lower Part - -12 in X, -12 IN Z
3404 - Turn Table, Upper Part - -12 in X and -4 in Z
4207 - Ladder - Rotation in Y by -90° and +48 in Z
4208 - Hose Drum - -9.6 in Y and +12 in Z
4209 - Drum Holder 2X4X2 - -4 in X and -12 in Z
3939 - Windscreen 3X6/25° - -8 in X and +20 in Z

Thats enough for today 😃

Should be done except...
3403 - Turn Table, Lower Part - -12 in X, -12 IN Z
3404 - Turn Table, Upper Part - -12 in X and -4 in Z
^^ I couldn't find the ID in LDD. I will search for it tomorrow.

(Sometimes, you're switching the values of x and z. This happens when a rotation of 90 is applied on Y. To determine the translations and rotations, I place the bricks in LDD on position 0, 0, 0, then I import them into mecabricks. Apply rotations first, then taking the arrows to the right place and see what axis is incrementing or decrementing. )

Hello all,

the LDD conversion data update is completed, so for the most part LDD model imports should appear in the Mecabricks Workshop without many issues. Nevertheless you might still see errors with a few individual parts here and there, what will require a review of these parts in their context. Hence please report any errors here in this thread rather than just fixing your model - even if you find only small issues that are easy to resolve (please include the set number and name, if possible). Please pay attention especially to parts, which are actually available in the LDD and Mecabricks libraries, but nevertheless don't appear in the Workshop. But consider, that there are parts, which are available in LDD but not (yet) in Mecabricks and that you won't get notified about those when you import LDD models.

Thank you very much for your help!


Avatar of Scrubs

Thank you guys for all the work you did. It works pretty well. I tried again with the first file I used when developing the function - Shinkai 6500 submarine - and everything appears beautifully!

Just an addition to wlange post. You can actually see in the browser console the result of the import - Number of pieces imported, number of pieces ignored because they don't exist in mecabricks with their design ID between brackets.


Yeah, good old console - btw also quite helpful in Blender, when it again throws back weird errors... 😮

Wow, that went fast suddenly. 😛

Just imported a model, and I only had one error!
30350 Plate 2👨 w. Holder is slightly off on it's Y axis (I think)

#30350 should be ok now.

Hello everyone !
My little contribution :
3811 - plate 32 x 32 - -1,6 in Y

missing parts (just for information for the missing parts inde😆 :
87601 : Gate 4X10 W. Knobs Color 192 - Reddish brown [url]http://brickset.com/parts/4561911[/url]
48288 : Flat Tile 8X16 Color 199 - Dark stone grey [url]http://brickset.com/parts/4287474[/url]
4863 : Wall Element 1X4X2 W. Windows Color 1 - White [url]http://brickset.com/parts/486301[/url]

My MOC is not finish yet and it miss a lot of parts, nothing wrong, just a lake of time for this 😉

the model is available there : [url]http://www.mecabricks.com/en/models/P7l2B6pp20N[/url]

Of course, I can send you the LDD file to compare but how do you want me to send it to you ? Is a link to Dropbox is ok ? Or as an attachment to an email ? Tell me.



48288 (Flat Tile 8X16) is actually in the library, as is #3811. Is something wrong with these? Note, that decorated parts are not supported by the LDD importer. All others can have any colour available in Mecabricks.

Part 4863 can be replaced with 2 x 60032. 😉

The gate 87601 is indeed not available in Mecabricks. Part requests should go here: http://www.mecabricks.com/en/forum/topic/50

Perhaps you finish your MOC first, then report further errors.


Thanks for your answer.
You're right, I should have looking for the Flat Tile 8X16 in the library before telling is a missing part. In the library, the ID for this part is #90498. It looks like it's the same part but #48288 is reference for the year 2004 to 2006 and 90498 is for 2007, 2009, 2010 and 2012 (source from brickset). Is the LDD importer can make the correspondence between both ID ? In fact, I don't really understand why TLG gave 2 different ID for the same shape ? Maybe the mould is different... anyway, that's not the subject 😉

For the #3811, I just wanna tell you that the Y position should have been lower of 1.6 units (I think).

Thanks again.

Part #48288/90498 should import correctly now (i.e. the LDD importer will find the part under both IDs). #3811 should be fixed as well. Thanks for your feedback.

@Oby1, no need anymore to post LDD files. 😃 Most of the parts are OK-ish now on conversion data. Earlier, LDD files were easier to investigate as a lot of bricks still didn't had any conversion data.

23 participants
Avatar of Sim
Avatar of wlange
Avatar of Stephan3321
Avatar of Scrubs
Avatar of Kamteey
Avatar of UmbraManis
Avatar of Runescope
Avatar of Sealund
Avatar of OBrick_Wan
Avatar of Masman8675
Avatar of Davdup
Avatar of Hogi
Avatar of NismoTyler
Avatar of 7BS
Avatar of Sunder_59
Avatar of AntasmaTheBatKing777
Avatar of LegosRAwesome

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