Discussion dedicated for testing... Oh wait- this entire site is dedicated to testing MB2.0.. whatever, still gonna post this xD
The_An0nym a commencé cette discussion dans General Discussion

Character limit for Discussion title is 1 to 128 btw. 😄

& yes, I know you can preview your posts. But this is still here to post new finds (if ya find any 😆)


Big Header

Smaller Header

Even smaller Header

Smallest Header

Any smaller (like this) and it's the same size as normal text, just with extra space top and bottom
One more and it turns gray

This is bold text, not a header (for comparison)


Code container

Or there is also this thing called a footnote2

Also, for Quotes you can just write until the end of the line so that it breaks to the next line, however another possibility is to just use the next line and put another >, and the back line will connect.
Like this

But put an empty line in between...

And I also figured out that if you don't want to write the * the entire time between ` s then you can just use the escape character like so:
Without anything
*Code (with \ )*`
*With escape character*

(Note: Footnotes get ordered correctly automatically and you cannot write anything in normal text below the footnote)

Bug found: Cannot escape ` ?


  1. Headers

  2. Footnote 😄

13 réponses · Page 1 sur 1

Yo noice tests 😆

Just found a new one:
xD (XD doesn't work)
😆 (XD)

Some emoji shortcuts I found:
<3❤️ 8)😎 B)😎 :3👨 :p😛 xP😝 ;)😉 ;D😉 :O😮 :*😗 O:)😇
:'(😢 :(😦 :/😕 :|😐 :)😃 :]😃 :")😊 :D😄 xD😆 :')😂
>:(😠 :@😡

Also, all (except the custom) emojis within :s, (e.g. :joy: 😂) work from GitHub:

How did only now know about Mecabricks 2: Electric Boogaloo?? Can't wait for this to be even more built out! 😃


I think it sent twice... 😅


Edit: You can edit! (we're making Mecabricks history!)

This is pretty darn cool.
So much easier than

I can subscribe to different posts!?!

excited squealing

Definitely easier than bbc & yeah, sadly you can't simply do *action here* anymore as it simply becomes bold... There is a work around though with the escape character \ e.g. *le gasp* 😉

Hmmm, let me try:

*le action*

Ah! So it's \*[word]*


Not anytime soon. Probably still a year or two away.

Yeah, I agree with Anonym

6 participants
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