Sebachie Vs Negachie story forum
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okey day, this is where we discuss who's doing what and the sharing of every thing we make for the story and stoof.

443 réponses · Page 7 sur 23

Cold_Fire does in fact appear in the model. Look again, you’ll see him near the table. 😉

By the way, on the androids. I have mentioned this before but I had V2 Robin-Bots in the works. So I’ve been thinking about these androids so per say having an attack/battle mode, due to them not actually having any means of attacking and stuff like that. So when activated so per say a battle, the attack mode will be activated so a jetpack and plasma guns in the same backpack and rocket boots on the sides of the legs come out of the body and legs, plus blades on the bottoms of the arms come out of the arms as well. Does anybody like the idea though? 😃

That's sounds interesting.

And DDG is DuckDuckGuz btw.

a damsel in distress is an archetype, it's not always a damsel and love interest

Shush. I want to be awkward. 😂

Yay, who loves being Squawkward!

Ah. . . That makes sense, I guess. But hey, we get a hooded mandalorian along with a porg as a seperate character. 😃

Part 6:

You could say this day is one of the best days in history, for the Mecabricks, an elite team of heroes was first assembled at this time. You could also say it was the worst, for many reasons. Our heroes are suited up in what will soon become their icon attire. Decked in black in gray, their logo on their left arm. They put on their helmets as they exit a garage. Justy gives the orders.

Justy: Kirb, you take the Striker. Brits’ll go with you. You’ll be doing some reconacense. Help any citizen you see needs it. We've two trucks, they each fit four. Seb and I’ll take one. We’ll search for Babs. Robin, Cold Fire, you take the other and look for Worriz and Cashew. We’ll meet up at the local Saucey House and get some food while we wait for Negachie to show. If you see a bot, kill it. If you see Negachie let us know.

Kirb: What if that guy from earlier shows up, the one with the gun?

Seb: Zap ‘em too I guess. You got lightnin’ powers right, red guy?

Kird: Please never call me that again.

Justy: Ready…1… 2…3…

Everyone: BREAK!!!!

Everyone gets to their assigned positions, the battle has begun.

Kirb and Brits are cruising down a city main street. It’s strangely empty except for every now and then. The Striker’s speakers spitting out the sound of Kirb’s spotify playlist, classic rock. By coincidence, just as the song switches a big flash occurs. A van is heading their way, the driver is a Sebotchie. Kirb does a drift and turns around. Brits sticks his head out the window, his gun in his hand. “Kickstart my Heart” is playing at full blast. The bot fires something from out of the van’s headlights, which are revealed to be secret hatches. Kirb dodges, it was a purple beam of light just as before. 


Brits: Fires back at the van, which also doges I DON’T KNOW BUT THESE BOTS ARE BLOODY GOOD DRIVERS.

More vans show up, more purple beams get dodged. This process of getting shot at, dodging, then firing back, keeps going on for a good couple of minutes. The cars come to a stop. An army of big guys blocking the way. One picks up the Stricker, the puzzle-piece area of his chest is replaced with a screen. It’s Nagachie.

I think the battle will need more than just two parts, so it can be more detailed

actualy come to think of it, this is more like the rising action, still following the same format tho

Part 7:

Sebachie and Justy arrive at the house of Babs, a missing member of the Master Builder’s Club. It’s an adobe-modern style house in the middle of Santa Fe, NM, one of the places attacked by Negachie. Sebachie is the one to go in and search for him. Justy stay on guard. Seb enters the house. He’s armed with a mechanically modified baseball bat. He looks around the hence abandoned place with no results. He finds a diary, with an anticlimactic ending at it saying May 9th, 2022. This was the day Santa Fe was attacked. He then goes down to the basement and finds the missing member tied up in a chair, exclaiming "Help Me!" Seb, being who he is, then decides to rescue him.

Sebachie: Babs, are you okay?

Bricks N Bones: Could’ve been worse. He did crack my skull a bit though.

Sebachie: We need to get you outta here, fast!

Sebachie and Babs exit the house. Babs can breathe the radiation due to his living-dead state of life. To their surprise, the truck is in pieces. As for Justy, a Sebotchie is holding him down, he tries to stab it, slice it, do some sort of damage. The bot knocks the knives out of his hands. Two other Sebotchies grab Seb and Babs, they’re surrounded. A big guy picks up the bots, who are still holding their victims. They’re headed for the center of town.

I basically edited robin entry, made it better. Also, why does "The House of Babs" sound like its own story.

Um. . . Kirb. You know, DuckDuckGuz has filled that position by the way. Or maybe they both live in the same house? I don't know. But DuckDuckGuz has filled that spot and there is no going back sadly. Also, when did Bricks and Bones join in to the picture. 😕 And also, why did we go from a battle to a rescue mission. I would rather have a rescue which turns out to be a trap, end up failing and then the rest of the group have to rescue him and the missing member and then, maybe start the first battle afterwards. I mean, I'd understand if this was an anthology series, but the series so far appears to be going in chronological order. Okay, yeah, those were my harsh criticisms I guess. Take it with a grain of salt. (Though honestly I'd love to be the version of Iron Man. And having my own superhero suit afterwards. 😆)

Now I'm gonna go to sleep though. 😏💤

Well nevermind about sleep. Now here is my upgraded version of my entry. With some ideas from Kirb's version.

After initiation, the Mecabricks Squad try to look for a missing Master Builder Club member named DuckDuckGuz or "DuckGuz". Sebachie is chosen as the one to search for him. He puts on his radioactive suit, uses a random modified baseball bat from Justy, and then after a long ride. Arrives at his house, an adobe-modern style house in the suburbs of Santa Fe, NM, one of the places attacked by Negachie. He looks around the hence abandoned place with no results. He finds his diary, with an anticlimatic ending at it saying May 9th, 2021, this was mysteriously the day Santa Fe was reportedly attacked, with barely any notes scribbled describing what happened that day, though everything written down seemed pretty normal. He then goes down to the basement and finds the missing member tied up in a chair, exclaiming "Help Me!" to him in agony. Curious, he then decides to rescue him and low and behold. Negachie walks in from behind a shelf. He says that there are two options; have him give him his radioactive suit and he and DuckGuz run free, or sacrifice DuckGuz and instead Seb runs free with the suit. After a long pause, Seb chooses neither. But he soon paid the consequences for it. Negachie then zaps him, causing Seb to pass out. And hence Seb is captured leaving the rest of the Mecabricks Squad to rescue Seb and the missing member after they realize that Seb has gone missing in the next part.

So here are some ideas that happen in the next part:

  • DuckGuz' house becomes a alcatraz prison of sorts with more people imprisoned due to rebellions or just plain surviving. Though the jailmates do include of course DuckGuz and Seb.

  • The mecabricks' squads base is soon attacked by Negachie's Legion of robots, leaving the remaining squad to encounter their first battle.

  • Bricks and Bones could appear in the episode as a prisoner and as a character to be rescued? 😕

Robin, I like your edit, but you gotta keep in mind that babs was in the first model in this series. Also, we have 6 members and four missing. The car chase scene is happening at the same time as the rescue mission as a way to fill in a gap. The idea is that everyone gets captured then the real battle begins. Also, i'm not done quite yet so you may be confused a bit. It'll be good when I'm done, trust me.

I am LOVING this collaboration.
but I'm NOT loving the storys.
BEFORE YOU GET UPSET, understand that this is just a collaborative light-hearted Sebachie story, with big mechs and battles for the epic factor, but overall, the story isn't really the most important part. I feel like what we need is a cartoony-style fun thing. not saying there shouldn't be a story, a story furthers the plot, but a gritty storyline literally based around LEGO teenagers with quite a bit of cursing isn't really something that I had intended when I made the model telling people to make some mechs and stuff.

Well then, I can censor mine a bit.

Part 6:

You could say this day is one of the best days in history, for the Mecabricks, an elite team of heroes was first assembled at this time. You could also say it was the worst, for many reasons. Our heroes are suited up in what will soon become their icon attire. Decked in black in gray, their logo on their left arm. They put on their helmets as they exit a garage. Justy gives the orders.

Justy: Kirb, you take the Striker. Brits’ll go with you. You’ll be doing some reconacense. Help any citizen you see needs it. We've two trucks, they each fit four. Seb and I’ll take one. We’ll search for Babs. Robin, Cold Fire, you take the other and look for Worriz and Cashew. We’ll meet up at the local Saucey House and get some food while we wait for Negachie to show. If you see a bot, kill it. If you see Negachie let us know.

Kirb: What if that guy from earlier shows up, the one with the gun?

Seb: Zap ‘em too I guess. You got lightnin’ powers right, red guy?

Kird: Please never call me that again.

Justy: Ready…1… 2…3…

Everyone: BREAK!!!!

Everyone gets to their assigned positions, the battle has begun.

Kirb and Brits are cruising down a city main street. It’s strangely empty except for every now and then. The Striker’s speakers spitting out the sound of Kirb’s spotify playlist, classic rock. By coincidence, just as the song switches a big flash occurs. A van is heading their way, the driver is a Sebotchie. Kirb does a drift and turns around. Brits sticks his head out the window, his gun in his hand. “Kickstart my Heart” is playing at full blast. The bot fires something from out of the van’s headlights, which are revealed to be secret hatches. Kirb dodges, it was a purple beam of light just as before. 


Brits: Fires back at the van, which also doges I DON’T KNOW BUT THESE BOTS ARE BLOODY GOOD DRIVERS.

More vans show up, more purple beams get dodged. This process of getting shot at, dodging, then firing back, keeps going on for a good couple of minutes. The cars come to a stop. An army of big guys blocking the way. One picks up the Stricker, the puzzle-piece area of his chest is replaced with a screen. It’s Nagachie.

Part 7:

Sebachie and Justy arrive at the house of Babs, a missing member of the Master Builder’s Club. It’s an adobe-modern style house in the middle of Santa Fe, NM, one of the places attacked by Negachie. Sebachie is the one to go in and search for him. Justy stay on guard. Seb enters the house. He’s armed with a mechanically modified baseball bat. He looks around the hence abandoned place with no results. He finds a diary, with an anticlimactic ending at it saying May 9th, 2022. This was the day Santa Fe was attacked. He then goes down to the basement and finds the missing member tied up in a chair, exclaiming "Help Me!" Seb, being who he is, then decides to rescue him.

Sebachie: Babs, are you okay?

Bricks N Bones: Could’ve been worse. He did crack my skull a bit though.

Sebachie: We need to get you outta here, fast!

Sebachie and Babs exit the house. Babs can breathe the radiation due to his living-dead state of life. To their surprise, the truck is in pieces. As for Justy, a Sebotchie is holding him down, he tries to stab it, slice it, do some sort of damage. The bot knocks the knives out of his hands. Two other Sebotchies grab Seb and Babs, they’re surrounded. A big guy picks up the bots, who are still holding their victims. They’re headed for the center of town.

Part 8:

Cold Fire: C’mon where could they be?

Cold Fire and Robin continue their search for Worriz and Cashew. The truck is on fire due to hitting the wall. Cold Fire sends blue “Ice flames” from his hands to put the fire out.

Cold Fire: Who let you drive? Now we’ll never find them. I bet the others are already at Saucey House, waiting for us.

Robin: Hey, I told you to let me focus! I crashed because of you and your little blabbermouth.

Just then, they hear a noise from around a corner. Worriz and Cashew somehow managed to escape.

Worriz: Cold? Robin? What’re you two doing here?

Robin: We came to save you. We’re putting an end to Negachie.

Cashew: Yeah, we totally escaped, with the help of DDG. He sacrificed himself, he’s been taken to the cen- OH MY… WHAT IS THAT THING?

Part 9:

All hope seems lost, our heroes are held in captivity. There's no sign of escape.

Kirb: Eyes glowing red, he tries to use his lightning to break free, it’s no use Guys, I just want to say, if we die tonight, it goob being able to work with you. At least we tried our best. That’s all that matters.

Seb: Justy, there’s…. I need to tell you something. Y’know that time whenever you lost your -

He’s interrupted by a bang. Fred the porg is standing atop a building. He squeezes one of his wings tight, destroying the big bot with the screen. Everything shuts down and the heroes break free. They run.

By the time they reach the Saucey House, the bots are up in running again, chasing after them. All but the one with the screen.

Justy: What were you saying Seb?

Sebachie: Nothing. I- it’s not important.

Brits: What was that? Does Fred have the force?

Robin: From my understanding, the big guy with the screen must’ve had a power supply installed somewhere, a radiation maker. When it was destroyed, everything crashed. They must be running on a backup source. As for Fred, I have no Idea.

Cold Fire: GUYS, THE BOTS ARE COMING!!! He begins sprayings frozen flames from his hands

Kirb: I got this.

Kirb’s eyes are brighter than they have ever been. Red lightning shooting from his hands. Two bots are hit and explode on impact. He jumps and slams a big guy in the hollow chest with his electrically charged metal arm. The mech falls, surrounded by a surge of energy, crushing many Scotchies. Meanwhile, Cold Fire is doing the same with his powers. Blue flames cower many of the machines, which explode due to extreme cold exposure. The two young men are on a rampage.

The others stare, that is, until another squadron attacks from behind. Brits and Robin are thrown into the Saucey House through a window. Brits fires both of his guns at the bots, blasting them to pieces. Robin takes his wrench, which splits into a dozen tools, and turns the restaurant's kitchen tools into a flaming sword with heat control. A sebotchie crawls into the building, he swings the fiery blade, melting the metal instantly. Outside, Justy is stabbing the bot, throwing his knives, they come back like a boomerang. Sebachie hits a bot with his bat, which at first does nothing. He hits again, the mech shatters. After a while, all the bots are dead. They think they won. Before they have a chance to celebrate, something arrives, something big. Now the real battle begins.

6-8 drafts, 9- 21 still in development

9 participants
Avatar de justyouraveragebuilder
Avatar de LeKirbsterWrinkles
Avatar de FieryRobin
Avatar de JCFRK_yodels_in_the_alps
Avatar de Sebachie
Avatar de Cold_Fire

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