Sebachie Vs Negachie story forum
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okey day, this is where we discuss who's doing what and the sharing of every thing we make for the story and stoof.

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Seb I’m sorry but I just want my sig fig in the story. For AT LEAST 10 seconds.

No means no. I'm tired of having to deal with you, especially after you made that model of me. Take a hint and take a hike.

Here is a early script of Cold’s Conclusion. I made it for Cold to improve and change what ever he wants. The knocking on the door, is actually me and Hungry, but they don’t know that yet until Planted Fire starts. Anyway, here it is!

Cold now is at his house after a long errand. Of course he isn’t satisfied with everything. He then remembers his lunch reunion with Mecabrits and Justy taking place at 12:45pm. He then drives down to the nearby Saucey House that they battled at, now rebuilt from the mess the Mecabricks team created. He then makes it to their reserved table.

Brits: Hey Cold! How you been doin’?

Cold Fire: Alright, buy where is Justy?

Brits: He hasn’t arrived yet. I hope he can soon since nobody else seemed to be available today. Don’t know what Robin is doing. At least you guys made up again after what happened when you worked together for rescuing Cashew and Worriz.

Cold Fire: Yeah, I’ll now sit down with you. By the way, how has Worriz been doing?

Brits: Great, he seems to be doing great back in Britain, though I’m not sure he’s gonna join by my standards at this point because he’s busy on his work as Prime Minister, but I don’t see him winning in that Santa Claus suit.

Both: Laughing

Justy unfortunately never arrives for unknown reasons. But the two still had fun talking to each other about things about their past memories from the team and eating with each other. The group then left at 1:48pm and returned back to their houses. Cold then is able to make it back to his house. He then turns on the TV and watches the news. Only for a News story to show up about Seb being missing for two months.

Cold Fire: Could we maybe reveal our identities at this point everybody! . . . Yeah I guess not.

Knock knock knock

Cold Fire: Who is it?


Cold Fire: Fine, I’ll check.



To be Continued . . .

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Me likey!

good job I like that chapter 😃

just so y'know, I have exams the rest of the week so I won't be active, My prints business will be closed until I come back. I will edit the description

I'm writing my conclusion right now, imma reveal a nickname people call me IRL, and some IRL friends, only first names tho.

also gonna introduce my brother

My conclusion

As the Stricker passes under a sign, reading ‘Willkommen,’ which is ‘welcome’ in German construction workers and pedestrians alike stop at the stair as their local hero returns from war. Most of the small Michigan town is already rebuilt, and while most of the buildings still adopt the Bavarian architecture, nothing looks the same. The car reaches the High School, the only building that survived the Negachie attack, it parks behind the building. A tan, brown-haired figure in a black suit and tie steps out of the driver's seat and starts heading toward the entrance. The young man walks down a crowded hallway of students until he reaches a room. On the wall there is a label that reads ‘LQ1-RT’. This stands for ‘Living Quarters 1- Red Thunder’.
Although the school was untouched buring the most recent attack, it had still been destroyed in the past. When rebuilding, a room had been added for the superhero to call his home. This way his family would be safe in the events of an enemy attack in search of him. The building had higher security, and was now considered a facility of schooling and headquarters, and combined all public schools into one campus, separated by walls and doors. Red Thunder was not the only local with super powers, nor the only one under the age of 18. Some even chose the path of villainy, thus the school had its own police departments.
Just as the door is about to be opened, a voice calls from behind.

Kaden: Hey Stu, where were you? We missed you.

Kirb (now referred to as Stu, but only in the MBU): Oh, hey Kaden. I had a uh… well I uh had to. I had to help some people fight a guy.

Kaden: Is this about the robot that attacked our town?

Stu: Yup, we formed a team called the Mecabricks. We made up some code names. I went by my Youtube name. That guy on the ice giant was our leader, Justy was his name.

Kaden: Was?

Stu: I respect those guys and what they stand for. I just don’t think we’ll ever get back together. At least not the whole team. Kaden, you know I work alone, and when I have to be on a team, I already lead one, with people I actually know. Remember Italy.

Stu looks back at the time he and some of his class went on a school trip and one off his friends betrayed them, using her dark magic to cause terror. That was the day he lost his arm. Being Red Thunder, the world’s first super heroes, Stu was powerful, but he could not have won without help from his friends Kylie and Gabe. Only those who attended the trip know he is the Red Thunder, and swore to never tell anyone, but everyone in town knows that the hero lived there.

Stu: How is everyone?

Kaden: Fine, Griffin’s finally got control of his powers. Gabe’s still living in Italy. I haven't heard anything from Kylie, I assume everything is going well.

Griffin was a friend of Stu’s who had accompanied him on his first battle, he also had elemental powers, that of water.

The two boys walk into the room, Stu closes the door and turns on the lights. He opens up a box and pulls out a gold-chain necklace with a red lightning bolt at the end. He puts it on and double taps the red symbol. Nano technology surrounds his body and his suit is equipped. He summons Inkemba, his sword.

Kaden: What are you doing now?

Stu: I’m gonna go look for Audrey

Kade: Why?

Stu: I feel like that’s obvious.

[Stay tuned for Red Thunder: To Kill a God to find out what’s next]

nice! also I think the team should get back together in the last sequel to fight some terrorists group in Iraq (tell me what you think about that)

oh, the will get back together, just my character will be really stubborn about it. Maybe not to fight terrorists, but to end the antimatter conflict Negachie started. Yeah, there will be other villains like him.

also, did anyone get what I was hinting at?

also to add, at some point the team should split up for good, maybe someone dies. I already have plans for my death, it'll follow the sam way as in my comics, although it will only be mentioned/ referred to in sequels. I do come back to life though.

I'll be adding to the forum and discord server here and there, but I'll be less active due to exams. my prints business is closed for now.

ok and maybe I can be a new member of the team to shake things up

or you could be part of a new team, it has Green Flame, Wiz and some other undecided members. The idea is that they would be introduced with little detail to set up for prequels. The team is supposed to be op.

okay dokay ghjjuyvbyghgbgvt

9 participants
Avatar de justyouraveragebuilder
Avatar de LeKirbsterWrinkles
Avatar de FieryRobin
Avatar de JCFRK_yodels_in_the_alps
Avatar de Sebachie
Avatar de Cold_Fire

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