Critique Group For Teen Authors (Any Authors Really)
LegoMaster707_2187 a commencé cette discussion dans Community

So, if you joined this, you probably know what a ‘critique group’ is. If you don’t well, this is what it is; (I think that’s where you put the semicolon?) A critique group is where you take your finished novel/short story/etc (or not finished) and you send it to a group of friends or other authors (The only people who understand WHY you spend years of your life clicking and clacking the keyboards just to create something that nobody else might ever see) and they give you feedback.


Be nice, even when you’re giving “Helpful” Criticism, don’t go TOO hard.
Take the criticism, even if you don’t like it, listen to them, don’t try to defend yourself either, that just ruins friendships. Although you can try to explain it a bit more to them.
Have fun.
Be an author. 😉


God Save The Queen.

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This is a cool idea! Count me in 👍

WIP chapter one: A merry little Christmas.
I woke up December seventh 2079 at four in the morning knowing that the day ahead would be exhausting and it would include a lot of fighting and shoving, why you ask? Because it’s the last day of the Christmas sale at Walmart. All the fathers who forgot to buy presents and last minute shoppers are going to be shopping today and they will be rushing to get the best of whats left of toys and clothing items. I got up out of my bed and as rushed to get myself breakfast. I kept checking the time trying to make sure it was before 5:30. I quickly fed my dog Ferdinand and took him on a quick walk, as soon as I got inside I put him in the kennel. I ran out the door got in my car and drove off to the store. I was following all the rules of the road when for no apparent reason a police officer pulled me over “Is there a problem officer?” “No i was just wondering if you knew where I could find the President.” “Um, your a policeman shouldn’t you know?” “I’m sorry, since when does a random citizen question an enforcer of the law?” “I’m sorry. He’s is the White House I think?” “And where is this White House?” “In Washington DC.” “Thank you for your cooperation. You may go now.” “Your welcome?” I rolled up my window and drove off wondering why a police officer didn’t know where the President was. By the time i got to the store it was 6:10 and the store had just opened a few minutes ago, and there were already so many people there. I ran into the store darted down to the toy section. The good news is someone puked on the only entrance and so the section remained untouched, the bad news is there were at least ten parents waiting for the janitor to come and finish cleaning it. As soon as he got to the puke spot he stopped, turned and looked at all of us and said “Try not to kill each other ok?” Almost all of us nodded and as the janitor was picking up the wet floor sign he said “Everyone ready?” He picked it up and jumped to the side as a rush of people ran by grabbing everything in sight. I ran down to the end of the isle and grabbed exactly what I needed but as i darted for the exit i tripped and the object flew out of my hands! Someone reached down and snatched it up! I got on my feet and ran as fast as I could to him. I slid in front of him, grabbed it out of his hands and darted off to the clothing section! By the time i got there he wasn’t following me anymore. I caught my breath and found some soft superhero socks and some nice footed pajamas. As i was leaving the store I got some candy and gum. I bought all I needed and set off for my car. When I got home i wrapped it all up and sat on the couch.
December twenty second 2079 about three fourth six I was in the security office at the mall watching the clock to strike four when I hear the intruder alarm went off. Just as my shift was ending. I got up and ran to the front room when I saw the weirdest thing, it was the cop that pulled me over from earlier! He pulled out some strange frisbee looking thing and put it in the middle of the room “Why are you here!” I yelled “I’m here to start the end of earth and all it’s self centered inhabitants.” “What do you mean? You say that as if your not human?” “That’s the thing, I’m not human!” He grabbed his face and pulled it in two and peeled off all that looked human and what remained was a tall green eyed black scaled monster with sharp fangs! “What are you?!” “I am a creature beyond your comprehension and you and your filthy planet will BOW before my people!” It then bent down to push a button on the frisbee like thing but as soon as it started to bend down I pulled out my taser and shot at it! “HA HA HA HA! You thought a little electricity would hurt me! And you missed! Ha ha... huh?” It looked down and saw I shot the frisbee and not it “WHY YOU FLESH BAG!” It started to run at me but tripped on a counter and as soon as it did I ran for the door! But to my horror this was much bigger than one alien with a frisbee. An alien appeared on giant hologram in the sky “Do we have your attention earthlings? Good. We are the Corun Virs and you will bow before us. If you don’t you will end up like this city, in ashes.” The hologram showed my city. The one I’m in! I ran to my car and jumped in smashing the petal to the floor and headed straight for the highway. Not to leave the city but to get my daughter out of the city. I was speeding past all the cars trying to get there when a giant bomb hit the highway in front of me! I hit the breaks opening the car door and jumped out onto the side of the road! Tumbling forward I almost fell off the bridge before I caught myself on a streetlight. I got on my feet and started climbing down the rubble when I saw a little girl stuck in the crumbling sidewalk “Help me! Please somebody help me!” she looked so scared and sad, but if I helped them I might not make it to my daughter. “Help me please!” I couldn’t just go away and leave her. I climbed over to them and lifted the broken car door off her as she crawled out. “Thank you, thank you!” I looked at her broken bleeding legs and i knew she would die if I left her. “This might hurt.” “What?” I picked her up and put her over my shoulder and started to climb up the other side of the rubble pile. When I got to the top I looked up and saw spaceships bombing the city. I started to jog in the direction of my daughters house. “Where are you taking me?” “I need to get my daughter out of the city.” She stayed silent for a while and i started to worry she had died on my shoulder “hey you still alive?” “Yah.” She seemed to be fine emotionally considering the city was being blown to bits. “Hey i never got your name.” She responded with a deep sigh “What’s wrong?” “I don’t have a name.” “Everyone has a name. What do people call you?” “Everyone calls me fifty two.” “Why do they call you that?” “Because no one knows what my real name is.” I paused to think for a moment “well I’m not calling you fifty two. How about... Sarah?” “Yah! What’s your name?” “My name is David. How old are you?” “I’m six years old. How old are you?” “Let’s just say I’m older than you.” I sprinted through, over and around the rubble till i got to my daughters house, surprisingly it was still standing. “I am going to set you down in the doorway. Scream if anything happens ok?” “Ok Mr.” I ran up the stairs to my daughters bedroom slammed open the door and searched rapidly for my daughter. “No... no no no no NOOO!” I saw blood on the bed and going out the window towards the backyard. I ran to the window and looked as i saw my daughter, laying there mangled and broken. I couldn’t explain the emotions I was feeling if my life depended on it. It was horrific. I fell into the corner by the closet and started to cry when I was filled with rage and anger when I heard a scream from downstairs. I couldn’t let what happened to my daughter happen to Sarah. Or anyone els. I ran downstairs grabbed an umbrella and darted out only to see Sarah in an aliens arms. “Put her down! Now!” I yelled “Why should I flesh bag.” The creature said mockingly. “Because if you don’t I will slice off your arms slit your gut in two and shove your feet down your throat.” “Try it human!” The alien put down Sarah and started to run at me. I jumped to the side turned around and jumped on the monsters back. “Now what are you trying to do human?” I climbed up on the aliens shoulders and stabbed it with the tip of the umbrella “Ahhhhh!” I pulled it out, shoved the umbrella down its throat and jumped to the ground as the alien fell to the ground. “Sarah are you ok?” I looked and saw that she was crying. I ran to her and picked her up again. “Let’s find you a Hospital.” I looked at my left arm and saw the alien had sliced it. “Ok let’s go.” She said. I walked towards the nearest hospital i knew of. By now the aliens had stopped there bombing run so it was safer to walk in the streets. About fifteen minutes later i arrived at the hospital to see lines of broken and bleeding people crying out to who ever could hear. I walked to a nurse that was looking after some kids “Hey! This is Sarah. She needs help right away. I know you are so busy but please help her. Please.” She looked at Sarah’s legs and said “I’ll try my best.” “Thank you so much! Is there anyway i can help? I know some first aid so I can help with minor injuries.” “Yes, please go over to the table with the green cloth on it.” “Yes.” I walked over there and as I got there a doctor grabbed my left arm and did the best they could to bandage it. “Once I’m done bandaging you up please help anyone that needs doesn’t have major injuries. Ok?” “Ok.” i walked around for a while putting bandaids on people and comforting children who lost their parents during the bombing. I came across a young boy, around 15, tall and skinny with arched hair parted in the middle. He was staring at the dirt crushing ants with his feet “can i help you?” I asked “No, unless of course you can bring back the dead.” “I can’t. Are you doing ok? Do you need medical attention?” “No. I’m fine. I’d rather bleed out if i had any wounds anyway.” He said while looking up at me “Don’t say that, you must have some hope left.” “No i don’t think i do.” “Do you have any remaining family or friends?” He chuckled a bit then looked down and up again “I don’t, not that i know of anyway. My best friend, my brothers, my sister and my parents were all at my brothers birthday celebration when the bombing started. A bomb hit the bottom of our apartment building and the entire front side of the building collapsed. I was using the bathroom at the time so when i came out only my mom remained standing there with the cake in her hands she turned around looked at me with tears running down her face mouthed good bye at me and jumped. I sat there for a while crying my heart out staring at my moms body on the rubble. So no i don’t have anyone left. Thanks for asking.” I thought about what to say but i was interrupted by screaming before i could start talking. To my surprise the boy ran towards the screams at full speed and as i quickly followed. He stopped as we were about to turn the corner and shoved me to the ground and shushed me. “Aliens.” He whispered i peeked around the corner and saw the monsters burning everyone in sight leaving nothing but ash in there path. I almost puked at the sight of it all but the boy shut my mouth and forced me to swallow it. “We have to get out of here if we don’t want to be barbecue!” The boy said “but what about the people?!” I snapped at him “they are gone! You saw yourself now lets go! I know how to steal a car now let’s go!” I followed him to a small Nissan “how are you gonna open the door?” He pulled out a small electronic device and put it on the driver seat door and the door popped open “wow.” “Get in the drivers seat!” I looked at him and said “you can’t drive? You can open a locked car but you can’t drive?” He sighed and got in the passenger seat and buckled. I got in the drivers seat in locked the doors shut. The boy put the device near the wheel and the car turned on i shoved my foot on the gas and started for the highway but came to a screeching halt “What are you doing?!” The boy yelled at me “I have to find Sarah!” I jumped out of the car and as i was running i heard the him shouting at me as he got out of the car and picked up a piece of a pipe and ran after me. I climbed up to the second story window of the hospital and broke it as i jumped through “They definitely heard that.” The boy said as he climbed through the window “That was the point. If there are any survivors they might be spared because the aliens will stop to look for us.” “Your insane.” The boy seemed very disappointed in my plan but i didn’t care, all i cared about was finding that little girl. I walked to the back window thinking the aliens wouldn’t see me but unfortunately they were already climbing up “Run! Run now!” I yelled at the boy he darted towards the stairs that led to the roof yelling something back but i didn’t hear him. I ran after him as the aliens quickly followed once i got to the roof he was standing at the edge “Hide now!” He yelled at me i got behind an old ac unit as the aliens ran to the boy but he jumped out of the way of the aliens as one fell while the other stopped and snarled at him i ran at the aliens back as quickly and quietly as i could but it heard me and smacked me across the head before i could get to it, the boy picked up some rocks and threw them at the aliens back. It turned around and darted after him but he rolled to the side and tossed the pipe to me “What am i supposed to do with this?!” “I don’t know improvise!” The alien pinned him to the ground and was about to tear him to shreds but i stabbed it in the neck like i did the other alien but this time it threw me off it’s back before i could stick it down it’s screaming throat. It scrambled to its feet and wobbled over to me and fell over dead “Nice one.” The boy said “lets go find Sarah.” We got out of the building and down to the body’s and i started looking for Sarah but all i could find was melted flesh “I found someone!” The boy yelled i ran over and helped him pull the body’s off of her “agh..” it wasn’t Sarah it was a shorter skinny woman with a used to be nice red dress on. She stood up and looked at me and the boy then turned around and hurled “I’m sorry about that. I just can’t bare this awful stench.” She had a snobby British accent and talked as if she was better than us “Did you happen to see a small girl with broken legs around here?” I asked “What i want to know is why were the body’s on top of you?” The boy asked “Oh i pulled them over me before i got burned, i mean they were probably going to die anyway. And besides there lives couldn’t have mattered as much as mine. They would have to be the queen herself to be more important than me.” The boy looked as if he was about to kill her himself as he took a step at her but i held him back and looked at him “We can deal with that later.” I told the boy “For now all i need to know is if you saw…” i was cut short by the sound of crying in the building “That could be the girl!” The boy said “Try to contain your anger.” I said that to the boy as i ran into the building to look for her i looked around and saw the trail of blood she had left while crawling through the back door “Sarah!” I ran over and picked her up and put her on my shoulders and walked back to the boy and said “Let’s go to the car. We should get out of here if we don’t want to see there buddy’s.” I looked at the body of the alien that fell off the roof. We walked to the car and when we got there i looked at the boy and said “You will stay in the back seat with Sarah and try to keep her awake, if you can find someway to stop the blood from flowing to her legs than do that. Ok?” The boy nodded and took Sarah into the back seat. Then i looked at the woman and said “Just get in the passenger seat.” I got in the drivers seat and once the woman got in the passengers seat i started up the car and buckled up. As we started to drive the boy said “So we all know Sarah’s name but we don't know each other’s. I’m Ethan.” The woman turned around towards the boy and said “My name is Mary, Nice to meet you!” She extended her hand to shake the boys but he didn’t accept. The woman sat straight in her seat turned her head and asked me “And your name is?” “David. Don’t call me Dave, just David. How’s Sarah doing?” “She has cuddled up under my arm and i used some pens and a sweater to make tourniquet around her thighs so the bleeding has slowed if not stopped. She is sleeping and i am making sure she is breathing so she is better.” “Well that’s great. Another mouth to feed.” After Mary said that Ethan slammed the back of her seat with his foot and said “You say one more thing like that and I’ll kill you with my own two hands.” After that we were all quiet until nightfall when a car pulled off the side of the road and started following us “David that car has been following us for a bit now don’t you think?” Mary looked at me worried “Are Ethan and Sarah asleep?” I asked. She looked back there “Yes i think they are.” “I am going to pull over and get out to try and meet this tail of ours. Your going to climb over the middle into the drivers seat and your going to leave if anything happens to me. You got that?” “Yes.” She respond shakily. I pulled over and as i suspected they did to. I got out and as soon as i did she started getting into the drivers seat. I closed the door and walked behind us to the strangers car stopping about halfway between our car and there’s. A tall, muscular, bald man got out of there car, as he got out i realized it was a pickup (i couldn’t tell in the dark from inside the car) he was darker skinned and he had a bat in his left hand he stayed right outside his truck door and asked “Friend or foe?” He had a very deep voice and i tried to match his and i said “that depends on weather or not you put down the bat.” He chuckled and put the bat down and walked over to me and gave me a firm handshake “Anyone with you?” He asked “Its me and three others, i have a little girl in the car who needs medical attention. You wouldn’t happen to have medical supplies would you?” I asked “Right to business, ok. I and my wife as a matter of fact are doctors. I can help her if you bring her to my truck.” I ran over to the car and open the back door “Well who are those people?” Mary asked “They can help Sarah.” I gently nudged Ethan “Hey Ethan, buddy wake up we found a doctor.” “That’s great! Do you need help getting Sarah to him?” I nodded and Ethan patted Sarah on the head “Hey little girl, wake up. We found a nice man to help your legs.” Sarah nodded. Ethan got out and helped me carry Sarah over to the guys truck “Put her in the back with my wife. She will help.” We got her into the back with the mans wife and closed the door i walked to the front of the car and asked the guy “I never got your name.” “I am Charles and my wife is Jean. What are your names?” “I’m David and this is Ethan, and in my car is a woman named Mary, you don't want to meet her.” “Ok. Where are we going?” Charles asked “Well based off of the gps in my car we are headed north so i’m just gonna keep going this direction till we find a safe haven.” “That’s not much of a plan, but ill go along with it seeing as your daughter in the back of my truck.” I stopped to correct him and tell him how she was not my daughter and how i found her in a pile of rubble but i decided the memory of my real daughters death was not one i wanted to tell him seeing as we just met. “Well we should get moving again if we don't want the aliens to find us.” “I agree. See you in the morning David.” I walked back to my car and saw Marry had moved back to the passenger seat and fell asleep. Ethan had already gotten back inside the back seat and fallen asleep so i quietly got back behind the wheel and continued driving. Around midday Ethan woke up and accidentally knocked the back of Mary’s seat waking her up “Now Ethan why’d you wake me up? I’m quite tired and i do like a pleasant dream and i don’t like being woken from one.” “Now Mary dear I’m very quite sorry for waking you and ill try my best not to do so again.” Ethan said in a fake British accent “Ah! How dare you mock me!” Ethan scoffed at her and slouched in his seat. I honked the horn and pulled over. Charles got out of his car and came to my window “Is there a problem?” He looked tired “Well food is one problem we will have to think about, but i pulled over to ask about Sarah.” “Ah yes. My wife stopped the bleeding and she has cleaned up whats left of her legs. Sarah is awake and my wife is comforting her. She seems to have no speech impediment but she doesn’t talk much.” “Well at least she’s awake. Let’s get moving again.” He got back in his truck and we kept driving. A while later we came across a couple of RVs parked by the side fo the road. I heard Charles honk his horn so i pulled over to the opposite side of the road from the RVs “David! What do you say we go over and see if they can spare some food?” “I don’t know, whatever food they have they might be ready to defend it.” “David, unless they are psychopaths they wont want to kill us.” I sighed and followed him over to the closest RV and knocked on the door “Hello? Anybody home?” I heard muffled screaming from one of the other RVs “Charles?” “I hear it.” He pulled out a handgun from inside his coat and gave me a knife that was hidden in his boot as we walked over to one of the furthest RVs. The door was unlocked and it looked like the hinges were blown of by a shotgun. Charles went in first with me right behind. We walked over to the front and found a small boy tied up in the drivers seat. “David cut him loose.” I cut the boys arms and legs free and was about to untie a gag from his mouth when he lunged out of the chair and darted for the door. Charles ran after him and caught him before he got out of the RV. He took off the boys gag and started to ask him something but was interrupted by screaming “LET ME GO! MOMMY! MOMMY HELP M…” Charles covered his mouth “Listen, kid! We are here to help you you just have OW” the kid bit his hand and ran towards the road but i grabbed his arms and lifted him up off the ground. I repositioned both his arms in one hand and his legs in the other. “MOMMY, MOMMY HELP ME! HELP!” “KID! We are Not here to hurt you! Tell us what happened here and we can help!” The kid started crying “Hey kid. Kid stop. Kid could you please stop!” He kept crying for a while. After at least an hour the kid quieted down, Ethan, Mary, Sarah and Charles wife had come out and we started a campfire. “Hey, listen kid we got off on the wrong foot, and I’m hoping that i can fix the that. My name is Charles and this is David, Ethan, Mary, Sarah and my wife. What’s your name?” The kid paused for a moment then said “My name is Blake.” “Hello Blake. How old are you?” “Im eleven.” “So Blake, what happened here?” “There were a bunch of guys that came and started stealing everything and shooting everyone. They tied me up and took my mom away and before i could realise what was happening they were gone.”-

And thats all I’ve written so far. So yeah, very amateur writing but this is the “first” thing I’ve ever written

Bravo! For a first try, that’s amazing! As most first drafts go, there are a lot of spelling and grammar mistakes and some repeating words.aside from that some bland “I Said’s” it’s great. “Coron Virs.” Kinda dark gotta admit though . . . Let me pull up my prologue for one of my stories . . .


Cole raced down the dark, open hallway, occasionally glancing behind him. Fear was evident on his face, illuminated by an occasional flicker of moonlight coming from the windows. 

A million thoughts were racing through his head. He shouldn’t have ran, it was going to get him. He reached the end of the hallway, glancing left and right, trying to decide which way to go.
A shiver ran down his back, he turned. The thing stood on the other side of the hallway, creeping slowly forward. The Thing was a shadow. It had no form, just a cloud of black, a cloud of nothing. A small sob emerged from his mouth as he turned to the right doorway, trying the door. It was locked. He tried the other door, to the same effect. Panic was rising in him, there wasn’t any escape.
He tried to bring out his power, it wouldn’t come. He begged it, he needed it now more than ever. Something clicked inside of him, he rushed towards the doors, air flying out in front of him, crashing into the doors, they stood, useless.
The Shadow was more than halfway across the room now, silent as ever. Cole tried sending the air towards the Shadow, instead of hindering it however, it seemed to empower it, it rushed on, faster than ever. A scream echoed through the night, resonating over the neighboring buildings until it was cut short, as if it had been but a momentary nuisance.
The Shadow hovered there, having dealt with the young boy. It was angry though, something seemed to have not worked. It rushed around, searching for what it had lost. Finding nothing, it rose up, slipping through the small crack of an open window and into the night.

Ok so its not my “first”, i have 6 previous adaptations (one of which i posted on mb a while back)

Cool prologue! Better grammar than mine and you are definitely more advanced at writing in the English language than mine.

  1. Still really good! 2. Thank you (I’ve been writing since 2nd grade so . . .), also, could you give me some criticism? 3. I’ve got something else that I’ve been working on for a bit that I might send in to this . . .

Oh, and yeah my writing tends to be a little bit darker

Edit: just saw your comments, your welcome!

Well yes, my . . . Thing that I’m working on is essential my hate of the human society. 😃

I kinda like darker books though, they’re fun.

Your, hate for… human society? So im guessing dystopian society?

Well yes, I also just dislike the Human Society as a whole. Individually I might make friends (Highly unlikely although it works better here on M😎 but I just generally dislike/hate people.

Oh… well i know people who would read that, good luck! (I personally wouldn’t just because im a very people oriented person)

So im writing a story in mecabricks format and i need a title. So far ive released a teaser of sorts and the title is; Batman: The Brave And The Blood. And im not to happy with it. Could yall help me?

[EDIT] no i haven’t seen the new Batman movie yet. NO SPOILERS.

Never mind, im going with Batman: The Darkest Nights

Thats a good title

Thanks! A friend of mine gave it to me (officially it will be called Batman: the darkest days are brighter than the darkest nights but im not writing that on all the models.)

Hello, can I join? I’m an aspiring author 😄

Yes you can, whatcha writing?

Well I’ve written two original books, two and a half (still writing the third) books in my Marvel fan-fiction, two Star Wars fan-fictions, and I’m working on a Ninjago fan-fiction as well.

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