Greenflame's Story Forum
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Okay, I'm going to just go ahead and do it 😂. Creating models for my stories is, while cool, a pain x-( (did that work), ngl... I'm going to post most of my story content here, hopefully that's alright with y'all 😉.

85 réponses · Page 3 sur 5

@Greenie, wow. @Gman I concur

@Gman, FB, 😏 😂

@Dragon Thanks! And yes, but she's bad too right 😂? Anyways, yes, poor Clayton. Perhaps one day he will get his backstory written-- I better not say anything... or I'm going to end up committing myself to yet another story O_O. Anyways, I'm glad to see a fresh winner to the race this time 😂

@GuitarBlade228 Thanks guys, and better luck next time 😂. Those half kiwis can be faster than you think 😉

Aussie kiwis.
they can type faster than hootenannies on a red belt!

Chapter 14

I feel like this chapter is kinda ho hum... but oh well... at least Is He Worthy isn't 😂... only a few irl friends would get that

Nicholas had expected the worst from his companions, or the people he was stuck with, it was uncertain how they viewed him now. They didn’t really show any hate, mostly just disappointed glances before collecting themselves to try and figure things out. Pushing himself off the floor he took a seat against the wall, and listened, feeling like anything he’d try to contribute would only lead to more failure; something they couldn’t afford any more of. He learned they were being shipped by an engineer named Naej Tsom, who worked on customizing all kinds of vehicles, often for smuggling and secret purposes. She was nice, but by the way the others talked about working with her he figured she’d probably demanded a high price for the job.

Another thing was that apparently some individuals in the group, like Sparq, had secret hideouts of their own. It made sense. He’d gotten the feeling some of these supposed, heroes of his age, were master criminals when it came down to it. Most of the major criminal organizations and individuals throughout all of history had private places to stow away not only themselves, but whatever they had that could possibly get them in trouble. There was discussion about taking refuge in one of these, at least until they found out more or were ready to act, which was probably soon.

Nicholas continued to listen, but it didn’t take long before he found the lids of his eyes grow heavy, and the much needed sleep gained dominion over him. It was less than an hour later when a minor jolt woke him, along with the shuffling of people and the sheer sound of doors sliding open. His eyes were foggy, and his head hurt. It also took him a moment to remember the situation. Grasping something on the wall he pulled himself up and followed the others, having no idea where they’ed landed and feeling ashamed. He wanted to slip away, but didn’t know where to, and was too afraid to do anything else. He’d just keep quiet and follow everyone else, because they obviously knew what they were doing, unlike his wretched self.

They where in a dark and dilapidated looking part of the city, somewhere on the outskirts. The ground was all sand and dust, and many of the buildings were corroding and wrapped in tarps. Blackened clouds had gathered over the sky, blocking out light and shedding an eerie feeling about them. He heard the sound of children laughing not too far off, but amidst the scene it somehow frightened him. All seemed dark, and life seemed like death.

“Come inside,” Scott beckoned, casting a heavy hanging cloth aside and stepping into one of the buildings. The others, after following, found themselves in a dark room. “Shaft is supposed to,” he began to say, but stopped as a circular opening irised in the floor, pouring out a bluish light. “Do that.”

“I guess that means go,” Lis muttered and climbed in. They all did the same, including Naej who apparently was still working with them. Once down they found themselves in an almost spherical like room, yet with a flat floor and ceiling. Cheap blue bar-lights where hung to the wall by wires, and a heavy door was on Nicholas’ left. They waited, not seeing any way to open it themselves, and assuming Shaft or whoever had been operating the last entrance would do the honors. Nothing happened.

“Are, we supposed to knock?” Naej asked, somewhat sheepishly.

“We shouldn’t have—” Scott began, but was again interrupted as the floor beneath them gave way into several dangling pieces, and they found themselves plummeting downwards, and then caught in a thick net. The opening above them closed quickly, blocking out all light. There came a good deal of squirming, grunting, and shoving as they fought to steady and free themselves. Nicholas, having distanced himself from the group beforehand, had landed apart from the others and crawled to the net’s edge. Everyone else was caught in a tangled mass of bodies and cords; unable to see what was happening or who was where.

Suddenly, a mechanic whine came from Nicholas’ left, and they all felt the net began to sway, and then lower. A repetitive clicking from above let them know they were hung by a crane. Soon they felt the ground beneath them, and slowly helped themselves up as the noise stopped and everything grew still.

“Mitch,” Sparq shouted into the shadow, “if you’re responsible for this welcoming I’m going to—” he was cut off as a sudden eruption of bright light blinded everyone, and Mitch was heard laughing hysterically from a far end of the room. Once their eyes had adjusted, they looked around to find themselves in a massive chamber, old machinery scattered about, including the towering crane that had lowered them. Naej looked around with amazement, but Sparq just stared at Mitch with frustration.

“You’re a loser,” he said bluntly.

“Sorry guys,” Mitch chuckled, "it was actually Shaft’s orders. Anyways, y’all follow me, Shaft want’s to get things organized.”

“Can I come back here?” Naej asked hopefully, Mitch just shrugged.

“Idda know, this ain’t my secret bunker.”

They strode to meet him, and then filed behind him though a door and into a dimply lit hallway. It appeared as if they were in some kind of old water facility, maybe used by the city during its early stages. Large and small pipes were spread along the walls and ceilings, some busted covered in rust, and some and sturdy as ever. The floor was rough and damp, and the air cool, yet stuffy, and burned their throats. It made some of them feel like they had the beginnings of a cold. Mitch led them into a large conference room. Old frayed carpet still waved across the floor, and a narrow table with rusty metal chairs with placed in the center. Shaft sat at the end, staring expressionlessly at everyone. Nicholas didn’t make eye contact, but found a chair and sat down; afraid of what was going to be said. There was a silence, and then Shaft spoke.

“We’re waiting for one more, he will arrive shortly.”

“Who?” Scott asked, he seemed to be slightly impatient.

“An old friend, someone who has made everything here possible.”

“I wasn’t aware we were in league with anyone else,” Lis stated.

“We are on the side of justice,” Shaft cast a glance across all their faces, except Nicholas’, because he kept his down and away. “Anyone who is also on this side is in league with us, and we with them.”

Everyone looked up as a door at the opposite end of the room opened up unexpectedly, and in walked Drogan Conver. His hair was wet, and a broad streak of dried blood was marked across his forehead.

“Drogan!” Nicholas exclaimed, jumping to his feet, both surprised and surprising everyone in the room. Drogan motioned for him to sit back down, and he did.

“I hope I didn’t keep anyone waiting too long,” he said, his face as stoic as ever, but Nicholas guessed there was a bit of intended humor. He probably knew they had just arrived themselves. “I had a… well memorable encounter with a few fellows who claimed to be the decedents of some past enemies of mine.”

“Decedents?” Mitch asked.

“Long story,” Drogan responded, taking a seat and casting his eyes about to read the faces of everyone in the room.

“This is Drogan Conver,” Shaft said in introduction, “a special agent and a living relic of history.”

“Hardly a relic,” Drogan calmly retaliated. “I’m more of a shadow.”

“Shadow or relic, he is more than he seems, and has conducted a plan for our final course of action; to destroy the stone once and for all, if we aren’t destroyed ourselves.”

A thousand thoughts spawned into Nicholas’ mind from these few words. How Shaft knew Drogan, what Drogan had been up too, why they hadn’t consulted him to help destroy the stone in the first place, and so on. He also felt slightly encouraged, and slightly intimidated by the soldiers presence. He had an assuring confidence that Drogan would have his back, even amidst his mistakes, but it wasn’t a complete confidence. What if Drogan did look down on him because of this?

“I will now leave Drogan to cover everything,” Shaft continued, “only I will leave to meet, with officer Turner.” Nicholas swallowed hard and looked up at their cloaked leader, who looked down at him with a gaze that somehow drained all the fear from him. He still felt ashamed, but felt something knew, or perhaps it was something old. Hope perhaps, or freedom. He couldn’t tell, but rose and followed Shaft out of the room and into the dark hallway. They walked down for a while, then descended a flight of stairs to their left, and then into a room on the right. An old office of some sort, with a desk and chairs. It was in better condition than the conference room, though it was still obviously worn and out of date. Shaft stepped behind the desk, messed with something under it, and then looked at Nicholas.

“I…” Nicholas began, but wasn’t sure where to go from there. He felt like apologizing, but couldn’t. It wasn’t because of pride, or because he believed what he had done was right, because he didn’t, it was something about the look he’d received. It hadn’t been condemning, nor was it forgiving. It seemed to him more reassuring, if that was the right word. And made him feel like his burden of guilt was suddenly removed.

“Were only doing as I told you to,” Shaft said. Nicholas was taken aback. He hadn’t obeyed any orders, except his own. That is unless he had been commanded to barge into the police station and confront Enya, and had somehow forgotten, which wasn’t likely or true.

“What do you mean?” He asked.

“You’ve been the reckless cop I knew you’ed be, and were only letting everything drive you forwards to meet your goal.”

Nicholas froze at these words, stunned by an outrageous downpour of nostalgia and unplaceable recognition. He’d heard these words before, but from all he’d been through and with the already packed mind of his he couldn’t recall where or when. Looking down at the ground he bit his lip, and his body began to shake. He honestly felt like crying, though he didn’t know why.

“Nicholas Turner,” a now clear and gentle voice spoke, causing him to shoot his gaze up and into the face of a girl with dirty blond hair. A free look was set in her eyes, giving him the impression that she’d somehow spawned directly from the ocean waves, yet an ancient ocean from long ago, whose freedom was only a memory now. Nicholas wasn’t sure what to do, say, think, or feel. He just stood and stared at Jacklin in utter shock. His world was so confusing, with so many unanswered questions, and he wasn’t sure how to handle it all.

“You’re, not supposed to be here,” was all he managed to say. Jacklin just smiled, stepped forwards, and wrapped her arms around him. Nicholas head went light, and he seemed to lose all emotion.

“Are you all right?” She asked, stepping back and looking into his face. He just stared blankly in response.

“How are you… I mean,” he didn’t finish asking whatever he’d wanted to, but only continued to stare. He’d always envisioned himself returning home and trying to describe the vastness of the universe to a simple girl who’d think of him as a hero. Now he felt like an idiot, and she appeared to know more about life than he did.

“Shortly after you left we were invaded again, by what seemed to mostly be Talon, but I now think some police may have been involved. They killed some of us, mostly the ones who resisted…” she paused for a moment.

“You’re dad?” Nicholas asked, feeling a sympathetic and sickened. She nodded, apparently fighting back tears, then continued.

“The rest of us they separated and sold. I was placed in an abusive factory in some overlooked part of the galaxy, and remained there for an unmeasurable amount of time. Somewhere along the way Drogan found and rescued me.”

“Drogan?” Nicholas was astonished, and almost upset that he hadn’t been told anything before now. Drogan had known where he was the entire time, and would have known Nicholas would want to know this. Why hadn’t he been told?

“He’s done more than you think, and continues to do so. I personally think he is fighting wars between time, but I could be wrong,” Nicholas was intrigued by this seemingly impossible statement, though he himself believed it more than he felt he did. He wanted to ask about it, but Jacklin continued. “That’s beside the point though. He helped set me on a good path, where I found other people, who also had reason to hold sour feelings against the Talon, which may be a bit of an understatement.”

“It is,” Nicholas said, beginning to feel himself again, and even excited. The knowledge of Jacklin’s presence was reassuring. “But why didn’t you come and find me?” He asked, still confused, and rightly so.

“I didn’t want to distract you, at first. I thought you had more influence working with the police, until we picked up on a few things that made us feel uncertain. I started keeping a better eye on your situation, and when I discovered you’ed been sent on a death mission I had Alen come and get you. He told me later it was by luck you’ed been kicked out.”

“Drogan wouldn’t call it luck,” Nicholas said, almost to himself.

“I wouldn’t either,” Jacklin responded, and Nicholas smiled, feeling genuinely happy for the first time since, well he couldn’t remember when. He knew things were bad, but for the moment he let it all pass. Even if Jacklin was in a more dangerous situation, and even if she had gone through unthinkable horrors, he was glad she was here. Not that he would have chosen the means of her presence by any reason, but that was past, and he just wanted to focus on the present.

Great chapter!
ha-ha, I got it before Dragon this time

@Gman2 Thanks!
and yes, the Drogan beat the Dragon

Jacklin's back!!! Awesome! Now things are going to get extra interesting.
@Gman, Congratulations! At least I beat Fireblade.

@D_R. -_- congrats you beat me. in my defense I was gone for 2 days, staying up tell 12 am in the morning, and waking up at 6👨0am, but hey, camp was fun.

@Greenie, Woah! I like it! (we're getting a little into the world building area I see)

ok have you thought of publishing this when its done

@jcfrk No 😂, I'm not publishing this story. I have future plans for it, but that's more dependent on other people... which sounds weird, but hey... whatever 😂. I'll explain once the story is over.

@Anyways, Thanks people! May the best users win... and uh, yeah 😂

Chapter 15

Nicholas and Jacklin, who was once again adorned as Shaft, left the office and joined the others. Drogan was almost finished letting everyone in on his plan. They would, as said before, fly to the void and enter it, which in turn would destroy the stone. This was a bit more complicated than previously implied, which shouldn’t be surprising. Things are never as easy as hoped. In order to enter the void, special machinery would be needed, and the original fashioners of the stone had set up a complicated mining system with this. The mines were left there, unguarded and unused, and there was supposedly still a working entrance. However, it was only one of many, and so once they arrived the team would need split up and search.

There was also more specifics on what to do when inside the void. Supposedly, if you didn’t stay focused, you could get lost and never find your way out, dizzily wandering about for the rest of your life in a timeless, matter-less, chamber of invisible light . Drogan had briefly explained why, saying something about the ultraviolet light and how it transmitted itself all over the galaxy, but few really understood or cared about this. Just as long as they could get in and out safely, that was good, and the science behind it all could keep to itself and those who actually concerned themselves with it.

Finally they also expected resistance from the Talon, or the Galactic Police, perhaps even both. It was likely Enya knew where this place was, or could get the information she needed very quickly. If they had gotten hold of Smoke’s memory chip, then they would know, if they didn’t already, the plan, if only the basics of it. There was hope they didn’t have the chip, or didn’t know enough yet, but expectation of the worst was what they were going to go by. They’ed prepare themselves like that Talon where already there and blocking every entrance, and the only way to get someone into the void, and hopefully out, would be to fight passed them with everything they had.

Nicholas had to be briefed on all this, having been out of the room and only hearing in full detail the final bits of the plan.

“You’re going to be searching alone in the mines,” Drogan said to him, somewhat in conclusion. “That’s alright though, because really everyone else will be too. Lis and Mitch are the only people getting paired up, and that’s because Mitch insisted Lis have a companion.”

Mitch looked down at the floor sheepishly, and began to scratch a nonexistent itch on the back of his neck. Nicholas almost laughed, and then shot a quick look at Sparq, who as expected was shaking his head and looking unimpressed. Lis held herself as naturally as she could, but Nicholas guessed she was on board with it, all of it. It didn’t matter though, if Mitch had a crush there wasn’t much he could do about it, and would probably be more effective if he knew she was safe. Nicholas himself would prefer to work alongside Jacklin, but wasn’t going to risk make a joke of himself, and knew efficiency was most important. All their lives where likely at risk, together, or alone.

“That’s fine,” Nicholas said, shrugging. “I’m used to working alone, I’m a patrol officer.”

“Was,” Mitch put in, feeling kinda dumb and trying to act knowledgeable. It should also be noted that he desperately wanted to get the subject as far away from him and Lis as possible. “You got kicked out, and deemed a criminal. So you were a patrol officer.”

“Oh, well yeah, whatever,” Nicholas said with a half smirk and a shake of his head.

“Also,” Mitch continued, “don’t patrol officers usually work in pairs?”

“Uh, it depends. I didn’t, but some do.”

“Oh, that’s not really smart. They should always work together, because a single officer makes an easy target.” The tempo of Mitch’s voice was beginning to accelerate, he was getting on a roll.

“Well it doesn’t really matter,” Scott put in.

“Well actually It does, because I think we could all learn something from thinking about it.”

“Maybe later, but let’s just focus on the mission.”

“But it might help us in our mission,” Mitch insisted.

“Bro,” Sparq said disparagingly, “give us a break.”

“I’m just trying to—”

“Save your skin, we all know,” Drogan interrupted, looking with a calm and un-nerving manner into Mitch’s eyes, who tried to avoid it. Nobody spoke for a moment, some feeling annoyed and others awkward.

“Are we ready to go?” Naej finally asked.

“Yes,” Jacklin said in her altered tone, and then turned to go.

“Do we have extra weapons?” Nicholas asked as everyone began to stand up. He’d lost all his in the past chain of messy situations.

“They’re in the ship,” Naej said, you can have whatever.

Nicholas gave a nod of acknowledgment and thanks, and then they all got up and left to load up and face whatever fate their call to justice was leading them into. It was sobering, and became more so as they stepped out and through the halls, towards the exit. Before entering the large chamber by which they had come by however, Jacklin lead them into a smaller room, which proved to be an old stairwell. They climbed up, until coming to a wire-mesh platform, where the stairs ended and a short iron ladder fastened to the wall replaced it. There was a small circle door directly above it, which, after climbing up, Jacklin opened by turning a wheel and pushing up.

When they had all ascended and passed through the door, they found themselves in the first building they had entered upon arrival. A chilly wind now blew through the openings about them, and sent the hangings flapping about like fitful ghosts.

“Now why couldn’t we have just used that in the first place?” Scott asked, perplexed.

“I will beg you to figure that out yourself,” Jacklin answered, sending a playful look at Nicholas. He turned away to hide his smile from the others. No one else picked this up, her expression was hidden behind her mask, but the understanding these two had together even after being separated for so long was unbreakable.

They walked outside and began boarding. The skies were even darker now, with streaks of ash colored rain approaching from a distance. It felt like the perfect way to leave an earth, if you were somewhat sure it was going to be your last departure. Gloom and sadness. Nicholas tried to push these thoughts aside, and keep confident. They were closer to victory, at least the beginnings of it, then he’d ever expected to be this early in life. What would happen if they were victorious wasn’t revealed. Enya would still have to be proven traitor to clear their name, and there was likely other corruption going on in the GP, if not the government itself, but this would certainly help put things in the right direction.

As Nicholas stepped into the ship, he turned around and looked back. Drogan was the only one left, but he stood still, looking down with concern at something on his wrist guard. A communication devise, Nicholas figured, but what was more was the look on his friends face. Drogan lifted his head, his deep eyes meeting Nicholas’, and it was suddenly clear that something wasn’t right.

“I’m sorry,” he said. Bits of water began striking the surfaces about them as he spoke, the rain had come. “I have to leave.”

“Wait why?” Nicholas asked, having to raise his voice to speak above the rain, which was hardening.

“I can’t explain,” he shouted back. “Y’all just stick to the plan. If I can make it I’ll do so.”

Nicholas turned and looked at Jacklin, hoping she’d have something to say. She only shook her head slowly and signaled for him to shut the hatch. With a sigh of doubt and disappointment Nicholas did so. Drogan was blocked out of sight, and the ship began to rise up into the air, and as it did his heart began to sink.

O_O wow.

(beat em both 😏)

what a surprise, I read this and an Andrew Peterson song happened to appear in my list 😂

Epic chapter!
@FB: C'mon, man, I was doing school.

@Gman, 😏 I'm home schooled so I sped through it, also one more post and you'll be at 2300

I'm homeschooled too, school just take a while.


@Fireblade Congrats! Welcome to the winners club, again... anyways, what AP song was it?

@Gman Thanks, and also, better luck next time 😂

... i've got this idea going that we could be more focused on who gets here first than the actual story 😆...

7 participants
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Avatar de Fireblade28
Avatar de Dragon_Rider06
Avatar de Guitarman2
Avatar de justyouraveragebuilder
Avatar de CoolBrix10
Avatar de JCFRK_yodels_in_the_alps

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