Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Fan Club
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For people who enjoyed the seven seasons of AoS! (I can’t guarantee no spoilers for anyone who has not finished the entire show)

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“Wait, I DIED?! Again!” 😂

YESSSSS!!!!!! 😂

“And you always say it, just like that!”

(Training session: Mobility)

Dance instructor: “Alright, welcome to our first salsa class!”

Deke: standing there with a bag of tortilla chips “Director, how could you…”

Coulson: “I—“

Deke: “How could you betray me like this.”

Deke: “Can I throw myself out the top of the lighthouse and still survive?”


Deke: “…Is that a no?”

Fitz: …

Deke: “‘Cause it felt like a no.”

Fitz: on the verge of a heart attack “OF COURSE IT’S A NO!”

Deke: “Hey, Bobo, is it updog?”

Fitz: “What’s up dog?”

Deke: “Nothing much, wassup with you?” 😎

Fitz: slaps Deke in the face with a pillow

Deke: “You can’t destroy the world!”

Pac-Man Talbot: “Why not?!”

Deke: “Because it belongs to only one person… and that person, is updog.”

Fitz: “Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh!”

Pac-Man Talbot: “What’s up dog?”

Fitz: “OH MY GOSH!”

(On a warm, Summer day)

Daisy: “Well, the thermostat’s at 90.”

Hunter: “Woah, 90 degrees?!”

May: “No, 90 pickles—yes 90 degrees!”

Hunter: “…No need to be hurtful.”

(Still on a warm, Summer day)

Deke: “Mack, look, I’m melting butter!”

Mack: “That’s great, you now have the culinary skills of a hot day.”

L.M.D. Coulson: “Hey, good looking.”

Sarge: “Right back at ya!”

Daisy: walks in the room

Both of them: “Hi, Daisy!”


Deke: “We’ve got everything under control!”

Mack: “Is that why everything’s on fire?”

Coulson: throws water bottle “HYDRATE OR DEHYDRATE, HYDRA!”

Jemma: “He’s trying to yell mental health and well-being into all of us. I think it’s because every other tactic he used, failed.”


Daisy: 😢 “It’s working…”

Coulson: “We’ll have to create a distraction. Are any of you good at jumping up and down and making annoying noises?”

Deke: “My time has come.”

Deke: “Z is a sideways N.”

Fitz: “Please stop.”

Deke: “ZO!”

(Ladies Night)

Yo-yo: “You are one day closer to eating your next plate of nachos.”

Daisy: “…This is the most hopeful thing I’ve ever heard.”

Bobbi: “What if we die tomorrow and don’t get any nachos?”

Jemma: “Then tomorrow is nacho lucky day.”

May: “Get. Out.”

Jemma: “How’s it going with the science project, Leo?”

Fitz: “Not so good. I have this headache that comes and goes.”

Deke: walks in “Hey, Grandpapy! Wanna play catch? I brought a ball.”

Fitz: “There it is again.”

Also, the thing with Pac-Man Talbot… It’s story time! 😏

I was making some AoS doodles with my dad (a favorite pastime ;)), and I glanced over at his drawing of Talbot yelling ‘Taco Tuesday!’ I commented, “His mouth’s so wide, he looks like Pac-Man!” My dad burst out laughing and Talbot was forever known as: Pac-Man Talbot! 😂

Ya know, I really thought that story would be longer… meh.


Jemma: Deke is our grandson
Yo-yo: Oh, I'm sorry
Fitz: Thank you
(I can't remember what Jemma said but she said something along the lines of: ) No, he really is a sweetheart

I think she said, “Oh, no, he’s actually very sweet.”

Oh yeah, I think that is what she said.

Question of the week: What was your favorite good-guy-turned-bad-guy moment?
Answer: Although I’m tempted to say Ward, 😅 I have to go with whenever we found out that Ji-Ying (that is so not how you spell her name…) was crazy evil. I was practically screaming at the TV! 😂

I'd have to go with Astro. That was crazy. Though I did suspect it cuz the way she acted sometimes. It was shocking to see how far she had gone.

Fitz: “DEKE! For the love of THOR! PLEASE turn down that music!”

Deke: playing the Deke Squad Awesome Mix vol. 1 at full blast in the other room “That sounds like a you problem, not a me problem.”

That(Deke) would be me before I had my own headphones 😅

Same! 😂 I have earbuds now, though

Hello! You all probably don't know that I love to do research. I especially love to research things I love for example AoS. So I wanted to share something I was recently looking into because I was confused. So I don't know if any of you have wondered about the age difference between Daisy and Agent Sousa. But when I first watched season 7 I was kinda weirded out because I felt like the age difference was so large. I know in the first season I think it was she was about 21 or so but I don't think it really mentioned her age many more times. And it never really mentioned Sousa's age. But I kinda thought about it and guessed that Daisy might be somewhere between 25-27 because to me she doesn’t look over 29 but a couple of years younger. But then there is Sousa. In season 7 when Daisy and Sousa were held prisoner by Nathanial, Nathanial says that Sousa doesn't look like the other 60-somethings he knew. Which, I thought that must mean Sousa would be about 60 if he was not pulled out of his time. So I did a little math: 1976 minus 1955 equals 21 then 60 minus 21 equals 39. This would mean Sousa would be in his late 30s or early 40s. This would mean that Sousa and Daisy would be somewhere between 12-15 years apart or even more. Which, for them to be in a relationship, would be very weird. I mean for me, I wouldn’t marry anyone over 10 or 11 years older than me unless I really really loved them. Maybe I’d marry someone 12 years older than me but again I would have to love them so much and be absolutely positive God would want me to marry that person. I am only 15 but I am speaking about once I grow up of course. Still, their relationship with that age difference seems quite weird
So that was like my hypothesis. It was really bugging me so I of course went to google and looked up how old they were. And I got nothing. So then I went to their characters on the Marvel Wiki Fandom. And I found their birthdays. So Daisy was born in 1988(the same year of my dad lol) and at the very end of the last episode, I think, I read somewhere it is supposed to be 2020. So math: 2020 minus 1988 equals 32. I was shocked. I mean 32 isn’t old but I thought she was younger. Then, Sousa, he was born either in 1918 or 1919. So more math: 1955 minus 1918 equals 37 plus 1(because the year between when they found him and the end of the season[2020]) equals 38. So Sousa would be 38 or 39. So the age difference between Daisy and Sousa would be either 6 or 7 years which isn’t that large.
So if y’all ever wondered here is the info. And with that PHLEBOTINUM!

Okay I know that was kinda weird but definitely informative if I do say so myself lol. Also, "phlebotinum" might be my favorite word after watching AoS. If you haven't already, look up what it means cuz it is so perfect for what it is used for in that episode lol.

Woah, ok, that’s so cool! I have always wondered how old Sousa was… Welp, now I know! 😂
Phlebotinum, oh my gosh, I looked it up! LoL!

Daisy: “If you get in trouble, I’m gonna be like… a lawyer to you, ok?”

Jemma: “Ok.”


Mack: “Jemma! Sit down in that chair, you’re in trouble.”

Daisy: whispers “Deny everything!”

Jemma: “This is not a chair!”

[edited comment]

I absolutely respect your opinion. must not have gotten too far or just missed it I mean Skye was spying on them she didn't just "randomly decide to join them" but eventually realized they were fighting for good and really cared about her. I don't watch too much Marvel so I know absolutely nothing about Coulson's death except for what is in AoS. But it does explain how he is alive now.'m probably not the person to explain this to you. Once Astro sees your post I'm sure she can explain better. I will warn you she may be mad at you for saying you don't like AoS. I mean this is an AoS FAN CLUB. But I could be wrong of course.

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