Mecabricks Blender Lite Eevee Workaround
B1Trash a commencé cette discussion dans Model Export and Render

Before I get started, I do not own the Blender Advanced plugin... so if you have it, this may or may not work for you.

I am using Blender 2.93.4 and Mecabricks Lite 3.1.4 (plugin version can be found in Preferences -> Add-ons, then hit the triangle next to the Plug-in name)

If you use the Blender Lite plugin, there is a way to get decorations to work with Eevee, which also runs Material Preview in the Viewport Shading options. Be aware that this will remove Normal information, which means that stickers and prints will not have a different surface finish from the plastic. This workaround is especially useful if you use Material Preview to block out animations and then render in Cycles. If you are doing this, make sure to reverse what you did before you render to get the Normal data back.

  1. Import your model into Blender
  2. Open a shader editor
  3. Click on a decorated part
  4. Open the Decoration group (Click on the icon in the upper right corner)
  5. Open the mb_base_decoration group
  6. Find the mb_decoration_normal group and select it
  7. Mute the node using keyboard shortcut [M]

This node should be shared across all of your decorated parts, so this should "fix" your Blender problem for this file. [M] is a toggle shortcut, so you can hit it again to unmute the group. Again, I don't have Blender Advanced, so I don't know its shader structure and therfore I do not know if this will work or not.

16 réponses · Page 1 sur 1

None of the nodes pop up for me, all I see is a grid

Try zooming out or hitting the numberpad [.] key while your mouse is over the shader grid... they may just be hiding off to the side.

nope same result
Idk whats wrong

Hmm... all of your parts are black. This is a different problem than I was having. For me, I can see anything that's not decorated as I did back in 2.92. Printed and stickered parts turn pink in Eevee for me.

Your issue is obviously different. I'm not sure if it's different hardware or software, but you have something I cannot reproduce. If someone else could replicate and solve the issue, I would hope that they post here. Here is how I might start troubleshooting:


    1. Let's start with the default General template and open the Shading tab.
    1. Check the plugin version as Mecabricks Lite 3.1.4 (Preferences -> Add-ons, then hit the triangle next to the Plug-in name)
      ------ If you are using the Advanced plugin, then that may very well be why we are different.
    1. Import a minifigure.
    1. Scale the cube so you can see it again and move it to the side.
    1. Change the base color of the cube to green.


    1. Does this black issue affect other meshes? Can you see the cube? (I think you've seen that the cube is visible.)
    1. Add a sun, in the settings change strength to 10.0 and angle to 180. Switch to Rendered viewport mode with Eevee selected as your Render Engine. Does it look different or does it stay black? You should be able to see a black background, the ground grid, the green cube and your minifig. It will probably be black still. If so, we've ruled out lighting.


    1. Choose a part that does not have a print or a sticker. Duplicate it and move it to the side. Now change the material of your duplicated part to "Material". It should turn green to match your cube. If so, we've confirmed this is a shader issue. If not then we've got bigger problems.
    1. Undo this action. You should have your Mecabricks shader back.
    1. Plug the output of the Base Material node into the Surface input Material Output node. Does this fix the problem? If not, leave the direct connection and open the Base Material group. Add a new Principled BSDF shader, change the color to green, and connect it to the Shader input on the Group Output node. Your model should turn green now. If so, we can move on to the next step.
    1. One by one, change the settings of your new Principled BSDF shader to match the old one. Connect the nodes as required. When the model turns black, you've found the culprit. Try muting or adjusting that input.

Hopefully this will turn something up useful for you or someone else can help with this problem. I'm sorry you're having such issues. Good luck.

Lighting has been ruled out cuz I followed the steps and it is still black
K its a shader problem cuz the duplicated part turned green
I plugged the base material into the material output that didn't work
step 4 wdym I did the same thing to all the parts and non of the parts turned black?

Ok, good... we're making some progress. BTW, are you on Lite or advanced?
We know that you can apply a material to a part and make it work.

Basically the process now is to work backwards from the Material Output. I'm recommending a Principled BSDF because we'll need it to troubleshoot the Base Material.

  1. Add your Principled BSDF to the top layer and change the color to green. I'll call this the Green Node from now on. *The green color is just to get it away from white, which is the same as when Blender is processing the shader... so it's just colored so we can tell quickly if the shader is working. Green is not magic except that it's not white. *

  2. Connect it to Material Output

a. Part stays black - Your Mecabricks shader material is borked. You'll need to create a new material from scratch.
b. Part turns green - Continue troubleshooting

  1. Connect your Base Material directly to the Material Output. Cut your Green Node, open the Base Material Node and paste Green in here. Now connect it to the Shader input on the Group Output node. You should now be able to follow the chain: Principled BSDF (Green Node) -> Group Output [Shader] -> Material Output [Surface]. If you need a pic, let me know.

a. Part stays black - Your Mecabricks shader material is borked. You'll need to create a new material from scratch.
b. Part turns green - Continue troubleshooting

  1. Starting at the top of your Green Node, match each setting to the existing Principled BSDF, paying attention to how/if each change affects your model. Basically, working backwards from the output node you'll keep adding things in until it messes up the shader. But if you can't even get from just inside a group to the output then your shader material is jacked and you'll probably need to just start over.

As far as starting over, there are a few paid materials for blender that are specifically for Lego/ABS plastic. You can try building plastics from scratch... I'd search making plastic materials for blender or something like that. You'll probably learn more than you were expecting if you need to go this route, and that could turn out to be a good thing. The more you dig into the nodes, the more you'll be able to tune the material to your liking.

Let us know how it works out... hopefully something positive.

What is the top layer? for step 1

The first image in my first post. There should be a grey background. When you go into the group, you will see a green background.

this is what happened on step three I was following the steps but on the hip parts

Ok, so just to make sure,

  1. Were you working on the hips and they turned green along with the hands?
  2. Something else (please describe)

If it's number 1 then my next question is are your arms, legs, and torso all decorated? If so, we're doing good. We'll deal with decorated parts after we fix the base material.

  1. Yes
    To answer ur question yes the arms, legs, torso, and head are decorated

Good. Thanks for being patient with me on this. So I think you have nodes both in the Base Material as well as the Decoration groups that your computer doesn't like.

Each type of part has a unique material, but the materials all share certain groups. You can tell which groups are shared by seeing if there's a number to the left of the shield. So for example in my picture in the first post, the middle picture has a red rectangle around the *mb_base_decoration[/b] node. This group is shared across 12 materials. Anything we do inside this group will affect all 12 materials that use it. (All of them in this example.)

In your case, I think all of your materials use the base material node. The hands don't have a decoration node, so they work. The hips have bypassed the mix node, so even if they're printed, the decoration node wouldn't affect them. I believe you have gotten your [i]Base Material* group "working." But because it still merges with the Decoration node on the other parts, that indicates to me that the Decoration group may have issues as well... or possibly something upstream as well. Maybe in the Normal group, maybe not. We can deal with that after we finish with the Base Material. So let's keep working in the [i]Base Material[/b] to see what is causing your computer to choke.

  1. Starting at the top of your Green Node, match each setting to the existing Principled BSDF, paying attention to how/if each change affects your model. If the existing BSDF has a value, change yours to match (except the color). If something plugs into the setting on the existing node, plug it into the setting on your node. Be patient with this and let each one take effect one by one. Your hips and hands should remain green until you find a setting that your computer doesn't like. When you find one of these, you'll know where you have a problem. Give it a go and post back what you've found.

Wdym mean by match each setting to the existing principled bsdf there is no other principled bsdf other than the green node or do you mean the one inside the base material

I'm going to refer to Principled BSDF as Shader to cut down on typing. Yes, we are inside the base material. In your image, you have two Shaders, with Yours on the left and the Original on the right. I was calling Yours the green node before. Now I'll just refer to it as Your Shader, but these are the ones I'm talking about.

In this part of troubleshooting, we will NOT change anything on the Original Principled BSDF.

  1. Start at the top... The Original Shader's first option is Multiscatter GGX. Your Shader's first option is just GGX. Change Yours to Multiscatter GGX. Now give it a second. Did it go black?
  • a. Yes - You found a problem. Make a note of it and change Your option back to GGX. Go to step 2.
  • b. No - This setting works. Leave Your Option as Multiscatter GGX. Go to step 2.
  1. The next option is Christiansen-Burley for both the Original and Your Shaders. You can leave this as it is.

  2. The next option is Base Color. Leave this alone so we can see things turn green or not.

  3. The next option is Subsurface. On the Original Shader, it is 1.0. On Yours, it's set at 0. Make Yours 1.0 to match the Original. Give it a few seconds. Did it turn black?

  • a. Yes - You found a problem. Make a note of it and change Your option back to 0. Go to step 5.
  • b. No - This setting works. Leave Your Option at 1.0 and go to step 5.
  1. This option is Subsurface Radius. The original has the mb_sss_radius group plugged into it. We need to match Yours to the Original, so connect the output from the mb_sss_radius to Your Shader's Subsurface Radius input. (The mb_sss_radius should be connected to both the Original and Your Shader now. Did it go black?
  • a. Yes - You found a problem. Make a note of it and change Your option by unplugging the mb_sss_radius from Your Shader. Go to step 6.
  • b. No - This setting works. Leave the mb_sss_radius plugged into Your Shader and go to step 6.
  1. Keep going down the settings one by one. If matching a setting to the Original Shader makes Your Shader go black or go weird, make a note of it and undo the change you just made. As you go down the shader, you'll find things that do and do not work. By the time you get to the bottom, you should know what works and what doesn't. Post your findings and we can keep working on it.

Hi, I would like to let you know I no longer need help. Idk why but I just downloaded blender 2.93.5 and it seems to be working! I should no longer need help but if I do I will let you know!


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