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Wynter_Studios02 a commencé cette discussion dans Community

Heyo everyone!😄

This is the sacred forum for all things STAR WARS.

  • Roleplay!
  • Talk!
  • Joke!
  • Share trailers!
  • Share theories!
  • Share (Star Wars related) Models!

We DON'T...

  • Bully..
  • Judge..
  • Cuss..
  • Be inappropriate..

Those are all the rules! Have fun everyone!


190 réponses · Page 2 sur 10

Oofers indeed @Lax.( ._.)

You made me laugh so hard just then
Nope, probably not for a while, but they're coming this year, that's for sure...
They're also very expensive.:/

Is anyone here?O_O

Guys!!! My Laptop came back yesterday!!!!
I can resume putting out models!!!!!!

Yeah, braces are pretty expensive. I'm supposed to get mine off around Mid Nov to Early December. In a way, i kind of like them, because now when I go to the movies (before COVID started) I get NACHOS instead of Popcorn.


Yup..Oh, cool! Maybe I'll get nachos!😄

Maybe. When this COVID thing is done. I live in Canada, and we are in a Shutdown rn, so almost everything is closed. Stores have to operate at 25% capacity.

Also, I'm adding a new part of my Star Wars character's story to my creations. I was watching Youtube yesterday and I came across this 1hr Mega Man Fan Film, based on the Original Mega Man Game released in 1988.
I'm just going to say, I honestly didn't know what to feel. MM literally CREAMED the first 3 Robot Masters; (evil robots) Ice Man, Bomb Man and Fire Man (no hes not a firefighter lol.) He also beat Gutsman and Cutman, but gets TRASHED by Elecman (seriously, thats his name.) Elecman just taunts him and then basically gets bored, and starts Electrocuting him. His literally getting the "Luke" treatment, (get it? From Ep.VI?) when this other dude steps in and says "Hey!" Elecman doesn't turn around and says something like; "Go Away," or "Get Lost." Anyway, the dude doesn't go away and Elecman starts electrocuting him. The lightning? NO EFFECT. Yes, the lightning is hitting him, but its having no effect. The dude kills Elecman, and says to MM;
"What the hell was that? You were doing so well!" MM is confused because he doesn't know who this dude is. Before the dude leaves, he says; "And also, tell Dr. Light I said Hi."
Light, MM and MM's twin (maybe younger?) sister Roll, talk for a bit, and the Mysterious dude is revealed as "Blues." If you've played the MM3 video game, you would know that "Blues" is Protoman. Blues is revealed to be Light's first creation, and the OLDER BROTHER of MM and Roll. The reason he wasn't at the lab was because there was a Defect or bug or something in his Core (power unit) and he wasn't obedient like MM is. Blues ran away from the Lab after Light tried to persuade Blues to let him fix the Error. Light tells MM "The next time you see him, PLAY IT SAFE."
Anyway, MM fights Yellow Devil, A giant, yellow BLOB with a huge red eye and limbs. YD TRASHES MM, and almost kills him when Blues steps in wearing the Protoman armor (Helmet, scarf, Shield and all.) and BLOWS UP YD. Blues brings MM back to Light's lab, where it gets all emotional. Light tells Roll;
"Sigh He's Dying. If his Core shuts down, it will magnetically erase his code, programming, everything. And when that happens... He's dead."
Anyway, I am making my character become an Android. Where a lot of stuff will happen. I don't really have a storyline YET, but ill kinda just Go with the flow, if you know what I mean.

Wait, what's the 'Luke' treatment?

In SW episode 6, when Luke says "No. I'll never join the Dark Side. You've failed, your highness. I am a Jedi. Like my father before me."
Palps: So be it. Jedi.
The Luke treatment is when Luke is getting Zapped with lightning.

And my latest model which is the Second installment of Thunder Man's Story:

I read it!!
Awesome, I can't wait for more!😄

I have news:
Marina agreed to write Sira a story for me because she doesn't have any Star Wars books going on right now, so I'll be doing that!! Yay!😄

Really? That sound AMAZING! Can't wait to see it!

My Newest Model:
Thunder Man's whole family

Yup!! I know!😄
It's gonna be mainly on her backstory, and it stretches a little bit into her training with Master Yoda. Then Marina said she'd do an epilogue with being assigned her new Master, your character!😄

Nice!! Can't wait to see it!

yes finely a star wars forum

You do know there are multiple Star Wars forums, right?

naw i did not see them

Edit: Oh new page!😄

10 participants
Avatar de Wynter_Studios02
Avatar de -Lax_Swag5-
Avatar de MegaModeler
Avatar de SlimBrick1
Avatar de LegoMaster707_2187
Avatar de jalc45
Avatar de xXTheMemeKingXx
Avatar de bigdude
Avatar de Archasnil
Avatar de KingofAce

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