Any tips for making terrain in Mecabricks?
BrianTheFireLord a commencé cette discussion dans Community

Say, if I wanted to build a jungle, is there anyshortcuts or tips anyone could give me?

5 réponses · Page 1 sur 1

Well, first, you have to make the bases: a single jungle tree, a few varieties of plants, etc. Just copy and paste them all over the landcape to make a varied jungle.

Thanks for the tips dude!

use the railbricks magazines in this link for some ideas and help

Dear BrianTheFireLord,

For a mountain, build an X on the ground and start making an uneven circle around it out of mountain coloured bricks. Then, make a slightly smaller uneven circle on top out of mountain coloured bricks. Continue until you get to the top.

To see this technique in action, check out my Mountain Race models.


4 participants
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