Calls Beyond the Wing: A multi Author Story
Greenflame24 a commencé cette discussion dans Community

Ok, so I know forums are being created right and left, but I really felt like I should make one just for this. Please don't share without permission, and please keep this for discussion about the story... mostly 😉

Order of writers

  1. GreenFlowerSecondFourth: Greenflame24

  2. KaleoverpoweredElephant: KnightofElabor

3 . GraduatedMaleFourMinusTwo: Guitarman2

  1. DizzySlashRinoNothingSixth: Dragon_Rider06

  2. MercilessBeast: MrBrick

  3. LazyWackyPeople: LWProductions

  4. Probably PricelessKittylikeNeonMonkey: PyrokeneticNinjaMaster

  5. OatcakeZeroOneThreeMinusTwo: Operator011

26 réponses · Page 1 sur 2

The air was cool, and Crispus’ eyes slowly opened. It was all so calm peaceful. A gentle breeze drifted through the air, and he could hear the roar of waterfalls off in the distance. Pushing up on his arms he lifted his body and then rose to his feet. He was in a forest, one that painted everything in a deep green, brown, and gray. A blue sky adorned with cotton like clouds peered in through breaches in the leafy canopy of tall trees. He could see what looked like the edge of a cliff a good ways before him, and so he made his way towards that, to get a view of the land. He arrived there shortly, and gasped at the sight before him. Cliffs and peaks rose and fell before him authoritatively as giant waterfalls gushed from them, and down to an enormous lake resting thousands of feet below him. Islands of different sizes filled the air and water, while enormous eagles (the likes of which he’d never thought of seeing) swooped and circled around them. Lush vines and moss grew here and there. It was like a dream land. The air was cool and crisp, and the very thought of the clear water made one crave for its pure and icy refreshment. He had no idea where he was, what his life had been like before this, or what he should do. All he could remember was his name. Leaning against a nearby tree he contemplated all this for a while; partly because he wanted to figure out what was going on, and partly because the view was almost too amazing to leave. There was no sign of civilization anywhere, so the idea that he might be all alone in this place was not out of the picture, but this thought soon vanished.

He jumped as one of the giant bird described earlier flew directly above him, the gust of wind from its massive wings rushing past his face and jostling his blond hair. Yet there was more. A voice, faint at first, and yet growing louder, called from before him. It was a soft and young voice, speaking words he couldn’t understand, yet words he knew the meaning of. It was a woman’s plea for help. She was calling him. He looked up at the eagle who was flying off towards the north, it had sent the message. He needed to follow it. He turned to look behind him, and his heart sank. Something dark was in the forest. Yes, it looked as beautiful and free as ever, yet darkness could be felt. It was a sick, disgusting, and hatred filled darkness. It was coming for him, for her, and for whoever else it could grasp. He had one choice, run. And so he did. It was during this run that he noticed the two swords strapped to his back, as well as the pouch adorned strap across his chest. However there was no time to study or admire these items, he had to find a way down the cliff, across the lake, and as far north as he could get. Why? He wasn’t sure, but he had to. 

Alright KoE, take it away!

Also, I think the name Crispus is cool 😂, but if y'all really think I should change it let me know 👍

Ayyy nice!

@GFlame, Dang, that was really good bro! (I like Crispus's double swords 😏)

I have company over tonight and I'm in school rn, so I'll try to get my part out by the end of tomorrow. . . key word: try 😂

@MrBrick Thanks!

@FW Thoinks

@KoE Thanks, and yeah, the double swords are cool... but I just don't get why you of all people would like them? 😆 I will await your continuation 👍!

@greenie Yoie welcome

Crispus peered down the edge of the cliff. He was standing thousands of feet above the ground and there appeared to be no easy way down. The face of the cliff was as smooth as a river rock. But he then noticed a thick, blue-green vine climbing down the cliff. He ran over to the vine, and found that it was wrapped around a tree. He pulled on it with all his strength, and it didn’t budge. He even unsheathed one of his swords and attempted to cut it. He didn’t make a scratch. The vine was quite sturdy.
He walked over to the edge and grabbed the vine, his back facing the empty expanse of air. He took a deep breath and hesitantly started to lean back. Vertigo flowed over him. He stopped. He didn’t know if he should do this. Suddenly another eagle glided over him. He heard the voice again. He needed to keep going. After slowly leaning back a few inches more, he pulled his right leg behind him and pushed his foot against the cliff. Sweat poured down his face as he loosed his white-knuckle grip on the vine and lowered himself down. He let go of his breath when his left foot touched the cliff again. After about 30 minutes of slowly repeating this process, he started to feel a bit more comfortable and picked up speed.
As he continued his descent, Crispus started thinking about his strange predicament. He wasn’t sure how, but knew that he wasn’t from this place. The size of the eagles, the floating islands and the bright, blue-green color of the vine all seemed weird to him. Even though he couldn’t remember seeing them any other way. He also wondered who his parents were and if he had any brothers or sisters. It was all so strange.
Several hours later, he finally reached the bottom of the cliff. He collapsed onto the soft grass. His arms felt like they were on fire. The sun was setting and basking the mystical landscape in a pink light. The wind started to pick up as the sun retired for the night and Crispus's thoughts turned to making a fire. He reached into his satchel and felt something smooth and cold, but his fingers wrapped around a small, wood box. He opened it, and it was filled with gray matches. To his utter amazement, when he lifted one up from the box, it was instantly consumed in a blue flame. Within moments he had a blazing fire and he fell asleep to the peaceful roaring of the river in the distance.

That night he dreamed he was in a forest. There was a girl there, about his age, with dark hair and pretty, blue eyes. She was saying something to him. At first he couldn’t make it out. He felt like he was under water. Slowly, her voice became clearer and clearer. But before he could fully understand what she was saying, he awoke with a start. It was midnight. Crispus rolled over, his back toward the dying fire, and he looked up at the cliff. Suddenly he was filled with terrible dread. It was like the evil he felt before when he looked at the forest, but this time it was accompanied by utter terror. He heard shrieking in the distance. It was getting louder. He felt paralyzed. The wretched noise got even louder. Crispus mustered his strength and yanked his head back to the north. Instantly the shrieking and fear melted away. But his heart was still beating rapidly.
Slowly, he drifted back into a deep sleep.

He awoke once again, but this time to the glorious sunrise. He stood up and stretched his legs. His arms were still a little sore but he felt well rested. Which was good because he had a long day ahead of him. Before he started toward the river, he hesitantly looked behind him. He didn’t feel the same terror, but he felt the same evil. He quickly turned away and as he started walking, he thought he heard faint shrieking, echoing in the back of his head.
Then he started running.

Hope y'all like it!

Wow... KoE... that was awesome. I both love and hate seeing people write my story 😂.. but I love it more... and you're doing an amazing job. I was tense the entire time. Really, you picked up right how I would have liked it... but that doesn't really matter... it's our story, and we direct it when we can.

Anyways, Guitarman2... you next!


Nice job on this everyone!

@D_R Thag you very buch

Thanks people!!!

Epic job KoE!

@FW, Thx bro!

I Just found this.
Great figure @GreenChap!

@Snappy Thanks bro!

Is this thing canceled?

Well, I'd say that's up to G-Man, but if he doesn't want to write anymore, then it's D_R next.

Guys, I just found out about this forum now. 😂
I don't think G-man knows about it. 😆
You should probably PM everyone who's supposed to be an author since I had no idea this existed, G-man probably doesn't either. 😆

8 participants
Avatar de Greenflame24
Avatar de Fireblade28
Avatar de KnightofElabor
Avatar de MrBrick
Avatar de PyrokineticNinjaMaster
Avatar de SnapStudio
Avatar de Operator011
Avatar de Dragon_Rider06

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