Who am I?
Thanatos a commencé cette discussion dans Community

Welcome all contestants.
My name is Thanatos, but is it really?

You've been given the challenge of correctly identifying me. I am a current Mecabricks user, and that is the only information that will be given to you. Satisfied? Good.

2375 réponses · Page 66 sur 119

I read it, and it doesn't make any sense. Probably just meant to mislead us all

What if it was Scrubs?

What's the riddle?

Forgive the delay, I've been busy watching you all suffer needlessly trying to guess who I am. I fooled you into believing I was A7X, and I will continue to do so, unless you all outsmart me. Here's your next riddle.

If I were a person of significant interest, I'd put out a petition for a global conquest. But I am small and quite unknown, and all I wish for is a throne. What am I?

And, this https://mecabricks.com/en/models/VyvnbR9pvl3

It's not Scrubs.

I think I've got it. You are always wishing for more, meaning you are irrelevant. Is that right?

Me: It isn’t greenie. And NOTHING will change my opinion!
Random flame: nah it’s totally greenflame24! You definitely should believe it’s him!
Me: how’s you get here I thought I put you in jail?
Random flame: I was “let out” by some of the guards!
Me: yah definitely “let out”.
Random flame: yah I got out and now I’m free!
Me: yah well why don’t you get out of here before I get Dave over here.
Random flame: no! Please Let me go! Just don’t tell Dave I was here!

Well, I believe it's someone who hasn't won the Mecabricks election.

maybe it is N_FLAME

Ah, A7X, you are truly gifted. Indeed, that is the correct answer. Well done. I must say, I am impressed.

It isn’t me. We crossed my name off the list a while back.

@BF07: You're kind of late. You missed a ton of talk about who it could be, so I don't think you should jump to conclusions when this is your first post on here.

😅 Okee guys, now we know that whoever he was, he felt irrelevant. How would that factor in to our list of suspects?

okay I will start reading all 1,386 posts

😮 66 pages!?


Execute order 66...

It will be done, my lord.

I am done with half of page 1 now

I would say @TNB because no one liked his speech, but, he isn't in my PMs, so it can't be him.

Did you figure out that it is someone in your PMs?

33 participants
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