The discussion of Who will it be?, and its pointless conversations
Operator011 a commencé cette discussion dans Community

Just random stuff. Check out this post ( for more info (on the pointless conversations). Rules: No swearing, or taking the Lord's name in vain. Not in abbreviations either.
Have fun, and be nice.

10703 réponses · Page 535 sur 536

@KoA, you have changed your pfp! o_O section of house reveal!

HAAA joke's on you that fake

My favourite original LEGO IPs:

Ultra Agents, Ninjago, Galaxy Squad, Power Miners, Modular Buildings, Monkie Kid... LEGO has a lot of banger themes.

@KoA, Ah. well that makes sense. Lighting did seem off a bit.

Yeah, if you zoom in you can see it’s fuzzy.

yea I used a site called pfpmaker, was just messing around with it, my next PF is gonna be a bit of a face reveal, you'll see

also justy, no, it's a song by KB called King Jesus, he's a Christian rapper, and that song is insanely good,

Page glitch is still in effect 😕

Video review of a good book!
Written version below, followed by the author purchase link and cover art.
Search for the Astral Dragon
Science Fiction has long been dominated by the big FRANCHISES. But, for readers 8-13 at least, The Astral Alliance series will be a new voice in this sphere. The first book, The Search for the Astral Dragon, was released May 2022, and, as usual for Bryan Davis, characterization is on point, and annoying tropes of the genre are acknowledged and subverted.

Set in a futuristic universe, The Search for the Astral Dragon follows 13-year-old Megan Willis as she struggles to avoid capital punishment for her pirate heritage. The neck shackle she wears uses a failsafe that could kill her at any moment – as well as the usual method of remote execution. While she manages to escape her imminent death and crash-lands on a rural planet, her long-term goal is to find her parents. However, her dire situation is further compounded when she is kidnapped into a ring of enslaved children, mining for a mysterious resource. Should she rescue them or leave them to their fate? Throughout the course of the book, surviving another crash and many strenuous encounters with the antagonists, she gains friends, builds confidence, and learns valuable lessons about justice, mercy, and sacrifice.

Megan is quite the compelling protagonist (hard though it may be for me to identify with a 13yo girl). Her perseverance, wit, and resourcefulness forge her actions perfectly, especially as she struggles to piece together what’s happened before, what her next steps are, and the morality of the conflict between her parents and the government. Meanwhile, there is quite a diverse number of interesting antagonists. The slavers, mine-owner, space navy, and even nature provide challenging obstacles that force Megan to figure out what she believes and act on it. The side characters here are also given deep and complex backgrounds, as well as abilities that complement each other to create a powerful team. Every single character here could stand several books without exhausting the potential for development. 

Although the similitudes here are less overt, fans of Firefly will instantly recognize the historical motifs – like the aforementioned slave trade, or the struggles of living on the edge of civilization. My favourite subversion of classic sci-fi tropes is the way Davis handles both technology and languages. Reminiscent of Roman times, there are two primary human languages understood across the galaxy, Humaniversal and Alpha One. Of course, local communities have their own languages as well, and it is rare for someone on the frontier to know both – or even to speak one. And even though technological ear translators exist, learning the local languages is shown to be much more advantageous in the long run. Meanwhile the technology feels like a natural progression – AI that can assist but not dominate, spacesuits that have magnet boots, and other such common sense features.

In the end, what can I say? Bryan Davis has done it again. His prose vividly paints the picture of a thrilling space adventure, his characters act with perfect believability, and his take on troubling tropes not only subverts expectations, but indeed plays a major role in the story. A perfect gift for a child, The Search for the Astral Dragon may be easily read aloud or alone. If you’ve been looking for a good sci-fi adventure, but can’t quite trust the big franchises to focus on story above all, look no further.
Author Purchase link:

The time has come to vote for the Mecabricks President! I'll go through them in the order they are listed. (Right to left)

  1. Candidates can vote, just not for themselves.
  2. Voters can only vote once and for one person.
  3. No Idea.

Candidate #1: KnightOfElabor (KoE)

taps mic
Hey everyone... thanks coming out to see me...
takes a deep breath
Today, I want to go back to the basics. Back to the single most basic right of human kind, Freedom. I feel like many people, especially in our generation, take Freedom for granted. We hang out with our friends, go to church, express our opinion, choose what we want to eat for breakfast, and build stuff with virtual interlocking bricks never stopping to think about why we can do all that stuff. The men and women who came before us and gave everything so we could live in the world we do today.
I also feel like lots of people misunderstand Freedom. Freedom is not just doing whatever you want. we HAVE TO have laws, and people who enforce those laws, to truly enjoy Freedom. Otherwise it would be chaos. I'm sad people don't seem to get that any more.
Freedom is under attack in so many ways. Why? Because we are ignorant of what Freedom is and those who defended it.

You have the Freedom to build whatever you want, express your opinion (even if it offends some people), create renders without them being taken down, Ruthlessly Obliterate Birds. As president, I am here to serve you, not rule you. I'm not here to give you free stuff either. I'm here to lead you to Freedom.
You may ask, "what freedom is being taken from us?" Look around you. I'm sure you can find examples, no matter where you look or where you live.

My ultimate goal is to inspire you to stand up for Freedom. Freedom for yourself or for the Freedom of others.

To close, I'd like to give a quote from my favorite superhero (right behind Spider-Man), Captain America:

"The price of Freedom is high.
It always has been.
And it's a price I'm willing to pay.
And if I'm the only one, then so be it.
But I'm willing to bet I'm not."

Type #KnightsofFreedom in the comments to vote for KoE.

Candidate #2: Greenflame24 (Gf24, Gaterbait)

walks up on stage, and looks at my tech crew
Um… if it’s not too much trouble, could we turn the green flames on. I know they’ve been a hassle, but I put a lot of thought into making them… and, well, yeah I know it’s just for show but… do you think you guys could turn them on.
hears a muffled yell from the back of the room
What? Oh… they are causing you more trouble than you thought. Well, thats ok, you can just leave them… oh, and there they go. Ok, thanks guys, you're the best. Anyways,
looks sheepishly at the snickering crowd
Ok, sorry about that, but, you see, I really like green fire. Anyways, thanks so much for coming and listening to my digital speech. If you are like me, I am guessing you are having your computer read this to you, right? Eh, probably not, but oh well.
So, what am I here to address? Well, laying aside the topics of computers and colored fire, let's consider the one thing that allows us to be here today; our freedom. Freedom is a marvelous gift, and its results are mind blowing. Because of freedom, not only have we enjoyed our lives beyond the dream of many, but our ability and ease to do so has skyrocketed. As men and women are free to invent, teach, sing, work, and just live, life moves on in an abounding flow of joy and beauty. However, freedom isn’t loved by all. There are some in this world, and by far too many, who, with their cunning and silently persuasive schemes, trick our minds into letting our freedom go. They present evil in ways so small and subtle that we don’t think our pleasures, comforts, and interest are worth giving up just because of it. However, that one remnant of evil remains, and grows, and with its growth more remnants are produced, each one larger than the last. Suddenly we find ourselves in a world of blackness. History is rewritten, monuments are torn down, and freedom is redefined. Until the end of the ages, we will never be completely free from evil, and in the words of Edmund Burke, “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” Good men, and women, have been doing nothing. Just look at our world and the growing darkness that stains the hearts of nations. If has grown so much, that If we don’t accept that evil, we are accused of hate and intolerance. Even in lands where the freedom of speech is written into its very soul. What are we to do with all this? We should fight. Why not? Why don’t we stand against evil and oppression, openly opposing those who support it. Evil is cowardly, and if we would only take a stand it would back down. Evil needs us to slack off in order to thrive, and that is exactly what we are doing. So I challenge you to stop just doing nothing, even if Winnie the Pooh disagrees. If its evil and destructive, stand against it. Don’t believe the contradictions of the news and the lies of celebrities, which so many wishy washy individuals are accepting; instead, do your own research to find out what is really truth, and once you find it, fight for it. Freedom comes at a price, and the longer we wait, the larger that price becomes.

looks at my watch and gives a low whistle
I know that I’m a bit over my time, but one last thing. Make beauty, true beauty. One of the things that darkness loves, and uses, is twisted beauty. For example, look at modern art. When did that become a thing? Why can’t we have meaningful and skillfully made art decorating our homes and buildings? So design, write, compose, whatever you can do, with passion and skill. Let your very heart flow into your creation, the droplets of your soul fashioning each part in an overflowing portrait of depth. It’s time to stop letting shallow and cheap works surround us, but instead we should surround them with the power of living hearts. In the words of Andrew Peterson, “Every heart is a burning flame.”

Type #FlamesOfFreedom to vote for Gf24

P.S. That may just be the most poorly written speech ever… but… oh well… I’ll let all the grammar folk eat me for lunch. All I am here to do is make truth known, even if I can’t do it very well.

Candidate #3: J2fam77 (J2)

Hello! You people know a lot about trucks! Today I am going to make a name for this website, and put Mecabricks on the map!! As you know, I am yet not the greatest mecabricker, but I am here to unite the noobs and the pros, and even the gods!! My flag is the symbol meaning that anyone can be a hero, and that no matter who you are, you're a cool guy!! My slogan is clear, and easy to understand.

Together we can, together we must, together we will!!

Today I speak in order to give everyone a chance to see a motivation for themselves! I am truly open to your critiques, and listening to your opinion! We may be different from each other now, but as of my election, WE ARE A PEOPLE!!! checks phone to see if I jotted down anything else

I understand that I must be mature enough to make this work, and so I have practiced! I have taught one among you! I am truly striving for a difference!! cameraman accidentally turns off spotlight and turns on the other lights too bright as I yell at him to turn off the lights

Do you remember when I got too much into the Antarctic Apocalypse? Ever since my 150th model special, I have truly changed to a trustworthy person. I'm not really rich asks editor if these are all the Donald Trump jokes he has anyways, I'm not really rich, but I think of all of you when I write this down!!

Please, vote for me! If I'm elected, everyone gets a cool shoeshine and a lifetime supply of Mac n' Cheetos and the Never-ending Pasta Bowl!!! You also get a free copy of old Ninjago/Nexo Knights songs!! Not only that, but a free Champion's Ballad shirt!! ENJOY!!!

Type #J2forpresident to vote for J2

Candidate #4: Snapstudio (Snappy, Snaptoit, Zeesnapper, Guywiththemostnicknames)

Greetings and salutations my fellow users! Since you guys choose to actually do this Mecabricks president thing, yours truly decided to run!

And now, my speech...

Mecabricks - a place were we LEGO Fans (thanks to unlimited LEGO Bricks) get to express our love for the toy we never grew out of. But then again, LEGO isn’t really a toy. I could get into that, but I will stick to the point. Guess I never really thought I would say this but, if you elect me president, I will stand up for what’s right. No bullying, no profanity, no ugly behavior of any kind. There’s not much of that here anyway, but I thought I’d just clarify that. I would use my "power" wisely, and try to keep Mecabricks as absolutely great as it can be!

I wish everyone the best in this month's election. And a huge shoutout to my buddy BrickBoy for letting me use the Mecabricks Tile Piece Customs! God bless America (and Mecabricks)! smiling face with open mouth

Type #SnapStudioforPresident to vote for Snaptoit

Candidate #5: Bishop1859 (meh)

Hello, my fellow Mecabricks users! I'm Bishop1859, here running for president!
Now, I'm running for one perpose, make Mecabricks a better place! And to do that I'm going to attempt the following:

  1. Welcoming new users.
    Tell them everything I know on the workshop, tips, shortcuts and all that, and perhaps teach them that you don't need to reupload the same model/very similar ones. Simplicity people.
  2. Eliminate the bullies.
    Some people have the nerves to get on peoples nerves, and believe it or not, it gets on my nerves. This may include; Stealing models, Offensive behavior, and spam. I'll try my best to get to those people.
  3. Leg godt.
    For those who dont know, LEGO is an abbreviation for leg godt, meaning "play well." This is a site about playing with LEGO, let's enjoy what we're doing! Now, how am I going to "enforce" fun? Just talk to people, make their day! Maybe have a conversation, just be friends all together.
    Thank you for joining me today, and remember, like LEGO, we must stick together!
    I'm Bishop1859, and I approve of this message.

Type #Bishopforpresident to vote for Bishop

That's all the Candidates! Cast your vote in the comment section below!
A heck ton of tagsBishop1859GaterbaitGf24Greenflame24GuywithtoomanynicknamesIan_themageJ2J2fam77Knight of ElaborKoEMecabricks ElectionMehSnappySnapStudioSnaptoitZeesnapper
Greenflame24 2 years ago
Ok, so this was kinda hard... there were things I appreciated about each speech... well, looks at my top two choices, Ok... here we go.

My vote is gonna have to go to KightofElabor! I was actually kinda torn over who to vote for... but there will be other elections. KoE, you've got my vote this time!
SnapStudio 2 years ago
Another nickname of mine is ZeeSnapper. I think Operator011 came up with that...
KnightofElabor 2 years ago
alright, i vote for Greenflame24!
(just to be clear, i did not vote for him cuz he voted for me (tho i do appreciate that), i had already decided before hand.)

(also @ Ian, you forgot my bow-tie!!! (it's ok tho i really don't care ))
Ian_themage 2 years ago
Oops. My bad. Must have accidentally deleted it.
HAMMERBORNE 2 years ago
clears throat

So let’s see... ..who am I going to vote for...
pulls out notepad
starts flipping through pages
Well, no point in putting it off any longer..

I, Hammond Bourne, the top journalist for the Hammerborne press, will vote for....
Ian_themage 2 years ago
Dragon_Rider06 2 years ago
Ok no hard feelings anyone but I'm voting for . . . Greenflame24! #FlamesofFreedom!
HAMMERBORNE 2 years ago
MrBrick 2 years ago
Ian_themage 2 years ago
JUST SAY IT ALREADY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

@Everyone: If you would feel more comfortable PMing your votes to me, then that is allowed.
Ian_themage 2 years ago
Next month, that will be the way the voting system works.
Operator011 2 years ago

I LOVE LONG SPEECHES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Seriously though, I do vote for GreenFlame24.

Operator011 2 years ago
(I have no idea what this is about. 😆)
HAMMERBORNE 2 years ago


Yep, you heard that right, I’m voting for Adam Bishop Norcross.
And to tell the truth, I did not think I’d be the one saying that.
When I first saw Bishops Prehsident model I was skeptical, to say the least, but I clicked on it anyways and man am I glad I did (I’m obviously making this over dramatic ;p).
Though I appreciate KnightofElboars call to freedom and J2fam77s offer of free Mac n' Cheetos* (very tempting) I ultimately had to vote Bishop** why, you ask? Well, for one, he made promises he could potentially keep.
Two: I agree with those promises.
Three: No idea.

So that’s it from me! please don’t sue me over my horrible writing (just in general: my punctuation, grammar and all that jazz)

*The only problem there was the fact that for him to send me the aforementioned delicacy I would have to give him my address. And if that happened and a certain person found out (I’m not talking about LW) I’d have to watch my back twenty-four-seven
**is that like the three-hundredth time I’ve said that?

@Ian, if I have two accounts (not saying that I do) can I vote twice? Of course, this totally metaphorical
HAMMERBORNE 2 years ago
PyrokineticNinjaMaster 2 years ago
#FlamesofFreedom! (I'm sorry, I'm just a sucker for special effects )
Ian_themage 2 years ago
@HAMMERBORNE: Metaphorically yes.
However DEFINITELY no one here has a alt, right?
Ian_themage 2 years ago
@Op011: RIP iskall's diamonds.
MrBrick 2 years ago
Guitarman2 2 years ago
I'll vote for KoE.
The Cap quote did it in for me.
MrBrick 2 years ago
So, if I counted right, it's

Gf24: 4 votes

KoE: 2 votes

Bishop: 2 votes
Ian_themage 2 years ago
Correct. I think.
LWProductions 2 years ago
Welp... my vote goes to SnapStudios!
Greenflame24 2 years ago
Wait, I'm winning?!? Thanks guys
@SnapStudios... another nickname of mine is Gaterbait... literally...
ImagiMaster 2 years ago
I’m voting for j2fam77. #J2forpresident
ERROR_INK173 2 years ago
i vote for ...........
bishop1859 uwu
ERROR_INK173 2 years ago
Sky_Python 2 years ago
Argh, this is hard! Everyone's really good... my vote is torn! For this election, my vote goes to Bishop1859. #Bishopforpresident!
MrBrick 2 years ago
So, now it's

Gf24: 4 votes

KoE: 2 votes

Snappy: 1 vote

j2fam77: 1 vote

Bishop: 4 votes
Ian_themage 2 years ago
So, Gf24 and Bishop are tied.
HAMMERBORNE 2 years ago
suspense builds
LWProductions 2 years ago
Hmmm... can you change your vote? Nah. Lemme get a friend to vote. Nah. Let Scrubs vote. Perfect.
Just kidding
The_Indescribable_One 2 years ago
I vote for knight of elabor
HAMMERBORNE 2 years ago
@LW, why do you want to change your vote?
Operator011 2 years ago
I wish I had known about this sooner! (And became a candidate) I can see it now... #OperationFreedom... (RIP)
KnightofElabor 2 years ago
@Op011, you can run next time! (at one point we said that we would elect a new president every month, but that might of changed)
Operator011 2 years ago
Oh, it's not a big deal. I don't even know what the "President" would do. 😆
KnightofElabor 2 years ago
(yea we honestly don't either )
Operator011 2 years ago
Well, honestly, that's what it's all about, isn't it?
Guitarman2 2 years ago
@Op011: Who are you going to vote for?
Operator011 2 years ago
Oh, I already voted. #FlamesOfFreedom

(I love long speeches!)
Guitarman2 2 years ago
Oh yea. Sorry.
Operator011 2 years ago
It's fine.
Greenflame24 2 years ago
And so we've tied! Unless someone voted for one of us... but just used PM... That might be the case... oh well... why am I babbling off guys? Can someone give me an explanation?

from the back of the room

Random dude: Maybe because you just can't keep your mouth shut, but have run out of words to say... that was kinda a long speech ya know.

Me: Well, I think I could say a lot more... have I ever told any of ya'll the pink gorilla story?

Random dude: No!

Me: OK, then here it goe--

Random dude: No! I mean no don't tell that story again!

Me: I've always thought it was a good story?

Random dude: Ok so you've proved your point, you still have a lot to say... but please, just keep your mouth shut until the election is over.

Me: So I can give an inauguration speech if I win, or a sorry speech if I lose.

Random dude: Yes, thats fine.

Me: But I don't want to give a sorry speech.

Random dude: Of course not, but if you lose, you lose.

Me: But even if I lose, I don't want to give one.

Random dude: Then what will you do!? Sit around and mope?!?

Me: No, I think I'll just give a congratulations speech as my gift to the winner.

Random dude: I doubt they will appreciate it.

Me: Oh... then can I give one to myself if I win?

Random dude: Why on this earth would you do that?

Me: Because I can't go to Mars.

Random dude: What!?!?

Me: You said "why on this earth". The reason I'd do it on this earth is because its the only place I can do it on...

Random dude: You're hopeless...

Me: I always thought I hoped for a lot of things...

Random dude: Somebody get this guy away from me!
Operator011 2 years ago
Charles 2 years ago
I need Mac n Cheetos bois sooooooo…
#J2forpresident Lol
And we’re friends
(I think?)
Ian_themage 2 years ago
The tally so far, is
Gf24: 4
Meh: 4
KoE: 3
J2: 2
Guywithtoomanynicknamestokeeptrackof: 1
Jman 2 years ago
I vote big chungus
Ian_themage 2 years ago
Jman 2 years ago
Look'em up
MOCmaster 2 years ago
Just one thing!

j2fam77 2 years ago
Yes, ChuckZilla, we are buddies, and thanks to everyone who ACTUALLY READ MY SPEECH ENOUGH TO VOTE!!!! So thanks to my two voters!
cj_builds_things 2 years ago
Big Chungus? Man, idk bout that one, sir. That's a...that's a yikers from me, sir

I vote big chungus regardless of what i said
tg 2 years ago
hmmm returning to mb i see cj
tg 2 years ago
vote big chungus

now where's my free happy meal jman
MOCmaster 2 years ago
"̣͇̻͍̜̮̜̻̘͐͌̎̀̋̈́̿̓͑̕͢I̶͍̝̼̙̞̜̬̬͎̾͆̀̋͘ w̧̭̣̙̖̰̹̾̌͒̓̌i͇̝̬̙̞͈̫̍̅̀͊͗̕͞͠l̷̢̢͔̗̦̩̉̋̏͟͡͠ͅl̶̢̳͙̬̗̗͓̳͍̇͂̆͆̆͢͡ d̵̖̰̤̖͎͕̈̓͌͊̄͟o̸̰̦̙̺͈͂̊̂̿͐̚ w̵̩̥͓̲̹͓͖̮̦̄̐̌̿͗͝͡ͅh̴̭̩͈͈̯̭̅́̅͗̾́͗͠ą̥͚̣͈̝͉͎̦̍̑͂͐̈͊̀̒͢t̶̘͍̬͚̖͓͔͖̐̐̐͒͆̊̽͝͞ I̹͎̦̥̰̤̦͓͔̊̌̒̌͝ m̸̛̠̥͚̳̜͇͖̘̮͌̎͊͑̀̈́̑̅̚ư̭͇̠̹̱̘͑͆͐̒͗̈́̚̕s͎͚̠̙̖̗̟̃͑̌̂͒͠ṯ̛̬͖͕̤̙̙̮̊̅͌͜͞͞"̵̧̰͇̺͕̙̜͔̆͊̉̚̚ͅ
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ERROR_INK173 2 years ago
HAMMERBORNE 2 years ago
The wHaT?!?!?
Guitarman2 2 years ago
@J2fam77: I read your speech enough to vote. I just decided I wanted to vote for koE.
Ian_themage 2 years ago
Big Chungus is not a candidate. All votes for him will be considered invalid.
SnapStudio 2 years ago

Charles 2 years ago
Flopper 2 years ago
KoE has my vote. May the best candidate win!
GavGeist650 2 years ago
im gonna go for #snapstudiosforpesident
Ian_themage 2 years ago
Bishop, KoE, and Greenflame are tied up with 4!
j2fam77 2 years ago
GavGeist how could you betray me!?
SnapStudio 2 years ago
Gf24: 4
Meh: 4
KoE: 4
J2: 2
SS: 2
KnightofElabor 2 years ago
wait, now i have 4!!?? i was already planning next month's speech!

(also, @Ian_TheMage, what happens if two (or more) of us tie???)
GavGeist650 2 years ago
im gonna go for #snapstudiosforpesident
Jman 2 years ago
You dare defy big chungus??!!! >:C
j2fam77 2 years ago
GavGeist!! I trusted youuu!!
HAMMERBORNE 2 years ago
@KofE, you can’t run two consecutive months btw. Just for fairness sake.
Jman 2 years ago
Why are you being un-Inclusive to rabbits? Is it because he's BIG??? or that he's a rabbit??? Rabbits have rights as well, meaning that he should be able to run!!!

Big chungus believes mostly in communism, people on MecaBricks should be able to do whatever they want, and big chungus is for that!! He believes that anyone should be able to do whatever they want(Unless Scrubs doesn't want them to)

#VoteChungus for a Mecabricks that is basically the same as it always has been
j2fam77 2 years ago
I've actually been thinking of changing my name to BigChungus2008. Who here thinks that should be my name? Btw yeah, big chungus gets my vote
The_Indescribable_One 2 years ago
MrBrick 2 years ago
KnightofElabor 2 years ago
@HAMMERBORNE, oh yea, i guess that makes sense (ok, then i was already planning next, NEXT, month's speech )
MrBrick 2 years ago
I'm not changing my vote, I'm still voting for Bishop
The_Indescribable_One 2 years ago
lemme just say I understand nothing about any of this
Ian_themage 2 years ago
@JmanBricks: Big Chungus did not provide a campaign speech in time, so he cannot run.
Lego_Lover 2 years ago
Theres no need to have somebody at the what you could call "top" of Mecabricks.
It's good what reasons its for, like eliminating bullies (Idk how you would do that, I guess just contact Nicholas about it), and welcoming new users, and more.
But there's no need to in a way divide the "best" users and the "normal" users.
Greenflame24 2 years ago
Um... guys... I just accidentally ran over Big Chungus... I'm sorry! I was only going three miles over the speed limit, and he just jumped out in front of me... I'm so sorry... really...

j2fam77 2 years ago
I shall avenge the big chungus!!!
Greenflame24 2 years ago
@LL We aren't doing that. We are just running for fun, it was the result of a joke I started... and Snaptoit gave it some gas... and now look! We make a great team, we should try to do some bigger projects. Literately though, it's just for fun. No one is 'greater' or in a 'higher' position than anyone else.
Lego_Lover 2 years ago
But my point is, that you don't need just one person to be nice, kind, and everything you mentioned.
Everybody should do those things whether they're "President" or not.
Greenflame24 2 years ago
@LL You're absolutely right. I myself wasn't implying that only the 'president' would be doing those things, in fact I almost added a section declaring that I would live out my speech whether I won the 'election' or not. I don't think, at least I hope not, that the others were implying that either.
KnightofElabor 2 years ago
@Lego_Lover, i guess that is true...
(tho, to be fair, this was supposed to be just for fun)
Lego_Lover 2 years ago
@Gf24; Okay...
KnightofElabor 2 years ago
( Greenflame said)
Guitarman2 2 years ago
@LL: As far as I know, everyone is doing their best to be nice, but we just decided that it would be hilarious if we tried this out. If it doesn't work, then we'll just kill this idea. But, I think it could be a fun thing.
Jman 2 years ago
Stop lying, you can't kill big chungus smh
The_Indescribable_One 2 years ago
Sky_Python 2 years ago
I sense a (disturbance in the Force) Big Chungus War coming

if so I'm against him, sorry Chungus fans
REEKID 2 years ago
Greenflame or snapstudios ummm ill go will my co host greenflame i may change it
Greenflame24 2 years ago
@REEKID Thanks man
REEKID 2 years ago
best i could do for you
Charles 2 years ago
Ian_themage 2 years ago
As I told Jman.
Big Chungus did not provide a campaign speech. Therefore he can't run. If he wants to win the election, he has to follow the rules.
SnapStudio 2 years ago
Gf24: 5
Meh: 4
KoE: 4
J2: 2
SS: 2

GreenyBoy takes the lead!
Jman 2 years ago
I did provide big chungus' speech

"Big chungus believes mostly in communism, people on MecaBricks should be able to do whatever they want, and big chungus is for that!! He believes that anyone should be able to do whatever they want(Unless Scrubs doesn't want them to)"
Greenflame24 2 years ago
GreenyBoy haven't you called me that before... adds another name to my list of nicknames. I would actually present my full list of nicknames, if some of them didn't actually reveal my 'real' name.
Charles 2 years ago
My real name is in my Username
And have I received a big chungus SWAT team
SnapStudio 2 years ago

Operator011 gave you the nickname "GreenieBoy".
Greenflame24 2 years ago
@Snaptoit Oh yes! Thats right... I remember.
Ian_themage 2 years ago
@JmanBricks: You didn't provide it in time.
It needed to be given by August 31st at the latest.
OldNCATZ 2 years ago
(And no its not cuz he was the first to comment on my stuff. I just think it was a good speech.)
OldNCATZ 2 years ago
GreenFlame! clap clap clap GreenFlame! clap clap clap GreenFlame!
OldNCATZ 2 years ago
Greenflame24 2 years ago
@NINJA Thanks so much man
Greenflame24 2 years ago
@Everyone, I just wanted to let everyone know that I'm gonna be gone for at least two days... I'll be driving to the land of Ohio. Once I'm there I should be able to pop back on again, Just thought I'd give ya'll a heads up.

Guitarman2 2 years ago
Bye! Have fun!
Charles 2 years ago
Have a safe drive!
Sky_Python 2 years ago
Bye Greenflame, have fun and stay safe!!

Also guys, Big Chungus can't run because he's dead, Greenflame ran him over with his car
MrBrick 2 years ago
@GreenMan Have fun in Ohio, don't get eliminated O_o

Rip Big Chungus, he met a sad end when he decided to run into the road.
Charles 2 years ago
Since Greeny Guy killed big chungus, i killed him!
Bishop1859 2 years ago
Woah, look what I missed! I'm in a tie with greenflame, which goes to show how a speech can be short yet sweet! Thanks all who voted for meh! @ethel_dri00912 ¡gracias mi amigo! 👨
@Greenflame24 May the best man win... (Oh, and @every other candidate too!)
(P.S If I end up in a draw I'll forfeit to the competitor!)
(P.S.S when did big chungus come upon the mecabricks community?)
Jman 2 years ago
You can't kill the big chungus
Bishop1859 2 years ago
The_Indescribable_One 2 years ago

vote big chungus

TheGecko7 2 years ago
I'll go for Snappy, but no hard feelings for the other users!
MrBrick 2 years ago
Wait, why has no one picked a Vice President yet?
Guitarman2 2 years ago
@MrBrick: VPs are chosen by the president after the election.
MrBrick 2 years ago
Ohhhhhhhh okay
Operator011 2 years ago
Oh, you should see the rest of the nicknames I've come up with...

Greenie Boy: Have a safe trip, bro!
Sky_Python 2 years ago
Okay, from what I've seen the votes stand as:

Gf24: 6
Meh: 4
KoE: 4
J2: 2
SS: 3

Greenflame is taking the lead!
OldNCATZ 2 years ago
Yes! Greenflame!
Charles 2 years ago
Meh boi j2 should win
Charles 2 years ago
Or big chungus
Sky_Python 2 years ago
All of these candidates are amazing, so I'll be happy no matter who wins
j2fam77 2 years ago
Thanks brother!! GET THE COOL SHOESHINE!!! Together we can, together we must, together we will!!!!
OldNCATZ 2 years ago
j2fam77 2 years ago
If not me, at least big chungus.
OldNCATZ 2 years ago
Who is bigchingus? I thought greenflame ran over him and that’s why chuckzillatime killed him?
j2fam77 2 years ago
Heck, I've been running for awhile now! I have proof!
Guitarman2 2 years ago
Sorry, mate. That was different. Your goal then was to rule the world. This time, it's different, organized, and has other runners.
j2fam77 2 years ago
My ACTUAL goal was to unite all Mecabrickers. Now, it's a more serious subject.
OldNCATZ 2 years ago
Can I change my vote?
OldNCATZ 2 years ago
This is totally random by the way, can I make a character for aocast?
Ian_themage 2 years ago
@J2fam77: Your outline was to rule the world. At least in that post.
@NinjaCatz: No. (To changing your vote.)
OldNCATZ 2 years ago
Can I make an aocast guy?
Ian_themage 2 years ago
I dunno. I'm not in charge of Aocast.
OldNCATZ 2 years ago
Made me for aocast
(Both civilian and Armourd)
OldNCATZ 2 years ago
Dunno if I’m allowed to be in aocast
OldNCATZ 2 years ago
Did it anyway
Charles 2 years ago
Wrong post ninjameowmam
Charles 2 years ago
Greenflame24 2 years ago
Election ends Tuesday right? Anyways, no matter if I win or not, I'm so thankful to have been in the lead more than once. Literally, I've only been on here like 3 months and just feel like some of these other guys should be way ahead of me. Thanks to all my supporters

P.S. To all of you who didn't vote for me... well... thanks for giving FlamesOfFreedom some competition
Guitarman2 2 years ago
Yup. Tuesday.
Also, thanks everyone for giving Ian some views.
He enjoys it.
HAMMERBORNE 2 years ago
@GM2, I bet he does lol.
KnightofElabor 2 years ago
wait, Greenflame's only been on here for 3 months!? for some reason i thought he had been on here for much longer
KnightofElabor 2 years ago
(also @Ian, your welcome )
Greenflame24 2 years ago
@KoE Yes... actually... I've been on here since like before easter so... 6 months!!! 😒hocked: (if that works) I'm still new though I did know some people before hand via LEGO Ideas. I fallowed Ideas for like two years before joining, and have been a member for about three years on that. I didn't get onto Mecabricks until this year.
Actually, having fallowed LEGO Ideas, and the LEGO Message Boards while it still existed, I feel like I've been a part of the online LEGO community longer than I really have... sorta... yet sorta not.
OldNCATZ 2 years ago
GrEeNfLaMe24 has only been here for 6 months?!?!
PyrokineticNinjaMaster 2 years ago
@GreenieFire, "fallowed"?
Operator011 2 years ago
GreenFlame: BTW, it's spelled "followed." Also, well, I've been on mecabricks for almost a year now, but it seems like a much shorter time! 😆
Guitarman2 2 years ago
I've been on almost a year as well!
Greenflame24 2 years ago
Oh boy... I'm gonna be killed now "fallowed"! In the words of Greenflame24, "Fallowed". Shakes head... It was late, I was tired... I had just driven 8 hours! And yes, I've only been on here for 6 months. I guess I just merged in with everyone extremely well... unless you all have noticed that I'm just a big looser and feel sympathetic, so you include me


j2fam77 2 years ago
I’ve been a year and a half on here. No regrets.
Bishop1859 2 years ago
I've about hit the two year mark!
Bishop1859 2 years ago
this month!
tg 2 years ago
what has this turned into
Guitarman2 2 years ago
Charles 2 years ago
I’ve been here for 4 Months!
LWProductions 2 years ago
I'm about to hit the year mark
Seems like longer to me 😝
PyrokineticNinjaMaster 2 years ago
I've been here for 1 month and 3 weeks or so
PyrokineticNinjaMaster 2 years ago
But I already know how to do a lot of cool things, including custom prints! I only know 4 emojis tho
OldNCATZ 2 years ago
I’ve only been here like... 4 days
HAMMERBORNE 2 years ago
@PyrokineticNinjaMaster, the solution to your problems:

@NINJACATZ, well then welcome to Mecabricks!
Operator011 2 years ago
HB: Really? I know none.

Charles 2 years ago
I know 5

Operator011 2 years ago
I doesn't matter how many you know, if you know the web adress.
Operator011 2 years ago
HAMMERBORNE 2 years ago
@ChuckZillaTime, did ya click my link?

@Op11, Yep
PyrokineticNinjaMaster 2 years ago
@HB, thanks!

I had no idea how many there were!
I actually have been here 2 months and 23 days... I forgot it was September!
Anyway, I like most things about this, except for the few missing pieces...
Ian_themage 2 years ago
The winner will be announced after I do school!
(Don't spoil it in the comments please.)
MrBrick 2 years ago
Cool new pro Ian_TheMage!
MrBrick 2 years ago
*pfp, not pro
Ian_themage 2 years ago
MrBrick 2 years ago
You're welcome!
Operator011 2 years ago
Wait, Ian, aren't you going to say who made it?
Ian_themage 2 years ago
Yeah, Operator011 made it.
Operator011 2 years ago
Thank you...
Charles 2 years ago
(I am an airplane now!)
Sky_Python 2 years ago
Not sure what to make of this chaos now
Greenflame24 2 years ago
SnapStudio 2 years ago
Gosh, I haven’t voted yet...










SnapStudio 2 years ago


Dude, that’s where I live!
Bishop1859 2 years ago
I walk a lonely road, the only road that I have ever known. Don’t know where it goes, but it’s home to me and I walk alone.
Greenflame24 2 years ago
@Snap I knew that already actually, I just guessed that because you were rooting for the Indians. Guess what, I'm here, right now! WE ARE IN THE SAME STATE!!!!!!!!
Greenflame24 2 years ago
Oh, and thanks for the support Snappy!
SnapStudio 2 years ago
Sure thing buddy!

What do ya know...
Charles 2 years ago
Maybe u guys can jump over to Michigan to visit me!
Greenflame24 2 years ago
What if we were actually only like 15 minutes away from each other The reason I'm up here is because my family owns a rental house, we rent it out to people throughout the year, and will sometimes stay in it ourselves. We just so happen to be staying in it at the moment.
TheGecko7 2 years ago
Meanwhile in Lonely England...
Charles 2 years ago
It was just a joke
Greenflame24 2 years ago
@ChuckZilla... now this just gets crazy before I arrived, my mom and sisters had some friends from Michigan come over since its not that far away. Literally...
Charles 2 years ago
SnapStudio 2 years ago
You never know...

You could be that kid who just drove down my street, or the kid who just dramatically ran through my yard looking for his dog, or the kid who’s knocking on my front door at this very moment!

Charles 2 years ago
HAMMERBORNE 2 years ago
Me, all lonely on mars
Charles 2 years ago
Let’s all throw a party in Ohio!
Guitarman2 2 years ago
I live in Arkansas. I doubt I can make it to Ohio.
Greenflame24 2 years ago
Hey Siri?

Siri: What can I do for you?

Me: Where does SnapStudios live?

Siri: Here is what I found the web for, "Where does SnapStudios live?"

Me: Bagh! Hey Siri, how many people live on Mars.

Siri: There is no permanent human presence on mars.

Me: Bagh! How am I ever supposed to find people when-- wait-- did Siri say no one lives on mars!
SnapStudio 2 years ago
Charles 2 years ago
Guitarman2 2 years ago
Siri is misinformed. I have a summer home there.
Guitarman2 2 years ago
I mean, how else am I supposed to take care of my pet T-Rex?
Greenflame24 2 years ago
Hmm... you're probably right. I actually have a friend who pastors a church on Pluto. Surely if people live on Pluto people would live on Mars too.
Guitarman2 2 years ago
Oh really?
I'll need to drop by at somepoint.
My dad's on a mission trip to the depths of Jupiter. The natives don't really have solid ground where they are, so it's a bit tricky.
TheGecko7 2 years ago
Ssshh, we don't want to bring up the subject of all my loyal trained gecko army I have in a bunker there!
Guitarman2 2 years ago
You brought it up, not me.

I thought that was on Saturn??????????
(Oh wait, that's my army.)
MrBrick 2 years ago
@HAMMERBORNE Oh hey, a fellow Martian! Would you be the one who crashed his spaceship in my backyard earlier?
@TheGecko7 Loyal gecko army...are you preparing for war?
Guitarman2 2 years ago
@MrBrick: I accidently crashed it. I was trying to find Hammer's house. I didn't know you lived there though!
MrBrick 2 years ago
@Guitarman2 Ohhhh, okay. Yeah, I just moved there from Pluto, it's considerably warmer here.
Bishop1859 2 years ago
Hey doesn’t Brickbot live on Pluto?
Guitarman2 2 years ago
@MrBrick: Ahhh..
@Bishop1859: I don't know. If he does, then I haven't seen him in my trips there.
HAMMERBORNE 2 years ago
@Gm2, Siri is not misinformed. She said “There is no permanent human presence on mars.”
And you said “I have a summer home there” as far as I know a summer home is not a permanent residence.
The fact is Greenflame24 was not misinformed but he simply misheard.

@MrBrick, Yep just your fellow Martian brother
Also no. I have a drivers license

@Bishop, I thought he lived on Mars?
j2fam77 2 years ago
Bruhs Illinois is my place. Chicago forever.
Bishop1859 2 years ago
HAMMERBORNE 2 years ago
@Bishop, I see.
Ian_themage 2 years ago
Okay! So if I read it right. (Which I have a spreadsheet so I think I did.) Here's the scores.
Knight of Elabor: 4
Greenflame24: 7
J2fam77: 2
Snapstudios: 1 (Sorry, buddy.)
Bishop1859: 4

Greenflame24 is now the Official Mecabricks President!!!!
Bishop1859 2 years ago
KnightofElabor 2 years ago
alright! go Greenflame!
Greenflame24 2 years ago
wait, really, out of all the amazing contestants... I won?!?!?! I'm speechless, just like the rest of y'all... because none of us can actually say anything on here... all we do is type. Anyways, I'll announce my VP and everything on my inauguration post... soon to be made. Thanks so much to all of y'all!

P.S. Guys, I just thought I'd let you know that I have a summer home on Venus... you know... In Texas it can get really hot, and I wanted a cooler place... The house was cheap, and so I bought it.
Guitarman2 2 years ago
Well, I mean, if you get tired of all the lightning and stuff on Venus, you can visit me on Mars!
I also have a back-up bunker on Pluto if you want cooler weather.
OldNCATZ 2 years ago
OldNCATZ 2 years ago
Oh and by the way I live in a little place called Xfrhht ikchstig prrplipplop (as the locals call it, you may know it as Europa) (Europa is one of Jupiter’s moons)
OldNCATZ 2 years ago
(And my cat army is currently floating aimlessly towards chuckzilla’s house)
Jman 2 years ago
Yay, Happy to see Big Chungus won
j2fam77 2 years ago
Breh how am I not president? Other than Bishop, talk about disregard for the elderly.

M E M B E R S I N C E J A N 5 2 0 1 9
OldNCATZ 2 years ago
Greenflame won fair and square.
j2fam77 2 years ago
Looks like only my true voter people get dem old Ninjago songs. To those who didn't want their Zelda shirt, contemplate your failure.
j2fam77 2 years ago
@NINJACATZ Yeah I know he hasn't even been on here for HALF A YEAR!!!!!
Dragon_Rider06 2 years ago
Awesome! Congratulations Greenyboy!

Dragon_Rider06 2 years ago

Dragon_Rider06 2 years ago

KnightofElabor 2 years ago
@ j2 look bro, whether your character doesn't get chosen or you don't win the election, it's all just for fun. no reason to get upset

(also @NINJACATZ, i thought i saw an army of cats floating around)
Guitarman2 2 years ago
@J2fam77: Chill, dude. Gf24 won fair and square. It doesn't matter how long people have been on.
If it bothers you that much, you can petition for a new rule to be the you must have been on mecabricks for X amount of time.
OldNCATZ 2 years ago
Only reason I didn’t vote j2fam is cuz he tried to bribe us and I don’t like it when people try to bribe me.
OldNCATZ 2 years ago
And really? Shoo shine, pasta bowl, Mac ‘n’ Cheetos? What is Mac ‘n’ Cheetos?!
And I don’t really like the fold. And I have WAY to many tshirts
OldNCATZ 2 years ago
Although I liked the speech
OldNCATZ 2 years ago
You found my cats! Can you find em and press the red button on the space ship they are in?
(It is the return to sender button)
j2fam77 2 years ago
BRIBE!? Is that literally what you think? I dunno, I gotta work on Age of the Wild. Peece.
OldNCATZ 2 years ago
Peace ✌️
KnightofElabor 2 years ago
@NINJACATZ, alright i pressed the red button
OldNCATZ 2 years ago
It won’t work
OldNCATZ 2 years ago
Try shooting at them
OldNCATZ 2 years ago
They will turn the ship around and fly home
KnightofElabor 2 years ago
i shot at it with my crossbow
KnightofElabor 2 years ago
i think it worked
OldNCATZ 2 years ago
I think it worked a little too well... they crashed into and destroyed my food/water supply
HAMMERBORNE 2 years ago
Congrats GreenieBoyo!! Your the prez of MB!
What are ya gonna do?
Greenflame24 2 years ago
I think I'm gonna do this
Sky_Python 2 years ago

I also have a dragon sanctuary on Jupiter... unfortunately I haven't run into Guitarman's dad or NINJACATZ. But perhaps I will someday!
Guitarman2 2 years ago
So that's what that thingie was....... Okay!
Ian_themage 2 years ago
What has happened here??????????
P.S. Am I the only one who lives on Mercury? It's a bit warm, but other than that, it's fun!
PyrokineticNinjaMaster 2 years ago
Man, the days go by so slowly there!
LWProductions 2 years ago
Guys, this little maneuver is gonna cost us 51 years, cuz I live on Mann's planet. Not Miller's, of course. I mean, those beautiful mountains in the distance keep getting nearer and nearer... Strange.

They say they're good for surfing.


Welp, CONGRATULATIONS GatlinGun! Woah... did I just say that? Well, Good Game, GG. That's what I'mma call ya from now on.
You certainly deserve it, and I have no idea why j2 is irritated... it really doesn't matter how long you've been in the Mecabricks community, you're still one of us; it doesn't matter how many views you have, or how old you are, because you're still one of us. If you're disrespecting the Lego brand - which of course, we all have at one time or another - and are just on here for kicks and trolling... well, j2 would have a reason to be aggravated.

Chill bro. First off, I'm "avoiding" you on the Armageddon series, just because you don't star in the beginning chapters? I was seriously on my second, man
Just be patient - you'll get your role, promise. It's a bit hard to integrate almost 15 characters, introducing at least 2 each chapter, so it'll take longer than I thought.

Also... yeah, you've been in the MB community for a year and a half, but you've made sure everyone knows it; you could just sit back and let these things happen. I'm not saying I don't like you, bro - I like you quite a lot. You've been one of the top ten content creators here, and you're a really great guy, don't get me wrong.

Greenflame deserves the win no matter how long he's been here - if we voted for a guy who just showed up a day ago, and he won? Well, let's be happy for him, because that's a great welcome, and it's all about the speech. GG gave us the best speech according to the voters, dude. It's not about time, or Ian would have stated that.

Just my thoughts,

Guitarman2 2 years ago
Great speech!
I agree with it in its entirety.
Greenflame24 2 years ago
@LW Man, Thanks for the complements
LWProductions 2 years ago
LWProductions 2 years ago
Anytime, buddy
Lego_Lover 2 years ago
Guitarman2 2 years ago
Nice Render!
Lego_Lover 2 years ago
Greenflame24 2 years ago
Yes! The render is amazing
j2fam77 2 years ago
@LW you’re right. Congrats Greenflame!
Greenflame24 2 years ago
@J2fam Thanks man
Charles 2 years ago
That’s really good!
Bishop1859 2 years ago
Nice render Lego_Lover!
(I think that's the first time meh new figure has been rendered!)
OldNCATZ 2 years ago
@bishop1859 I built your flying robot thingy in irl
OldNCATZ 2 years ago
Just thought I should tell you
Operator011 2 years ago
Hello from, (big surprise), Earth. But not the Earth you'd think of. Middle Earth. Yeah, my mask happens to be authentic Sindarin work.
Dragon_Rider06 2 years ago
So I'm really the only one in the universe who's chilling out on the moon. Oh well . . .
Operator011 2 years ago
You know, reading all the comments on this is a bit like reading a story. 😆
Lego_Lover 2 years ago
Thanks for the complements.
Operator011 2 years ago
But, Dr., I thought you were Australian!
Lego_Lover 2 years ago
ˆƒ ¥ø¨ çå˜ ∂´çø∂´ †˙ˆß≤ ˙å√´ å ©øø∂ ∂å¥⁄
Dragon_Rider06 2 years ago
Yeah and I thought you were from America . . .
Operator011 2 years ago
Steps back in shock

I have met my match in debate...
Dragon_Rider06 2 years ago
Hahaha, my parents say I should be a lawyer because I'm so good at arguing.
Operator011 2 years ago

My parents say the same thing. Though I guess that's not uncommon for teens. (If they're remotely good at arguing)
Operator011 2 years ago
But still, only Me, LegoWilderness, and SnapStudios are the Grammar Lords.
Dragon_Rider06 2 years ago
Yeah, according to my parents, I take it a step above. Personally, I love a good friendly argument or debate.
Operator011 2 years ago
D_R: Same, that's always a lot of fun, especially when you come to an agreement.
Lego_Lover 2 years ago
What in the world!
I thought this was about an Election! XDDD

(I'm not trying to be rude, or saying/trying to stop your conversation )
Operator011 2 years ago
LL: IKR? I specifically said "You know, reading all the comments on this is a bit like reading a story. 😆"

But hey, it's fine. As long as you put an "XD," we know you have good intentions
Lego_Lover 2 years ago
GavGeist650 2 years ago
i don't wanna get political and all but..

C̛͎̬͔̣̫̰ͫ̋̊ͫ̐͂́̔̿̀͞ ͎̦̦͇ͯͤ̚H̓̇̂͑̔͏̢̘̗̟͙̞̪͠ ͤ͠͏̦͙E̪̹̠̖̬̯ͪ͂ͥ͒͂̽̏ͣ́́͘ ̡͓̘̜̞̳̝̜̈́͆ͨͣE̸͔̟̤̥̙̭̝̥̽͂ ͥ͗ͭ̒ͣ̌͏̨̝̰̹S̬̮̯ͥ̌ͯ͂ͨ͂͡ ̢̥̣̑́͞E͍̪̪͔̹̻̖͌́̔̈́̀͘
Lego_Lover 2 years ago
@Gav: Ah yes, molded milk.
HAMMERBORNE 2 years ago
Debating debates...
Operator011 2 years ago
Cheese, huh? How about party poopers? 😆

Mjolnir: You just couldn't resist, could you?
HAMMERBORNE 2 years ago
@Op, I could resist, I just didn't
Operator011 2 years ago
Operator011 2 years ago
*nods sincerely
HAMMERBORNE 2 years ago
raises eyebrow suspiciously
GavGeist650 2 years ago
@L_L:molded milk is the b e s t ingredient in a sandwhich
Operator011 2 years ago
"My full, thick beard almost caught on fire" nods sincerely -Tuffnut [HTTYD Hidden World]
HAMMERBORNE 2 years ago
I just have stubble
I watched that movie along time ago...
HAMMERBORNE 2 years ago
Operator011 2 years ago
Oh, you beat me to it! Really? I just shave. BTW, not in front of the girls, okay? (Take it to a PM, I mean.)
Operator011 2 years ago
(That sounded really stupid. 😆)
Dragon_Rider06 2 years ago
Operator011 2 years ago
D_R: Now there's the reaction I was hoping for!

Really, I don't have a face, so there's not anything to shave. (Open up my sig in editor, and you'll see. )
HAMMERBORNE 2 years ago
Dragon_Rider06 2 years ago
Hmm, true.
The_Indescribable_One 2 years ago
you've lost me
Dragon_Rider06 2 years ago
Welcome to the club. The human jelly-bean club.
The_Indescribable_One 2 years ago
double lost me
KnightofElabor 2 years ago
The_Indescribable_One 2 years ago
tripple lost me
Operator011 2 years ago
Greenflame24 2 years ago
D_R06 likes to debate!!!!!!! LETS TALK ABOUT THEOLOGY

people step back in shock, along with coughing from the back of the room

Random dude: Greenflame24...

Me: Yeah?

Random dude: Do you realize that that, can be an extremely touchy subject.

Me: Yeah, thats why I suggested it.

Random dude: You are going to get yourself impeached.

Me: Um... oh... but what if everyone agrees with my theology?

Random dude: Hope all you want buddy, because it's hard to find anyone who will agree with you on everything.

Me: Oh, well, in the words of G-- Stops and thinks for a moment In the words of Greenflame24, sniff sniff "It was just a suggestion".
The_Indescribable_One 2 years ago
OldNCATZ 2 years ago
Theology? I’d rather ethics
OldNCATZ 2 years ago
Ethics and moral philosophy
Dragon_Rider06 2 years ago
I'll debate anything you want to Greenyboy, but be warned, you don't know what you're getting yourself into. . .
OldNCATZ 2 years ago
Like the trolly problem!
Operator011 2 years ago
How 'bout if LEGO should've killed Harumi or not?
The_Indescribable_One 2 years ago
OldNCATZ 2 years ago
I for one, have no opinion on harumi
The_Indescribable_One 2 years ago
PENTA, wait wait that that makes sense
Operator011 2 years ago
Does anyone else watch Blimey Cow?
OldNCATZ 2 years ago
I would kill the one person I know rather than kill the other 5 strangers
Dragon_Rider06 2 years ago
I have no clue as to who Harumi is so yeah.
KnightofElabor 2 years ago
Op011, yea (haven't recently tho)
Operator011 2 years ago
D_R: You don't watch Ninjago, do ya?
OldNCATZ 2 years ago
Mostly cuz allot of the people I know are Christians so they whould go to heaven (which religion is a whole other conversation In and of itself, And I am a Christian myself btw)
Dragon_Rider06 2 years ago
@O011, I used to, but that was years ago.
OldNCATZ 2 years ago
And I know that a lot of people would argue and yell at for that
Operator011 2 years ago
NINJACATZ: Me too! #MecaChristians
Greenflame24 2 years ago
Alright guys! I'm overwhelmed with notifications, and this thread is to long to scroll though... especially for a debate... I'll be on other models and stuff, but this is getting crazy!!!
OldNCATZ 2 years ago
The_Indescribable_One 2 years ago
Dragon_Rider06 2 years ago
I concur, maybe we can have a special debating model that someone posts.
Sky_Python 2 years ago
this conversation is pure gold, you guys.

Wait, are DR and I the only gals here?
OldNCATZ 2 years ago
Sky_Python 2 years ago
Okay, no hate to Harumi lovers, but she's dead, my dudes. I think it was good that they killed her. There's loads of fanfics about if she did. (I even incorporated that into an AU of mine, haha)
The_Indescribable_One 2 years ago
I guess
OldNCATZ 2 years ago
Dragon_Rider06 2 years ago
Look on the bright side, we're giving Ian_TheMage lots of views!
Operator011 2 years ago
Python: I don't think so, but you're the only ones I've talked to... I met you on LL, remember?
OldNCATZ 2 years ago
Yes we are
Operator011 2 years ago
PSG got me into mecabricks.
Dragon_Rider06 2 years ago
Yep Sky_Python I think we are.
The_Indescribable_One 2 years ago
AM I INVISIBLE DO I EXIST???????????????????
OldNCATZ 2 years ago
Someone make a debate/random conversation model and put the like here
OldNCATZ 2 years ago
Put the link here
Operator011 2 years ago
Hey, can we continue this conversation on Discord? MB is way too slow.

Here's my server:
Dragon_Rider06 2 years ago
Yeah but I don't have Discord . . .
KnightofElabor 2 years ago
same, i lost my login
The_Indescribable_One 2 years ago
so i am then
OldNCATZ 2 years ago
Don’t have discord
Sky_Python 2 years ago
Dang this is moving so fast XD

@Op011 (idk why I'm calling you by 10 variations of your name but whatevs) I remember that!

@Dragon_Rider06 Cool!
The_Indescribable_One 2 years ago
Operator011 2 years ago
Okay guys, this has been fun, but it's getting late, and I'm tired. I'm going to go build. 011 out.
HAMMERBORNE 2 years ago
Wow. This literally went from three hundred to three hundred
fifty in 0.5 seconds
Operator011 2 years ago
Mjolnir: IKR?
OldNCATZ 2 years ago
Pleas enjoy the conversation lounge! And remember the rules when conversation-ing
HAMMERBORNE 2 years ago
@Op, yup.
Also, Mjolnir? I kinda like the sound of that...
Dragon_Rider06 2 years ago
Yeah O011's right, even though it's far from being late for me, I have school work to do, farewell!
Bishop1859 2 years ago
Your "DEBATING" gave me 106 notifications!
Bishop1859 2 years ago
@NINJACATZ AWESOME! You'll have to send meh a pic, I have one as well! How has he been serving you?
Guitarman2 2 years ago
Great Scott! I come back from church and have 86 notifications! That's a new record!
I think I've gotten over 200 notifications today.
Wait, what the heck is going on?
Dragon_Rider06 2 years ago
@Bishop, I woke up with 100 notifications, and ever since they've been rolling in in ones and twos and threes and sixes and sevens.
Ian_themage 2 years ago
So, G-man told me to get on.
I had 117 notifications.
The_Indescribable_One 2 years ago
im invisible right
OldNCATZ 2 years ago
OldNCATZ 2 years ago
How do I send photos?
OldNCATZ 2 years ago
Guitarman2 2 years ago Yes, you are invisible. It's fun to be invisible. You can watch people without them even knowing that you're there!
OldNCATZ 2 years ago
How do I send photos? I’m trying to send a photo of my version of meh to bishop, and it’s not working
Ian_themage 2 years ago
Check this model out.
MrBrick 2 years ago
So this is where the majority of my 207 notifications came from
Guitarman2 2 years ago
ERROR_INK173 2 years ago
I woke up today with 144 notifications
Guitarman2 2 years ago
Oof. They're probably all from here.
PyrokineticNinjaMaster 2 years ago
Yeah, probs
ERROR_INK173 2 years ago
Jman 2 years ago
Can you guys please move this somewhere else? I commented on it as a joke and now i'm being spammed with notifs
Guitarman2 2 years ago
Yeah, I'll create a new model so we can talk about random things.
Jman 2 years ago
Cool, thanks
OldNCATZ 2 years ago
I already did that
OldNCATZ 2 years ago
The chat lounge
OldNCATZ 2 years ago
Chat all you want! But read the rules first
Jman 2 years ago
It may be easier to make a Forum post, less lag ;0
OldNCATZ 2 years ago
Meh I don’t know what a forum post is... I think this is less complicated
SnapStudio 2 years ago
Glances at voting results and see’s this

Snapstudios: 1 (Sorry, buddy.)

I actually got 3 votes, from LegoWilderness, TheGecko7, and Gav_Geisttron650.

I'm aware that me getting 3 votes won’t change anything, but just clarifying that.
SnapStudio 2 years ago
Congratulations GreenieBoy!
LWProductions 2 years ago
I woke up with 140 notifications... Holy crap

D_R is an Aussie? Hey... puts on thick bodybuilder voice "I have a thing for an Australian accent."
Just kidding
I had to do that 😆
Well, SpecialOp, I didn't know you thought I was a grammar king.
I'm sorry for not partaking in this conversation; I've been having some personal problems lately. If you have the time, would you please pray for my family?

And yes... Jman's right
It's a bit hard to be spammed with notifications and try to keep up with a 350+ comment thread
But... congrats to Ian for all the views (AKA {32-20e3} )
KnightofElabor 2 years ago
@LegoWilderness, yea of course we'll pray for your family bro
The_Indescribable_One 2 years ago
like my man KOE said
Dragon_Rider06 2 years ago
LW, I'm not an Aussie, I just live in Australia.
Dragon_Rider06 2 years ago
And don't worry, of course I'll pray.
OldNCATZ 2 years ago
Of course I will pray for you and your family, If ya need anything just let us know! (Even if all we can do is pray for you and make a lego model.) We will try our best to help! (And I think I speak for everyone here when I say that)
PyrokineticNinjaMaster 2 years ago
GavGeist650 2 years ago
how the hell do you guys type so much!?
Guitarman2 2 years ago
@LW: Of course! I'll pray for you. Hopefully everything sorts itself out!
@Guywithtoomanynicknames: Oops, sorry. I helped Ian with the list, so that's partially my fault.
@Gav_Giest: I don't know.
KnightofElabor 2 years ago
@Gav_Geisttron650, Language! (sorry it just slipped out )
Bishop1859 2 years ago
I 110% agree with gav on this...
GavGeist650 2 years ago
LWProductions 2 years ago
Guys, thanks so much for the prayer, I really appreciate it!
Ah... D_R, I assume you see lots of snakes then?
KnightofElabor 2 years ago
REEKID 2 years ago
its 9/11 sad
Greenflame24 2 years ago
What in all of the once sane world has gone on here! So many comments I can't understand what it all men't! Well... here goes 405... I think...
Dragon_Rider06 2 years ago
LW, Yeah we have heaps of snakes down here, I haven't seen many though, in fact, I've only seen one out in the wild. Almost stepped on it.
Greenflame24 2 years ago
Oh! So we're talking about snakes. We've got loads of um in Texas. I used to kill bunches of chicken snakes, once clipped the lower half of ones jaw with a bus clipper. My brother also once stepped on a copperhead, the only thing I found to kill it was a weedeater so... away he went!
Dragon_Rider06 2 years ago
One of the downsides to living in Australia, we have the largest collection of poisonous animals in the world. Spiders, snakes, sea animals, insects.
SnapStudio 2 years ago

Some of my family's relatives live in Australia. What is that poisonous jellyfish that lives there called?


Praying for you...
Dragon_Rider06 2 years ago
Snaptoit, Well it depends on which one you're talking about. Our most dangerous jellyfish is the Box Jellyfish. But we have others. Not nice creatures
Operator011 2 years ago
Just chillin' in NJ in the good ol' US of A

Um, well, uh...

There are a TON of bears here! 😆
Sky_Python 2 years ago
breathes in ash and smoke in California from our infinite supply of fires Rattlesnakes are scary.
Charles 2 years ago
Does anyone need our freshwater from the great lates
(I’m here in Michigan)
Guitarman2 2 years ago
We don't have too many dangerous animals in Arkansas.
Well, we have some poisonous snakes and spiders.
And there were alligators where I used to live. And a Panther. Or was it a Puma?
I don't remember. It was a large cat. Very large. My dad once killed a cottonmouth snake with a golf club.
Charles 2 years ago
Want some waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaater??
Charles 2 years ago
Wa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaa

@JC, I'm not quite sure if this guy is an impostor, and is an alt of someone else o-O this seems too advanced for a troll...

Wut thu... wait, hold your horses for half a-- up, too late, he let em go... shoot... anyways...

How? Where? When? Why? Has this guy tracked our entire LIVES!!!! Oh jeepers creepers... man, I'm not even going to READ ALL THAT!!!!!! It's Justy... no, it's TallGrill-- I mean it's TallGirll2006... actually, probably not...


I never ran as president or nobody ever picked me to be vice president, meen greeny

@CoolestofAll Uh... for one, I'm not even sure you were around when we did the presidential stuff... two, did you mean, uh, "mean Greeny"? I wasn't trying to be mean by not picking you... I don't even remember you being in the election stuff 😂... and three, why did you change your name to "Random_dude"? That's like, kinda creepy O_O

this whole scenario is confusing and creeping me out.....
later, skaters!
jumps out window, but once I eventually reach the bottom, I teleport to floor 256, somehow
oh right, the forum is cursed.

Is there anyone who can screen-record clicking on the notifications and being sent back to page 256?
This is a weird internet glitch that kind of defined our micro-culture here and I don't want to lose it to time...

Awesome 😂

I had a screen recording once. nods

35 participants
Avatar de Operator011
Avatar de -Lax_Swag5-
Avatar de MrBrick
Avatar de Greenflame24
Avatar de justyouraveragebuilder
Avatar de Guitarman2
Avatar de _Charles_
Avatar de PyrokineticNinjaMaster
Avatar de XYZextreme
Avatar de Fireblade28
Avatar de OldNCATZ
Avatar de LWProductions
Avatar de KnightofElabor
Avatar de Cakery
Avatar de Dragon_Rider06
Avatar de SnapStudio
Avatar de Random_dude
Avatar de Fireroid3319
Avatar de A7X
Avatar de Ian_themage
Avatar de Ov3rs33r
Avatar de LegoMaster707_2187
et d'autres

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