Animation Error
SeekerBear a commencé cette discussion dans Bug Reporting

I'm currently attempting to animate one of my builds, a midi-scale cargo plane. While editing, the animation for the landing gear is correct and operates as it should, but when I save the model, exit the page, and reopen the model, the rotation for the lower part of the landing gear is reversed (so it swings up and out rather than up and in). When I correct it to rotate the right way, it simply does the same thing whenever I attempt to edit the model, or even view the animation from the public view. I have checked, and my animation code is correct. It works fine while I am editing, but reverses once the page is refreshed or changed.

Please help ASAP!

2 réponses · Page 1 sur 1
Avatar de Scrubs

For the transformation output node and rotation, make sure that you tick and control all three axis (x, y, z). Euler angles have multiple solution for a same orientation and it can screw things. If yes, could you publish the model so that we can access and check it?

That seems to have worked (I didn't have all the axes controlled before). Thanks for the help!

2 participants
Avatar de SeekerBear
Avatar de Scrubs

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