MecaFig Add-on for Blender
Helo a commencé cette discussion dans Model Export and Render


This thread is intended to provide support for the MecaFig add-on.

On this thread, I will post all the news about the add-on: updates, development of features, major changes, bug fixes... And you can also use it to ask your questions, report any bugs, suggest ideas...


204 réponses · Page 2 sur 11

Any new updates?

Hi Robbert,

Yes, of course!
I stopped the implementation of new features for the moment and I am focused on optimization and bug fixes. I hope to release the new version of MecaFig soon.
Sorry for the wait, I work on MecaFig on my free time and I have not always the free time I would like to have.

Avatar de Scrubs

New version 2019.1.1 is available for download.

And here are the "release notes" and the "release log" for this version.

I forgot to mention that the Video Tutorials are not yet available. I'm working on it and I will upload it progressively. As requested by a user, I am also working on a 2.79 version for the add-on.
And, as usual, if you have any questions, feel free to ask.


*### Release notes ###

  • Due to important changes in this release, the compatibility with the first version is broken. It means that if you open a .blend file with the first version of the MecaFig inside, all the functions for the Armature and the Shader will not be available.
    It is planned to make the different versions compatible. However, it will not happen before, at least, the 2.82 version of Blender and the new "Static Override" feature.
  • I noticed two issues with the add-on in Blender 2.81.
    The first is related to a bug and affects the Noise textures of the Shader which are displayed with artefacts. It is particularly visible when using the "Chrome, Metal & Speckle" materials. Note that this bug only happens in EEVEE. The Shader works fine in Cycles.
    The second also concerns EEVEE and is more annoying. I noticed a significant drop in the frame rate in EEVEE on my computer. For people with recent CG card, it could not be perceptible but, for the others, like me, it could really be a problem.
    For these two reasons, I would recommand you to use the add-on with the 2.80 version of Blender.
  • Sorry for these inconvenients.*

*### Release log ###

  • added "Add From File" function allowing to add a MecaFig with the colors & maps for each MiniFig(s) from one (or multiple) file(s) (both .dae & .zmbx formats are supported, extra parts are ignored).
  • reworked "Geometry" Panel.
  • added "Mesh" selection for "Legs", "Body" & "Head".
  • fixed issue with Subsurf.
  • added bones for the fingers of the "Hands".
  • added "SP_Hand.L" & "SP_Hand.R" bones for control special movements of the fingers.
  • added "SP_Head_Roll" bone allowing to roll the head on itself whatever its position.
  • fixed issue with "Rigid / Soft" & "FK / IK" switches when animated.
  • fixed by default the "Scale" parameter for the Armature to 10 for matching with Mecabricks add-ons.
  • misc improvements.
  • added support for dual-molded parts.
  • added normal maps for extra details (mold lines, injection point, LEGO(R) logo, etc...).
  • added "Use Normal Map" option.
  • added support for new "Color" & "Data" maps.
  • added "Workflow" option for select between "Decoration/Metalness" & "Color/Data" maps workflow.
  • removed "Bump Map".
  • fixed issue with scale of the Shader when the "Scale" parameter of the Armature is set to a value different from 1.
  • misc improvements.
  • added "MecaFig Video Tutorials" web link to the "Help" Panel.
  • code improvements
  • updated "MecaFig Manual" to version 2019.1.1.
  • updated "MecaFig Quick Install".*

Hi everyone and far most Helo! This is my first post here in the forum. General question: is there a search option?
I just started using Mecabricks and Blender as well. So I have heaps of questions and some struggles to overcome..

Helo: 1. Sometimes as soon as I add a MecaFig and go to render view Blender crashes (have not figured out why yet, latest Blender and lates MecFig)
2. For me a complete mini figure is with hair or helmet etc and maybe with something like a bagpack (I will need that combination alot (skydivers))
So how can I connect these accessories? And will they become part of the add on viewer/ layers? And get the same material etc options as the figure? Also will they be connected to the rig?
3. And when I import them, how about a unified scale?
4. what doesn't seem to work for me are the maps, or the folder didn't load... Where is that supposed to be and where can i check for it? Or is there more then just to install the add on in Blenders preferences for Add ons?

Thanks!!! And by the way, great community.. I really didn't know the bricks/ Lego world is that big and huge in digital as well..

Hi maxiajh!

Welcome on Mecabricks. As far as I know, there is no search option for the forum. Feel free to ask, we will try to give you the best possible answer.

  1. Did you use the latest build or the latest 2.81 version of Blender ? Did the problem happen with the 2.80 version of Blender ? Could you send me a .blend ?

  2. I'm working on it. The next version of the Importer for MecaFig should hopefully deal with accessories.
    In the "Armature" panel, click on the "Anchors" button to show the anchors in the 3D View. Then, select first the accessorie(s) you want to link and then the anchor you want to be linked (there are different anchors for the different parts of the MiniFig) and hit "Ctrl + P". This is like a basic parenting in Blender.
    No, the accessories will not become part of the add-on view layers. They will have the material provided by the Mecabricks add-on (Lite or Advanced). They will be connected to the Rig but you will not can deform it in the same way you can deform the parts of MecaFig in "Soft" mode.

  3. Since the last version of MecaFig (2019.1.1), the MecaFigs should be at the same scale than accessories imported with a Mecabricks add-on.

  4. Can you be more specific, please ? What happens when you try to add a map ? You don't need to have a specific folder to store your maps. Images in Blender are linked relatively to their paths. If you move an image or the .blend file, you brake the path.

Hope it helps you. If you need more information feel free to ask! 😉


  1. Yes everything is from 3 days ago, Blender 2.81a -> How do I contact you besides the forum?

  2. very nice, looking forward to the update.. oh well.. besides hair in the wind the pieces should not be deformed anyways.. but as long as it will stick on the head etc or stay in the hand, all good... ahhh but if the upper body bends then a bagpack is a problem.

  3. ok super nice, I actually have not tried yet.

  4. I was watching your videos and followed along (btw except for the last 3 they dont have audio).😛LZVEBAeoJ05ULF0F_g3HubXGz022YYxZW&index=3 Here you explain well click on custom map and the shirt appears.. If I put any of the png it doesn't load (also not in the render)

Imported only the figures now into a new scene with MecaFig, that worked but it somehow messes with Blender, if I go to render mode it takes ages or crashes (samples low). Any other model without MecaFig works great though. Also it doesn't matter which renderer I use...

BTW: If I import MecaFigs they are huuuuugggeeeee.. super big.. same with the advanced importer.. BUT: if I import .dae they are the opposite.. super small.. way smaller then the standard cube.

Edit: First change to the render settings, I turned on simplify using cycles and at least the slow and crashes stoped.
Also I got the custom png to work now on a figure imported from another scene via MecaFig.

Avatar de Scrubs

Mecabricks dae is set to use mm. Default setup of Blender uses 1 blender unit = 1m. So it is all divided by 1000.
Zmbx and mecabricks blender add-on use the Blender unit as mm.

So, I provide a link with 3 files because I really don't know why it doesn't work.

I am trying with a MecaFig -
Body 3814 - Bump 3814uv - DecorationMap- 3814uv_SD1shirtgrey.png - works great, logo shows in front and back, only weird thing is I can change the body material color, so the grey background is ignored in the png. Only the logo shows with a slight outline of grey.

Leg 20932 - 20932uv2rechtesBein-1-1.png
Leg 20926- 20926uv2linkesbein-1-1.png
Doesn't work, grey BG, nougat BG, transparent BG... for transparent the legs turn black.. .for the rest the material color is shown.

Avatar de Scrubs

That shall be better to send the link by private message to Helo so that it remains private.

(I forwarded the link to Helo)

I tried with your maps.

I read you used a Bump map for the body ? It means you're using the first version of MecaFig ? You don't need bump map. The bump is automatically generated from the Decoration map.
This weird thing is "normal". I added a function in the shader of MecaFig allowing to change the color of the background of your Decoration map. However, it does not always work fine.
That's why I recommend you to create your maps with the new workflow "Color & Data" defined by Scrubs (more information here, [url][/url]). However, you need to use the last version of MecaFig which is already supporting these new maps.

About the legs, your maps works for me. But only by set the "UV Map" option to "3816uv4" and "3817uv4". I'm looking if the problem comes from MecaFig.

For your render issues, did you try with the official 2.80 version ? I also have some problems with the 2.81 version but the 2.80 works fine for me.

Hi Scrubs, thank you for that setup.
Actually that link is fine for me.. and it is 3 PNGs with nothing special, since it is a forum I thought it might also help other people and who ever wants to give the .PNGs a try can go for it.


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@maxiajh sorry I didn’t check the link as I am on limited internet. I did it in case a Blend file with non public assets was shared. (It already happened in the past). If it is just to your PNGs, you can put it back up 😉

Hey, been using Mecafig for a while and rendered a scene with a mecafig using a renderfarm, but it doesnt work and my characters go into a weird non bendyfig pose. I understand people shouldnt be able to use mecafig without the addon so you need it for the figures to work but this product is unusable for animations if its not able to render on renderfarm
Renderfarm coreweave btw

Hi Robbert,

I understand your problem. But, unfortunately, I can't do anything to resolve it.
A renderfarm use its own version of Blender. And if you want to use MecaFig with a renderfarm, this renderfarm should first install the addon with its own version of Blender. And, honestly, I don't think it's possible.

Avatar de Scrubs

I may say something stupid, but is it possible to bake the animation somehow before sending it to the renderfarm?

Scrubs i think you have a point 😛
Oh and this is a good opportunity to say how nice this addon is, nice job Helo!

Yeah, animation is already stored in the .blend file, through the position keys defined for each bones. The problem comes from the custom properties created for the needs of the rig (especially the FK/IK and Rigid/Soft switches). If the addon is missing, the custom properties registered are missing too.
There is maybe a solution I could try but it would involve to make changes in the rig. When it will be possible, I'll try.

MecaFig r2019.1.2 is available.

This new release is just a fix for the importer. You can now import your MiniFigs with the new version of the .mbx format. However, Collada files exported with the new version of the Workshop are no longer supported.
The old files exported with the previous version of the Workshop are still supported (both .mbx & .dae).

I'm still working on an other fix concerning the problem with the renderfarms. A new release will be available as soon as the problem will be solved.


*### Release notes ###

  • New .mbx format (v2.0.0) is now supported. However, all files exported with the new version of the Workshop in .dae (Collada) format are no longer supported.
    Old Mecabricks files exported with the previous version of the Workshop are still supported (.mbx & .dae).*

*### Release log ###

  • updated the importer to read .mbx format (v2.0.0).
    (.dae (Collada) export with the new version of the Workshop is no longer supported)
  • added "3815uv4", "3816uv5" & "3817uv5" UV Maps.
  • updated "Mecabricks Color Palette".
  • code improvements.*
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/ping @Helo You probably know the answer to maxiajh question who owns both the mecafig and mecaface add-ons and is enquiring about the compatibility.

42 participants
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