Some ideas for improved workflow
dtriangle a commencé cette discussion dans Suggestions and Ideas

Following Scrubs recent tweet about the cool new upcoming features, I have had some time to write down some of the little workflow issues that I often run into. Perhaps there are some other users that know what I'm talking about?

Viewport Navigation
• Love switching cameras in the viewport with (especially with spacebar) however, with larger models it would really beneficial to have the view centre on the selected part after switching.
• When working in an Orthographic view (Top for example) it is too easy to accidentally orbit the camera when trying to grab an XYZ gizmo, most notably with rotate. When this happens, I must first change back to the desired view then, pan back to area I was working on (following on from my previous comment). This can be particularly frustrating when it happens more than twice. Perhaps even a shortcut option to lock (disable orbiting) Ortho views would be an easy solution for this.

Ideas for some Pro Features:
• Array tool, for duplicating parts in a linear or radial fashion.
• Backdrop for reference images (My current workaround is taking screenshots then scaling and overlaying in photoshop)
• Referencing other Mecabricks models, rather than import only function.

Undo history counts selections. Nothing worse in 3d than spending time carefully making a large selection and then losing it.

I know that is a fairly large list but somethings to consider in my humble opinion : )

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Avatar de Scrubs

Thank you for taking some time to write it down.

I like your first suggestion. When I made the centering function a few month ago, I actually didn't think about triggering it when switching views. Probably 5 seconds to make it happen. I'll put that in my development version to release it next time when I'll complete the right hand side panels.

For your second suggestion, I could make the invisible handles a bit bigger so that you are less likely to miss them. (There are cones from the origin to the end of the arrows for translations and a torus for rotation). To look into.

Some of your other ideas are in the long term to-do list for when I will finish this massive chunk I am working on currently. I am not looking forward to modify the undo-redo code. It was such a headache 😛

I allocated a minimum of 2 months to get to the point where I shall get a beta version for a 2D instructions builder - That will be a separate app.
However, in the next few weeks, you shall see some new stuff in the workshop to prepare for it.

Awesome, thanks for the swift reply. I am really looking forward to the new layer/group manger. Also, very excited about the Instructions builder : )

"Array tool, for duplicating parts in a linear or radial fashion." +1
This would be fantastic! Here is a good example of how it could work

Mirror would also be a very handy feature.

Hi Scrubs!
Your 2 months slot allocation comes to an end! 😉 any news about the 2D instruction builder?? any screenshot or teaser??? I am currently working on the instuction book for my Viper model, using Lpub3D, and I would really love to experiment something more user-friendly!! 😃


4 participants
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Avatar de Scrubs
Avatar de Davdup

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