Last one I used it with is 2.93.6 with no issues.
Once you intend to update the add-on to be fully compatible with Blender 3.0, would it be possible to add some import options to compensate the changes the introduction of configurations have brought to the way Mecabricks materials are handled in Blender? Before, each part with the same color shared one material (apart from some sloped parts), so altering materials for all parts sharing one color was an easy task. With the introduction of configurations, each part has a unique normal map now, meaning that materials are mostly parts-based now. As awesome as the new configurations look, changing material settings after import is comparably difficult now - unless I'm missing an obvious feature that allows so. Hence a list of suggestions I personally would like to see implemented.
material options on import: allow the user to define Mecabricks material settings like scratches, fingerprints etc. globally for all materials before import; I myself like to tone down the fingerprint intensity for my materials, and having to set them manually for each material after import would take quite some time, as mentioned.
scale and scene unit options on import: Mecabricks materials have a "scale" node that has to be altered if parts are rescaled; I'd suggest adding a "scale" option on import that scales the part physically and automatically adjusts the value of the scale node (so that the user doesn't have to do that manually for each part, again). Additionally, I'd suggest to add a dropdown list to define the scene units, as the default is set to meter, meaning imported builds are several meters long if not set to millimeters before importing. I am not sure if changing the units has any effect on the material's visuals, but if it does, linking the scene unit selection and the scale option would be good, too (e.g. if set to meters, the scale node adjusts so that parts still look correctly as if set to millimeters, while at the same time also adjusting to the scale option if it's set to anything but 1.0). I am aware that the scaling itself wouldn't really be necessary for default renders, but anything that includes simulations inside Blender just works better in the meters range from my experience, hence why I usually like to scale to that.
instancing options: I suppose this is a bit harder to do, but it would be nice to have (2 separate) instancing options on import that checks for already existing Mecabricks parts/materials in the scene and, instead of creating new meshes/materials, applies the existing ones to the ones about to be imported.
Two usage examples:
• rendering an animation with a large model with 1000+ pieces; one wants to have stud logos for a realistic look, but most of the pieces are hidden inside, with their stud logos never to be seen. One could optimize that scene by importing two models, one with the parts which would have their stud logos visible to be imported with the stud logo option enabled, one with the parts which would have their stud logos concealed to be imported with the stud logo option disabled. Depending on the parts count, that would save quite a bit of render time/memory in theory, as way less geometry would be present, even with instancing. Currently though, importing two models results in having each material present twice, which then pretty much negates the optimization achieved. A "check for instanced materials" option would be of use here, as it would give the second model the materials already created during the first import, with the meshes staying untouched.
• having a model imported into Blender, altered, maybe rigged, worked on, then realizing that something is missing/has to be altered. Importing a secondary model consisting of just the changes so the already present model with all that's been worked can stay unaltered would be a good solution, which could then use a "check for instanced meshes" (plus materials, in this case) option so that reimported parts that are already present in the current scene don't become duplicates.
I suppose this would be more difficult; naming of meshes and materials would have to be kept, probably, and the material options for both the import and the reimport would have to be the same (which could be made sure of if the importer has material and scale options) while not touching parts that are of a different scale, but beyond that, I feel like those would be two good options to have, too.
material options are already available in the mecabricks panel. You can modify all the materials at any time using the sliders and even mute these settings.
The scale option is planned to be added to the above panel but as discussed previously it is a complicated topic. Lots of new users won't understand why the materials break e.g parenting, etc.
Material check to reuse materials already in the scene could be done. I don't think it would be complicated to add, but obviously material names shall not have been altered.
However It is not possible to change the way materials are imported, it is per part per colours. Normal maps, bump maps, masks, etc cannot be shared between parts. There are no ways around that. Otherwise, you import using obj or collada but result is from another time...
Hello all, I want to animate with complex sets in blender. I really like the way they look with the color shift quite high, but joining the objects together undoes the color randomisation. unless there is a way to easily decimate each object individually, how else could I preserve this?
So downloaded this and followed the directions and is not installing.. On Blender 3.0
Hi PLUR- did you unzip the outside folder and leave the inside folder zipped? When you click install, you should be able to navigate to the interior zip file called mecabricks Were you able to do this or is your issue somewhere else?
I purchased the advanced plugin but maybe I'm missing something? I'm not quite sure how to install it.
To install the latest version of the advanced add-on in Blender, Go to the preferences and in the add-on section select the zip file downloaded from Mecabricks.
1. Download the zip file
2. Install it to Blender
If you find a video or instructions made before today, ignore the part about unzipping the file. This is from the change log:
- Zip file download from Mecabricks can be installed directly in Blender
Hi Guys, just a quick question.
In the changelog it states that the template file has been removed.
Should I still be using the old template file or not at all anymore?
It did not really make sense anymore to have it as part of the package. First so that the file downloaded could be installed without unzipping, secondly because it is the same for both add-ons and last but not least because it is not really Mecabricks related and settings always change between versions of Blender.
Of course, you can still use the old one if you want.
Understood, I'm starting to setup a new template with some lighting setups to use with the asset browser. The main thing the template file was doing was to setup the hdri environment and backdrop then really, right?
Yes, pretty much. There was also some settings for Eevee.
hi, I just bought Blender Advanced, and was wondering how I use the 'Parts randomization'? does that mean it'll scatter parts around?
It is only applied to selected parts in the viewport. It adds a random delta to the rotation/position to look like pieces have not been interlocked properly.
oh ok, thanks!
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