Joint Ideas Project.
LoneCoyote a commencé cette discussion dans Community

Hello, I will be picking 5 or more people to help on this project.

270 réponses · Page 5 sur 14

Very good suggestion. I guess Coyote and Lego Tech and I voted for you, but we still have a couple of other joiners who haven't voted yet.

If I understand correctly, we have 3 votes for me so far; R2Rules, LegoBeethoven, theforce44, and maybe brickboy (if he's still interested) have not voted yet. Since I would rather not vote for myself, I vote for Coyote to be our leader.

LegoBeethoven and r2 haven't been on Ideas for the last 11 and 22 hours, respectively. I can't find force's or brickboy's accounts, so I don't know about them. I guess we just wait.

Okay. Cool. They could be busy though too. 😃

In the meantime, we can discuss what we want to build. Going through the last several pages, I noticed that you guys were discussing building either a modular building or a natural landscape of some sort. I like the modular building idea; but, based on my experience with building Modular Buildings, it's hard to find one that has not been built before or that will not be produced by TLG any time soon. Right after my Modular Bank was published, Lego announced the Brick Bank several months before its release.

I was hoping my Toy Shop was original enough; but I guess not, 'cause it's not very popular. Perhaps I'm not the best source of advice for Modular Buildings 😛

So very true. Any other ideas?

I was thinking that we could build something with moving and working parts; that seems to be the popular trend nowadays. Then again, we could instead do something completely unique.

We also have to keep in mind that LEGO Ideas has been picking nature-themed and old fashioned things for their Staff Picks. I know we won't be ready to publish this project very soon, but we need to keep an eye on what the Staff Pick trends are.

One idea I had is to build a vehicle of some sort; something unusual. Perhaps a City vehicle, but futuristic; like a futuristic fire truck or something.

Building something fantastic from the future opens a realm of possibilities, because the "sky's the limit"; we can build it however we want.

Rolling, hovering, flying...
An armed vehicle from a dystopic future society, or a peaceful everyday vehicle...

Just throwing ideas out there.

Or we could do a futuristic building!

I'm still going to help. And I'm fine with stud_Nerd being the leader. 😉
I don't have any suggestions at the moment but I do know that we don't want to make our set too big, because I herd that the Lego review has a limit for how many bricks the projects can have to get threw. So i don't think we want to make a modular building. unless it's micro. 😉

Oh I didn't know that! That's very interesting.

Glad to have you on board, Force!

So I guess since Force voted for me, that's a 4 of 7 majority vote; I'm the leader now....?


jk 😆

ahh i'm so scared! 😉

I am ok with LEGO_Nerd as leader. Voting may have ended, but I am voting for LoneCoyote : )

As leader, my first action will be to officially commence this project. We have 6 confirmed collaborators, 2 still have not confirmed in the last 24 hours; if those 2 will not confirm their participation in the next 24 hours, we will have to start building without them.

We need to determine roles. The first would be Project Leader (PL); which is me. Don't worry, we will operate democratically: all major decisions will be based on majority vote. In the case of a tie, I will make final decisions.
Second, if this is going to be on LEGO Ideas, we need a Project Owner (PO) which is someone to publish the project. Preferably, this would be the collaborator among us who is the most active and well known on LEGO Ideas, with a large following and thus the ability to reach out to a large audience.
Third, we need an Promotions Manager (PM), who is in charge of all advertising and promoting the project on various social media outlets throughout the internet. He will also be in charge of writing a good, eye-catching description of the project. That doesn't mean anyone can't share the project on social media; it only means that the Promotions Manager would be in charge of making fan pages of the project on Facebook or whatever. He will work closely with the PGD.
Fourth, we need a Project Graphics Designer (PGD) to film a video about the project and take high-quality images. He needs to be good at cinematography, photography, editing, and graphics. He will also graphically design promotional advertisements, each with approval from the PM.
Fifth and finally, we need a Project Recorder (PR). He will be in charge of keeping records of what transpires throughout the process of this collaboration. He will note major decisions, major changes to the project, and more prior to the publication of the project. This is so that in the case of a dispute, such as regarding participation (or lack thereof) of a member, we may look back on the records to arrive at a fair decision.

Everyone will be a builder. All of these roles do not have to belong to separate people; for example, the PR may also be the PO. Any major decision by any of these officers will run through me as the PL before reaching the public; preferably before and after the project is released, but especially before.
If you have any questions or suggestions regarding the various duties of these officers, please let me know. We do not necessarily have to determine who is which yet, but we definitely have to decide before publication. The only officer we need right now is the PR; I will serve in that office until we select one.

There is one more rule (for now) that I would like to establish here at the beginning. I would like to request BLUNT HONESTY from EVERY MEMBER. The only way we are going to get things done is if every member shares their opinions willingly and clearly.

I would like to make myself clear: I don't want to be an overbearing leader, condescending, and difficult to work with. I am always open to any comments or suggestions; if I do become any of those things, PLEASE let me know.

Finally, after my long and annoying rant, I want to say one more thing: have fun. That's the goal of LEGO, right? We can't lose sight of that. I look forward to working with each and all of you, and can't wait to get started building this together!

Thanks, R2! Great to have you with us 😃

Btw when people show up later today, please tell them to go back and read that post ^, and all of it. It's rather important!

OH NO! I'm so scared...did we make a mistake?! Lol

I would vote for either you, Stud Nerd, or Coyote to submit (PL) the project.

I'd be open to sharing the project (PM), but the only social media I have is Google+. 😛 And, I'm not good at writing descriptions.

And there is NO way I can be the PR. Count me out of that position.

I think those are great guidelines, and we should see what other members are interested in doing. 😃

And yes, very important thing you mentioned Stud Nerd, people have to be honest, and give there honest opinions. That's a huge part of working together. 😄

Thanks Bricker. I appreciate you supporting me; I'm kinda new to this leading-a-collaboration thing. 😃

Awesome Guidelines Stud_Nerd. I am definitely glad I voted for you to be our leader. 😃

Thanks LegoTech! 😃

8 participants
Avatar de LoneCoyote
Avatar de LegoBricker
Avatar de Stud_Nerd98
Avatar de TechBuddy
Avatar de legobeethoven
Avatar de theforce44
Avatar de R2Rules

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