I did an intense test of a nice and free distributed rendering service for BLENDER called 'Sheep It!'
I recommend that everyone of us might use it and keep your PCs online for collecting Render Credits and rendering your animations of course. 😃 It's pretty simple. You even don't need to have installed BLENDER. Just download the client and start it (check the instuctions).
Your animation will be split on available computers of other Sheep It! members. So called 'render clients'.
You save your BLENDER scene with relative paths for textures as a packed file and upload it via your account. Then it will be queued and you have to wait. In the beginning it starts slow but more and more clients of othe users will start to render frames. An animation what would usually take a couple of days on your computer will be rendered in a couple of hours. When the rendering is finished you will be informed by e-mail and you can download a ZIP.
500mb per BLENDER pack. And you have to take care that your pictures will not render much longer than 20 minutes on a quad core machine. If so you can select a tiling option what will split the pictures into 4 tiles but you will receive a single picture. I ran into this situation. It's not hard to do LEGO animations rendering an hour per frame in HD. So lower the picture size to 1290 x 720 (720p) or try the tiling option. The problem is that Sheep It! will block you for the community for this renderjob if it realizes that most of your pictures render too long. You can finish that job with your client(s) of course but that's not the idea.
it needs some testing to get a feeling how far you can go but it's a great opportunity to get massive extra renderpower you usually can't afford.
Fortunately I am a 3d pinoneer from end of the 80th. Unfortunately I am running an animation studio what pushs me away from the fun stuff. Fortunately I am back to some fun stuff because of digital LEGO but I feel rusty. Unfortunately I am not familiar with BLENDER and when I look back 30 years of dealing with many applications without reading the fucking manual I never experienced a piece of software hard and drustrating to understand like BLENDER. The GUI is annoying. But it's free and the potential is amazing. My bittervet tears are tasty. I know. I could import a BLENDER scene into MODO to create a fast and simple camera animation over 800 frames for a nice test. The Z-up crap of BLENDER gave me a headache and I did not find a clean workflow yet to import animation data correctly into BLENDER. The following example to show the power and possibilies with Sheep It! was unfortunately broken at the end of the animation. There's an issue with the plotted camera animation. I had to cut the movie at frame 710. But for a first dirty test it's amazing because:
Cumulated time of render: 6d08h18m
Real duration of render: 6h22m
Notice: this was rendered in 720p @ Medium quality. You will recognize bad grain especially at the white windows.
My SheepIt account was deleted.....
@Owenator13: added you again to the team. So sorry to hear that.
Thanks. I guess I’ll have to get all my points re rendered...
Hey I’ve been trying to render a scene on SheepIt but it keeps getting blocked for having too long if rendering times....
Is this happening to anyone else using the Advanced add on?
@Owenator If single frames render longer than 20 minutes SheepIt will block the job to prevent that one job will block SheepIt for all the others. Did you try to use the tiling option? E.g. if you use 256 samples and tiling of 32 it's like splitting the image into 32 images rendering at 32 samples each and blended together to one frame at the end. This will cut down the render time for each frame. E.g. a frame renders 128 minutes it will now render around 4 per tile. That's how I understand this option. This will not work with the Denoiser turned on.
Ya I have Denoise on so I would need to crank up my samples which would make it even longer. But I guess that’s my only option.
Is this still active? and if so please accept request to join 😛
It's still active. Try messaging KovJonas about joining. He's the one who created the team.
(Just dropping by so I can get notifs about this topic!)
@Robbert: accepted your request. Sorry, I was on vacation! 😃
"During the Blender Conf, October 24th 9AM to October 26th 6PM CEST, we are giving away a lot of points! The points you earn per frame are tripled!"
Take your chance to get some extra points and join Mecabricks team! 😃 [url]https://www.sheepit-renderfarm.com/team.php?id=198[/url]
Awesome!!! Thanks for sharing! 😃
Talking about Blender, I think that Scrubs should be a speaker at the Blender Conference 2020+ to talk about the possibilities of using Blender for custom projects and spread the word about Mecabricks. The recent development is awesome! So are the presentations this year: https://www.youtube.com/user/BlenderFoundation/videos
Hehe 😉 I watched the start of the conference live yesterday before going to bed. Will have to binge watch the rest of it next week.
Agreed! The recent development on this platform has been revolutionary! Real-time 3d rendering on. Web browser is something that has not been done before according to my limited knowledge in this field.
I am organizing the first Blender Track on the animago 2019 in Munich. We have three confirmed speaker so far: Gleb Alexandrov, Pablo Vasquez and Lukas Stockner (Cycles). I was not able to prepare a presentation this year. We could do a Mecabricks presentation next year. 😉
Oh that would be awesome if we could get a mecabricks presentation! That would be crazy cool
@renderbricks you managed to get the Blender stars! These guys are awesome. Hopefully it will be recorded so we can watch the presentations.
That would be great to be able to present Mecabricks at this type of conference. I am sure some people would be interested.
That would be incredible to see at BCon! The userbase might double within the week. 😄
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