Happy Birthday Scrubs!
zanna a commencé cette discussion dans Community

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All the Mecabrickers and me would like to give you best wishes for your Birthday, dear and brilliant Scrubs!

(I hope that in New Zealand now is the 7th of December, damn timezones! 😛 🕑 )

Do you want a piece of cake? 😛

🎂 🎁 🎁 🎁 🎈 🎊

6 réponses · Page 1 sur 1

Happy birthday!

Avatar de Scrubs

Hehe Cheers 😉 Yep it is 7th here in kiwiland. Another year has gone by... You can add a few more candles on the cake!

Just take more pieces of cake 😛
I'm glad I guessed the right day 😃

*P.S.: do you know Italy is the first world producer of kiwi? (I don't know how it is possible 😂 ) *

Happy 😎ay! 😃

Avatar de Scrubs

@zanna yep I know that about kiwi fruits 😃 I prefer the Golden Kiwi to the green ones. Way nicer!
The nickname kiwi given to themselves by the new zealanders actually refers to the kiwi bird native from the country.

Next DEC 7 of 2022 is his birthday but he lives on new Zealand damn timezones!

5 participants
Avatar de zanna
Avatar de Scrubs
Avatar de UmbraManis
Avatar de Sim

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