Greenflame's Story Forum
Greenflame24 started this discussion in Community

Okay, I'm going to just go ahead and do it 😂. Creating models for my stories is, while cool, a pain x-( (did that work), ngl... I'm going to post most of my story content here, hopefully that's alright with y'all 😉.

85 replies · Page 4 of 5

Nice going again, Greeny! It kinda hit me in this chapter but your writing has skyrocketed!

@Fireblade+Gman, Congratulations you two! Ya have the Dragon beat this time.
In my defense, I think I was asleep. 😂 The perks of Aussie life.

@Greenie, it was The Dark before The Dawn

@Dragon Thanks! Not sure if it beats the first chapter of Captives Through Cyberspace though... we all know that's my masterpiece 😂.

Also, the Dragon was asleep... and perhaps it was best, you don't wan't a grumpy Dragon on your hands do you?

@Fireblade I LOVE THAT SONG!!!!!! I was just walking by our creek singing it to myself 😂, and thinking about the first time I heard it... it was night, and I was so excited... because I'd only heard a small portion of it before then, and was really eager to listen to the rest.

@Fireblade, One of my favourite Andrew Peterson songs. The lyrics are so beautiful and true.

@Greeny, Yes, I do like my sleep!

I finished writing chapter 16... I'll try to have it posted tonight...

and y'all might kill me, for real this time... and not even bother having a funeral.

Wow. Knowing you, now I'm scared . . .

Chapter 16

Here goes... whatever you make of it.

The flight was long, and Nicholas didn’t know of much to do except sleep. He welcomed this, but only after a short while of serious contemplation. He was disturbed by Drogan’s sudden leave, and felt the others, particularly Jacklin, felt the same. There was nothing he could do about it though, and after he’d thought through things as about as good as he could he leaned back and closed his eyes. With extensive fatigue, and the rhythmic vibration from the old freighter, Nicholas had little trouble falling asleep.

“Get up!” Came a quick whisper that woke him about three hours later. He rubbed his right eye, which was itchy for some reason, and lifted his head to see Scott offering him a hand. He took it, and was pulled to his feet. They were no longer moving, which he guessed mean’t they had arrived. A sudden mix of excitement and horror began to weal in his veins.

“Are we clear?” Nicholas whispered back.

“Yes,” Scott said, sounding confident. “It’s abandoned, and both Sparq and Mitch ran scans around the area. Nobody’s even close.”

“Great,” he responded and turned about to look at Jacklin, who gave him a slow nod. He wished she’d just take the mask and cloak off. Was she hiding herself from the others? He wasn’t sure, but didn’t see any reason for her to. It wasn’t a real concern though; she was here, and that was more than he could ask for.

The hatch opened up and they filed out into a large, cool, curving hanger bay. The mines made somewhat of a ring shape about the void, which explained the curved shape. Dozens of doors lined the walls on both sides.

“Take an exit,” Shaft said, starting in a whisper but shaking it off to speak clearly. For some reason, despite knowing their safety, it still felt painful to raise their voices. “Just look for some kind of leading to the void, and don’t hesitate to step in. Just remember to keep your head on your shoulders, and don’t be reckless,” she eyed Nicholas for a second, and then continued. “I’ll remain back for just a short while, and see if I can contact Drogan and find out what he’s into. Am I understood?”

“Completely,” Sparq said, flashing a thumbs-up.

“Good,” Shaft spoke, “now go your ways.”

They all started out, dashing in different directions. Their hearts where pounding and limbs shaking with adrenaline. They were so close. Nicholas had made it probably thirty feet though a door and down a hall when he realized he’d forgotten a weapon. He stopped and thought. No one was here, so he didn’t really need a weapon, but it would still be good to have one, just incase. Spinning about he darted back the way he came, and bounded up and into the ship.

Jacklin was still there, her mask removed and placed aside. She looked up at him questioningly. She also seemed sad, and slightly distressed. This was common, he guessed. Everyone was a bit run down and confused. I mean, having the weight of the universe on your shoulders, or at least a good bit of it, is enough to bring anyone low. Inside he guessed there was something more, but he just carried on.

“I forgot a gun,” he said casually.

“There is a crate full by the wall,” she pointed in the direction, and watched him as he retrieved the weapon. When he turned and looked at her again she was still staring. It almost appeared as though she was gazing at him for the last time in her life. Was she just tired? Or had she contacted Drogan and knew something the others didn’t; something distressing.

“Is everything okay?” Nicholas asked, and was suddenly startled when Jacklin burst into tears, covering her brow with her left hand and looking away. Nicholas stood frozen for a second, not knowing exactly how to handle the situation. He wanted to do something, but feelings of ignorance about whatever was wrong held him back. Pushing himself forwards after a few awkward second he held out his arms to offer a hung, but Jacklin protested.

“No,” she said, “you just need to go.”

“I’m not going to leave you like this,” he retorted. Jacklin bit her lip, and looked off blankly, as if what he said had a deeper meaning than he’d intended it to.

“I’ll dry up, it’ll be fine… I just don’t like change.”

Nicholas stood still for a moment longer, thinking over her words. Was that really it? He didn’t like change either, but they’ed both experienced so much. Was now really the time to break down over it? Not that Jacklin didn’t have a right to, she’d been pulled through a lot, but it didn’t seem like her. Something had to be more.

“What change?” He asked, almost hoping there was more just so he didn’t look like an idiot in asking. Jacklin was understating though, which seemed to give evidence that there was indeed something else.

“All of it. What has changed and what will change. It can’t be helped though, you just go and help make that change.”

“So you want me to do something you don’t like,” Nicholas questioned slowly.

“I don’t know,” she said with somewhat of a forced shrug and smile, trying to cover up in her old carefree nature. “I just want you to do what’s right. I’ll be fine back here.”

“But are you coming yourself?”

Jacklin didn’t answer at this, but stared into his eyes with an expression that answered everything. She was never going to leave in the first place. This puzzled Nicholas even more, and he turned his head from side to side, as if he might see something sitting around that would answer all his questions. What was Jacklin up to?

“I have my reasons for staying here,” she insisted. “You don’t need my help, you’ll find the void soon enough and fix everything.”

“Then why don’t you just come with me?” He asked, unsatisfied with her response. “If there really is nothing for you to do, then why don’t you just keep one of us company?”

Jacklin was caught, she didn’t have an answer, not one she was willing to give. She also knew Nicholas wasn’t going to leave without either it or herself. Smiling, as she always did, she stepped forwards and out of the ship.

“Fine,” she said as cheerfully as she could. “I’ll keep you company.”

Nicholas smiled back, but still felt uncertain. She was hiding something, and while it was irritating him, he could tell it was burning her. He felt guilty to push and pry for it, but didn’t feel right about leaving her alone with it. He couldn’t be ungrateful though, at least she was coming with him, and he guessed that would give him better luck at figuring things out.

They passed through the exit, and quietly treaded the floors of the echoing hall. Everything felt dead, as any abandoned place should. Not even a phantom would seem welcome to play in its motionless shadows. Nicholas looked to Jacklin, wanting to take he hand, but didn’t. She had hers to herself, and kept her head down. It was obvious she wasn’t comfortable being with him at the moment.

Before too long they came upon a door on their left. Jacklin ordered it open, and then they stepped inside. They were in a glass walled room, with gray nothingness shifting inconsistently about on the other side. That must be the void, or what they could see of it, Nicholas thought. Straight in front of them lay some kind of entrance into it, but it was closed by a heavy door. It appeared to be more of a ramp that would fall outwards.

“Should we give it a go?” Nicholas asked, feeling hopeful.

“I guess,” Jacklin said, almost in a sigh. Nicholas looked at her. She was pale, and shaky. He turned away and tried to take a step forwards, but couldn’t, and wheeled back around.

“Can you just tell me what’s going on?” He asked, somewhat desperately.

“I,” tears welled up in her eyes and so she turned to push them back, and held up her hand in a plead for Nicholas to remain silent until she was ready. He respected her request, but reluctantly. She was starting to really scare him.

A buzz unexpectedly broke the silence before either of them had said anything else, and Jacklin quickly recomposed herself and reached into her cloak, pulling out a radio.

“What’s the need?” She asked in, sounding more controlled and official.

“Who in all the many deserts of Evitacorp is this?” Came Mitch’s startled voice from the other side. He didn’t recognize Jacklin without her voice distorter.

“This is Shaft. Have you found anything?”

“Oh, really?” Mitch asked pressingly.

“Yes,” Jacklin responded, somewhat frustrated. Nicholas guessed she was just so nervous about whatever was wrong she couldn’t put up with Mitch’s lighthearted personality. “Now please answer my question.”

“Oh, sorry. Anyways yes, I think I found the way into the Void.” There was a pause, bits of radio static the only noticeable sound. “Do you want me to enter it?” Mitch asked, somewhat hesitantly. Jacklin took a deep breath, and ran her free hand through and down her hair.

“Yes,” she answered quickly, and then flipped the radio off and hurled it out into the hall. It struck the wall and busted into pieces. Nicholas opened his mouth to ask what that was about, but was cut short when Jacklin all but leapt forwards, clasping his arms and breaking into heart wrenching sobs. It took a moment for Nicholas to free himself, only to take hold of her and gain her focus.

“What’s wrong,” he almost shouted, not out of anger but a mix of compassion and horror. Jacklin tried to look up and meet his eyes, but it seemed to only cause her to fall into deeper pain. “Please!” Nicholas asked in a broken whisper. It took several gasps, and she had to clench her jaw for a minute, but finally Jacklin looked into his face and spoke.

“I don’t want you to watch me die,” she said, barely being able to get this out.

“No don’t tell me that,” Nicholas fought, his whole body beginning to shake. “Tell me what’s going on.”

“I have,” she had to fight back another sob before continuing. “I have blood in that stone.”

“Jacklin,” Nicholas uttered in a terrified shock. He didn’t want to believe it, and tried not to, but he could already see his friend, his best friend, and his only remnant of the past, slipping away. She was looking weaker, and the life in her eyes was fading. “Why?” Was all he could ask. “Why do this? You’ve destroyed yourself.”

“It was against my will,” she sobbed.

“No, not giving your blood, destroying the stone. Why do it?”

Jacklin looked up, a bit more sober now and slightly more stable. They’ed both dropped to their knees without even realizing it. A kindness was visible in her expression, and a perhaps untraceable love, not just for Nicholas, but one that seemed to go beyond that.

“For everyone else,” she said. “Everyone who would have to face what we’ve faced if the Talon weren’t defeated.”

“But you’re going to leave me alone,” Nicholas said, tears now running down his own face. Jacklin grew weaker, and he had to hold her up in his arms.

“But I’ll see you again,” she said. Her face was now unnaturally pale and she could only speak in a faint, distant tone.

“I know that,” Nicholas protested, almost angrily, “and I know I’ll see my parents again too, but I don’t want to see them or you then, I want to see you now. I can’t see what’s after death, and I can’t feel it.”

“Don’t live for what you feel Nicholas,” she took his hand in hers, and looked into his eyes with the last bit of freedom she possessed in her own. “Live for what you know.” And with this she fell still, now silent in Nicholas’ world, but departed to rejoice in another.

Well frick.
Great chapter!
now we know you are a truly fearless writer

@Gman 😂 What's that supposed to mean? I'm terrified every time I post something on here... 😆. Anyways, thanks 😂

. . . oh . . . I . . . what . . .
That was epicly written, Greeny, and no mistake. Oh my days. One half is sad Jacklin has died, but the other half can see what brilliant storytelling it is. Anyhow, whew!


dear me........


golly and gumdrops!

I was not expecting that, (but I was expecting to not expect it so it doesn't count 😂)
but still O_O wut da heck! I know that in your previous story you were quite trigger happy but I didn't expect it here o_o

(I love how none of us made a comment on who got there first, that's how you can tell it was a great chapter @Greenie 😂)

@Everyone Well, it's not over yet 😂. I at least have 1 more chapter... but anyways, thanks 😂. I'm glad to have sorta shocked y'all. I had originally planned for Nicholas to die... and actually, I hadn't even planned to have a romance at first, it was kinda a last minute decision before I started writing... how stories change. Anyways, thanks again... and @Fireblade, Trigger Happy? On my last story? Oh... just wait until my CyberFlame final 😂... I'm actually going to outline that one, because I want to make it a masterpiece... and I might just write the entire thing before I post a single chapter... but oh well...

Okay... just saying... it's amazing how your own words can hit you in the face. For some random reason I've all of a sudden come under a strange feeling of depression, and just feeling like nothings right... but I keep having to tell myself, "Don't live by what you feel... live by what you know." 😂...

Chapter 17

pants almost, done...

Nicholas was alone, and distraught. All he had, and loved, and ever wanted was gone. There was no reverse button, no powerful magician to undo the damage, it was all over. He knelt there alone, grieving and somewhat bitter. He almost wished he’d found the void, and slipped up so as to be lost in it forever, away from life and pain and sorrow, which to him honestly all seemed like the same thing. All he knew in life was pain. Yes, he’d seen better days before the Talon wrecked everything, but they now seemed to only prepare him for the ruin he’d be facing. In a way he wished he’d never known any of it.

Caught in the midst of all this Nicholas lost track of time. Before he knew it an hour has passed by, an hour full of events that he didn’t know had taken place. He’d been so disconnected from what lay beyond his own mind that he hadn’t even thought about the others, and what they were doing. It was the sharp stride of someone coming down the hall that prodded him to lift his head, and suddenly see someone enter who he hadn’t expected, at all.

“Is the dog nursing his last wounds before facing complete destruction?” Enya asked, looking down with distain. She was dressed as a commander, in black and red, with a dark cape slung over her left shoulder. By her colors Nicholas first thought she’d come adorned as the Talon leader he’d known her to be, but upon closer look she appeared more refined than that. She wasn’t in her police uniform, that was certain, but neither did she look quite Talon like. Then a more important question struck Nicholas; why wasn’t she dead? Shouldn’t she have died with the others? Or had she been—

“Yes,” she spoke as if know when to interrupt his thoughts. “I never was foolish enough to give blood to such a perishable item. Unlike some,” she looked down disgracefully at Jacklin’s body.

“She wasn’t willing,” Nicholas said horsely, rising to his feet in defense of his departed friend. He thought about reaching for his weapon, but didn’t. Enya was playing smart, somehow, and he guessed any sudden move on his part could result in an unwelcome surprise from her.

“Regardless, she’s dead now, along with many, many others. It’s by luck, if not some dark power, that you’ve managed to destroy the stone when you did, or you might have actually been victorious.”

Nicholas eyed her with anger and question. What was she implying? Looking her up and down he searched for anything, a sign perhaps. Some kind of ranking mark was pinned to her shirt just above her breast, and another one likewise on her sleeve, but what stood out the most was the clasp that held her cape together. It was a silver hand, which was literally clasping the cape. A bony, wretched looking fist it made, robbing the precious metal of all its shine and glory.

“You see the emblem?” Enya said observantly. Nicholas didn’t answer, but clenched his jaw. “It’s the symbol of a new order, yet one formed long before the cult known as the Talon even existed.”

Nicholas had no idea what she was talking about, but assumed it was something terrible. Typically he would have come up with some sarcastic remark in defiance, but was too drowned in the grief and weight of his circumstances to even care. All he had the urge to do was resist Enya, in some way, though he didn’t know how. It was her followers, dead or alive, who had been the cause of all his loss. He’d be a worm to not stand against her. At the moment though he just kept staring blankly at her, waiting for her to say more. It must have been driving Enya out of her mind, because she seemed to flinch. Perhaps she had been feeding off some of his snarky comments before now, and the current silence was killing her.

“Fine,” she finally said, impatient and lifting her head up high. It was apparent she’d had enough, and was ready to be done with Nicholas once and for all, even if she did enjoy watching his life fall into small fragments, fragments she would tread upon if she could.

“Guards!” She called out, and in walked two hefty looking soldiers. They were frighteningly tall, with massive blasters in their arms and armor made of some dark and uncomfortably thick metal. “Annihilate him,” she then commanded, lifting her hand and pointing directly at Nicholas.

The guards aimed their massive weapons, and Nicholas swallowed hard. Should he try to make one last move before his death, or just stand there? A deep hum filled the room, followed by a growing vibration. At first he thought it was from the blasters, as if they were coiling up to fire out a massive blow of destruction, but on second thought it seemed to come from beneath him. He looked down, and so did Enya, and the other two. The floor began to shake, and then it happened.

With a sudden deafening boom, and a shockwave that sent Nicholas flying backwards and across the floor, the ground right where Enya and her soldiers had been standing exploded into a flaming ball of light and death. A blast of heat swept across Nicholas’ face, and his ears rang like crazy. Smoke began to rise as the light shattered into small sparks, and with more surprised that relief Nicholas gazed upon the demise of his enemies.

It wasn’t a pleasant sight, at all, but at the same time he was more than glad to see it. A large hole now took their place, ash coated, and filled with the smoldering remains of what used to be living creatures. Nicholas wasn’t quite sure Enya’s companions had actually been human, as a defiled orange slime began to ouse out of what was left of their bodies.

When Nicholas rose to his feat, he was startled to suddenly hear a scream. It wasn’t of terror, or pain, or grief, but of pure joy and excitement, and it came from down in the hole. He stepped forwards to look in, but almost fell back down again as out jumped the short form of Ehyo Idris, fully armored and decked out in gear. He grabbed Nicholas by the shoulders and looked him right in the eyes.

“They finally let me have at it mate!” He shouted, sounding happier than a child who’d just received a full bank of money, and access to a toy store. “They finally let me use the explosives.”

“Uh…” Nicholas started to say, but didn’t know how to finish.

“Are there any more?” Ehyo asked, turning around and peering into the hall.

“Bro,” Allen’s voice came up as he crawled out, along with the rest of the 208, at his heels, including Drogan, and excluding Clayton. His tone was much more serious, and almost warning. Ehyo looked confused for a moment, but then he noticed Jacklin and sobered up, a bit of guilt overtaking him.

“We’re sorry,” Drogan said, placing a firm hand on Nicholas right shoulder. “She didn’t want me to tell you anything.”

“Well can you tell me what’s going on?” Nicholas asked. His life seemed full of surprise, and most of the time Drogan was all behind it, which mean’t he usually ended up with more questions than answers.

“When we get you out of here, I’ll answer what I can. Kappa,” he shot a look at the solider, “bring Jacklin.”

Kappa nodded, and knelt down to retrieve the body as the others descended back down into the hole. Drogan was the last to leave, staring deeply into the hall, as if waiting for something. Finally he followed, just as he did though, he turned back. Heavy footfalls had just started to beat in the distance. At first he had the urge to get everyone moving more quickly, but upon realizing that it was only one pair, and that it wasn’t near as heavy as it should be if it were one of the towering soldiers, he waited. The others halted as well, looking at Drogan, and then at whatever was coming.

In only a few seconds Sparq bounded into the room, eyes wide and heart pounding. He was startled to see everyone, but didn’t let it hinder his task.

“A bunch of big ugly aliens with,” he stopped and looked down at what was left of the two that had come in after Enya. “A bunch of those,” he continued, pointing at various mounds of slime and armored flesh, “are after me, and they’ve taken everyone else, I think.”

“Then follow us,” Drogan said without hesitation.

Sparq did of course, but was full of questions. What had happened, who was attacking them, how Jacklin, who he still knew as Shaft, had been killed, and so on. He wasn’t asking gleefully in any way, he was quite disturbed in reality, he just desperately wanted answers. Drogan only kept him moving forward with the others, down through some old and cramped duct. Finally they came to a hatch, where London had locked their ship into place. They climbed in.

A sudden thrust of nostalgia struck Nicholas as he stepped into the ship. He hadn’t been in it since his adventure, or perhaps doom, all began. He looked at Jacklin, who Kappa had laid down on a bunk, and his emotions started to get a hold of him. Stepping away and to the same window he’d peered out of about three years ago. Outside nothing could be seen but a glowing green gas. He tried to hold back a sob, pinching his eyes and resting his head against the glass, but failed. It was all too much to handle, and he needed a break. Not that it would do any good, he felt that a lifetime of rest wouldn’t mend anything, but he didn’t feel like he could go on either.

A jolt ran through the ship as RK-12 shut the hatch and they disconnected.

“Are we just leaving everyone else?” Sparq asked with concern.

“For now, but not for long,” Drogan responded, looking at Nicholas who’d turned to face him, red eyed and eager for answers. Drogan was ready to give them now, so he all but collapsed into a seat and waited. Drogan first cast a look around the room, making sure everything appeared settled, and then put his focus mainly on Nicholas and Sparq.

“To start things off I’m going to have to praise the nobility of the 208,” he said. “I wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for them. After Clayton was murdered they dropped the GP like a mic and left to find me, barely escaping with their lives.”

“We’re not the only one’s who’ll be leaving,” Parker stated with his arms crossed and his back resting against the wall.

“But you’re the first, and that makes more of a difference than many realize.”

“So is the GP about to fall apart?” Sparq asked.

“By tonight, depending on what planet you’re in, the GP won’t exist anymore, and Yom Partin city will likely be in ruins. Enya has summoned an ancient army from some of the first Alien Wars, and not a moment too soon. While you succeeded in destroying the Talon, you did so right after she’d finished bringing in her new force, one so powerful that it will reshape the universe as we know it.”

“But Enya is dead now,” Nicholas pointed out.

“Wait really?” Sparq asked, unsure to be excited or horrified. It was like a bad tasting medicine that he knew would heal him of a sickness, a mixture of good and bad at the same time. Their foe was dead, but she’d released an apparently even larger one.

“Enya wasn’t completely in charge, and even less so after releasing things. She was merely a commanding officer, under the rule of a greater power.”

“So, basically we’re worse off than we were before,” Nicholas asked, almost too tired and downcast to care.

“Not entirely,” came Drogan’s response. “The distinctions between good and evil are now more clear than they’ve been in a long time, and the forces of good will gather themselves together where they can, strengthening each other and creating more threat to the enemies’ plans than thought possible. This is only the beginnings though, I’ve been arranging some much larger plans that hopefully will help us wipe out this scum once and for all, but only in time. Right now, we need to fly our way out of this mess and hide in a hole until we’re rested and ready to move,” he eyed Nicholas upon saying this, “because we all need it. What you all have done is only one scrape against a wall to help it collapse, and now that it’s collapsed we can all see past it.”

“I can see past it,” Nicholas said, “but I can’t promise I’ll go beyond it.”

Drogan stared at him, understandingly. Nicholas had been through a lot, more than he’d ever have allowed anyone to go through, and it was reasonable for him to want to opt out of everything. However, something still stood out in him, as it did every time he looked at Nicholas. There was a fire, a passion, a whirlwind of light and hope that made itself known even from behind a hedge of loss and despair. Nicholas wasn’t made to hide, and he wasn’t made to stop. If he had been, he wouldn’t be here right now. He was gifted, or perhaps he was a gift in himself. He’d been created for this very purpose.

“One way or another, we’re all going beyond it Nicholas. Whether we jump in headlong, or are dragged by a formidable foe against our will, a dark future is coming. Our job is to pave a way for others, and perhaps even ourselves, to reach the light at the end of that future. You don’t have to worry about doing anything just yet though, none of us do, except London, who better be getting us ready to punch out of this ball of gas before we get detected and blown to smithereens.” He spoke these last words rather loudly.

“I’m working on it,” London yelled back from the cockpit. “Just give me half a minute and perhaps…” he trailed off mumbling something about wanting an updated navigation system and radar detector, and then the whole ship hummed, shook, and with a whirl and a blast shot forwards like a bolt of lighting.

Epic chapter! The end is coming......

@Gman Yes... thankfully 😂


For all Nicholas knew it could have been a week since he’d been rescued from death, him along with Sparq. He hadn’t been keeping track of time, and was currently standing on a cold stone floor, surrounded by the ruins of some old castle or fortress. He looked into a misty valley below. Green trees rose and fell with the hills, only breaking their march because of a large boulder or old stone tower. It was peaceful, but Drogan said it wouldn’t be for long. Soon every planet and moon as far as anyone could guess would be freshly scarred with the signs of battle. War was officially here, whether it had already been or not.

Quiet footfalls came from behind him, but he didn’t turn. Sparq stepped up beside him and stared off into the same view, then looked down at his feet, and then up again. He’d just come out from a cavern a short distance away. Most of the ruins had entrances into caves, some large and some small, and many interconnected. Jacklin had been buried deep within the heart of one, where what looked liked cities of tombs laid. Drogan said most of them held the bodies of nobles and great warriors, and that it was an honorable place for her to lie. While this was true, Nicholas didn’t exactly care, and when he did he wondered if she’d have preferred a more open and free resting place. In a green field or beneath an old tree somewhere.

“You feeling any better?” Sparq asked.

“I don’t know,” Nicholas said halfheartedly.

“You look better, I mean, like stronger, and not as tired.” Nicholas just shrugged, and the silence returned.

Sparq felt bad. He’d been a criminal for years, and was used to the mess of life, but even still he always hated death. Watching someone like Nicholas, who so totally didn’t deserve the straining dose he’d been given, suffer and grieve and lose all interest in life was disturbing. He wanted to say something, but wasn’t much of a counselor. He also worried for the others, if they were still alive. What would happen to them, regardless if they were able to save them or not? It wasn’t a pleasant thought.

“Are you wanting things to come on?” Nicholas asked unexpectedly.

“Uh… like, the war?”

“I guess,” he shrugged. “Just anything really. Are you tired of just hiding away and waiting for Drogan to sort through whatever he’s attempting to do?”

“He’s recovering an old army of our own,” Sparq said, a little more openly than Nicholas thought right.

“How do you…”

“I hacked into his stuff,” Sparq said with a sheepish smile. “He’s been going back and fourth, through various points of time. Full time travel he believes to be somewhat impossible, but there are loopholes and stuff that, for one allowed Enya to do her thing, and two have allowed him to do his.”

“So if he’s bringing back an accent army, couldn’t that effect the past?”

“It depends. There are a lot of complicated answers and reasonings, but I think he’s got it sorted, kinda.”

Nicholas went quiet again, thinking to himself. Sparq continued to stand beside him, his hands behind his back and bouncing on his toes. He wondered what was going on in Nicholas’ mind, and how he might be handling the information he’d just leaked. When Nicholas finally spoke, it was unlike anything Sparq had ever heard him ask before.

“Sparq,” he started, keeping his gaze fixed on the horizon.


“If my life was a story, would this be a terrible ending?”

“I, uh… I have no idea what you mean by that.”

“Like, if someone was telling you the story of all that’s happened, and they left off at this very moment, would you be mad, or disappointed?”

It took Sparq a short minute to think through this, trying to decipher some hidden meaning behind it that simply didn’t exist. Of all the complicated things Nicholas could be asking, about the future, about the past, about war and tactics and whatever else you could think of, he had asked this. It was puzzling, but after finding nothing to get at he simply answered.

“Sure,” he said with uncertainty, waiting to Nicholas to respond. Aside from a side glance though, and a small nod, no response came.

The End, ## I think

EDIT: DANG IT, I tried to comment on the previous one then this showed up once I reloaded the page >_< I guess I'd better start reading...

7 participants
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Avatar of Fireblade28
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Avatar of JCFRK_yodels_in_the_alps

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