Greenflame's Story Forum
Greenflame24 started this discussion in Community

Okay, I'm going to just go ahead and do it 😂. Creating models for my stories is, while cool, a pain x-( (did that work), ngl... I'm going to post most of my story content here, hopefully that's alright with y'all 😉.

85 replies · Page 2 of 5

Well then, this should be interesting.

@Guitarman, I concur.. o_O

@SharpBurntGuitar56 I third that

Oof, Clayton has quite the battle going on. Also, I feel like things are going downhill for old Nicholas.

@Dragon Haven't things been going downhill like... since the beginning 😂?

True 😂.

Just a note to everyone.

After my current story is done, I probably won't be posting any new stories for a good while. I seriously need to finish outlining my TUCoW series, and find a name for it as well... not just calling it by the titled of the first book 😂. I have a couple, no, a few friends who actually want to read my first official draft of that, and I can't send them it unless it's written... obviously.

However, I do plan on writing two more parts to my CyberFlame series. One will be more of a short story, probably closer in length to my Christmas stories... and the other is possibly going to be my greatest Mecabricks story ever, because I do plan on outlining it and really diving deep into stuff... which may be good, or bad... 😏... whatever the case, just thought I'd give y'all a heads up.

what's TUCoW again?

@Justy The Unheard Cry of War. Not sure if you read it... I took it down, because I do plan on publishing... to be honest though, I'm not sure if it really matters. Ive changed the story so much it's hardly the same anymore 😂

@Justy: The Untangible Cow of Waterloo.

@Gman Oh, thanks for the correction, typos kill me 😂

I thought it was "Two Uber Cars of Warfare" 😏
Edit: or "Tank uses or Weasels?" (I don't even know XD)

@justy close, but we've all been wrong...

It's Tiny Ugly Caterpillars on Wombats

what about the non-canonical Teeth Under olaf Waffles?

woah this is really cool! can anyone tell me where I can read the chapters before this?

they're on Greenflames profile 😉 the tag is Cyberflame

@CoolBrix Hey, welcome! Yeah, look up the tag CyberFlame and you'll find the others.

Chapter 13

Nicholas was lifted onto his feet, hardly able to move under the unyielding grip of the guards and officers around him. Clayton stood, looking down at the scene with uncertainty. Nicholas wasn’t sure what would happen now, but what happened wasn’t what he’d expected. The heavy doors before him slid open and there stood Enya behind her desk, dressed again as an ally, and with a bodyguard on either side. They held blasters, aiming them directly at Nicholas; he wondered if they would be using them before the morning was over.

“Bring him in,” Enya said sharply.

“Nice to see you again, your majesty,” Nicholas sneered as he was shoved forwards. “I just wish you had your Talon mask on, it would hide your hideous face.” He took a small bit of hope as Clayton, who had been entering right beside him, stoped and stared questioningly upon hearing this.

“Put him on his knees,” Enya ordered, and was obeyed without hesitation.

“Captain, decide what you’re going to do,” Nicholas began, not wanting to waist anytime. “Enya’s a Talon leader, and if I’m wrong she’ll be able to disprove my arguments.” There was a tense silence in the room. He could tell Enya was doing her best to keep from interrupting and handling things rashly, which in truth would only serve to help prove Nicholas’ point; a smart move.

“You’re speaking like a fool,” she said slowly, her voice felt cold and un-breaking. “We know that those who point the finger are guilty.”

“Right, and I remember you accusing me of helping the Talon the last time we met.” The guards about shuffled in their place, feeling uneasy as they watched their respected leader addressed so disrespectfully, but in all honesty intrigued by Nicholas’ retaliation. Enya stood still for a moment, the palms of he blue hands almost plastered to the top of her desk.

“Well then, do as you say. Prove that I’m guilty.”

Nicholas smiled, and started. “Well, aside from your unfair and slightly outrageous actions towards me, I guess I should probably inform those in the room, particularly the Captain here, of my visit to a Talon bunker last night. I can tell you exactly where this is, if any of you are actually interested in thwarting this menace. Aside from this though, I saw their leader, a Leer woman. On her left shoulder was tattooed some kind of cursed looking black star. If Enya is innocent, which I know she’s not, she won’t have this.” There was another tense moment, and then Enya smiled, revealing a set of perfectly placed white teeth. This was sickening to Nicholas. Pureness and perfection seemed fake and out of place on her.

“You’re ignorance and lack of reason almost makes me pity you, child,” she said, now relaxed. “For one, there is no known Talon symbol that looks anything remotely close to a star. If you can prove I have this, you still can’t prove I’m a Talon leader. For all anyone knows you could have simply seen this on me, and are now trying to somehow use it as a ‘proof’ of my nonexistent treachery. Second,” she stoped, pulling up her sleeve and revealing that she did indeed have the described image on her left shoulder, “this is a Star of Leer Progression, a common and patriotic symbol among my people. I can promise you I’m only one of many who posses this. So even if you did in fact see a Talon leader, who was a Leer and possessed this same marking, it hardly means anything. If you don’t believe me, go and learn your Leer history.”

At these words life itself seemed to stop, and a lump built itself in Nicholas’ throat. He was still sure Enya was evil, but he also realized that she was right, he couldn’t prove her guilty. This now put him in a bad spot, which is actually an understatement; he was in a terrible spot. He’d been a fool, and should have listened to Lis. He was going to be charged with treachery himself now, if not more. So much for ever promising to stop the Talon, or return home. He wondered what the rest of his life would look like behind bars, or maybe in a cold solitary dungeon away from any living thing except bugs and worms.

“Captain Clayton,” Enya ordered, looking at the solider, and dismissing Nicholas’ pondering, “I hereby command you to, in the presence of everyone here, to put Nicholas Turner to death for treachery and attempted assassination.”

“Attempted assassination!” Nicholas shouted.

“Your honor I don’t think—” Clayton tried to protest, but was cut off by Enya.

“I’m not asking to hear what you think Captain, I’m ordering you to kill the wretch.” She lifted her hand, and the guards beside her suddenly directed their weapons towards him. Clayton froze. “You have ten seconds Captain,” Enya said.

Clayton pursed his lips, let out a long shaky breath, and aimed his blaster down and his friend. It wasn’t right, but he would be killed if he didn’t obey, and still, following orders was always… he clenched his teeth. It was always, he couldn’t bring himself to believe it. This couldn’t be right, this was wrong. His heart was now beating louder than a war drum, and burning pressure was building up in his ears.

“You can’t do this,” Nicholas said through broken breaths, and Clayton believed him. Throwing his gun to the ground he closed his eyes as the two guards suddenly fired. Nicholas at the same time jumped up, drawing the small weapon he’d retrieved from the barracks and spraying lasers across the desk. He took out one guard, just before he caught in the corner of his right eye the sight Clayton falling to the ground, dead. Nicholas was infuriated, and in danger. The other officers in the room hadn’t known what to do at first, but amidst the conflict felt no choice but to stand for their corrupt leader, who’d at the moment slinked away to the side of the room to avoid getting hit in the cross fire.

Nicholas, leaping atop and across the desk tackled the Enya’s remaining bodyguard to the ground. He was about to finish him off, when the morning light coming in through the large window beside him suddenly vanished, being replace by a dark form. Before anyone could make out what this was, something smaller, yet broad, burst out of it and crashed into the window. Glass flew everywhere, scattering across the floor in small crystals that threatened to bite anyone who struck them. Then there was smoke, a deep cloud that filled the room in an instant.

“Out the window kid!” Smoke’s strong and welcome voice sounded amidst the chaos, lasers being shot randomly about the room and men shouting in fear and confusion. Nicholas couldn’t see anything, apart from the gun fire and smoke, but knew where the window was, or had been, and sprung forwards and into the open air. He gasped as he passed the vapory vail, and then felt another urge to gasp upon realizing he was a good ways up in the air, with nothing to hold on to. Something else took hold of him however, and he looked up to see the strong arms of Scott Elowits pulling him up by his own, and into a modified cargo ship. Scott practically through Nicholas into the hold, and then called for smoke.

“There’s no time!” An unfamiliar female voice came from a cockpit at the front of the ship. Nicholas looked across and through a doorway, but the pilot wasn’t visible from his position. He felt the ship began to lunge forwards.

“But you can’t leave Smoke!” Sparq’s voice shouted back from right behind Nicholas, who stood up and looked about. Everyone was here, except for Mitch and Shaft.

“We’ve got patrol ships coming on our tail and can’t wait, I’m sorry,” the new voice rung out again as the opening slid shut and, without warning, the whole thing rocketed off at an unbelievable speed. Nicholas fell backwards, crashing into Sparq who then fell to the floor. They both slid across the ship and into the back wall with a painful sounding thud, that didn’t give justice to the actual pain they felt.

Once the pull from the sudden boost of speed leveled out, Nicholas helped himself up and offered Sparq a hand, only to receive an unexpected kick to the ankle that sent him crashing to the floor again. Sparq hopped up, and scowled back down. He was vexed, and looked highly ballistic.

“Jerk!” He shouted at Nicholas, who looked up, a bit too shaken to get up off the ground.

“Sparq,” Lis said, stepping forwards and trying to calm her companion.

“Hold you’re tongue mate,” Scott also said, “I know Smoke was a great companion but let’s just talk—”

“I’m not just upset about losing him Scott,” he retorted, a fuming fear was now noticeable in his face, which proved to be the source of his anger. “Smoke,” he pointed back behind himsefl, his finger shaking, and breathing hard. “He, unlike us humans, has a memory chip.”

A sudden weight of dread, and understanding fell upon everyone in the room; Nicholas receiving guilt as an extra burden. He looked down, afraid of the others’ gazes, and bit the side of his cheek. He might have just ruined everything. If Smoke wasn’t blown to bits, it was very likely he’d be taken apart, and all his memories exposed. That would not only reveal their hiding spot, but all their plans. If he’d thought himself a fool before, he felt beyond one now.

Epic! Wow, Enya's good. Very good. It's a pity about Clayton, I was hoping he'd have more of an arc but I suppose it's not really his story. Anyway, great work!

Also, wow! I beat Gman and Fireblade!

dang it, Dragon beat me

7 participants
Avatar of Greenflame24
Avatar of Fireblade28
Avatar of Dragon_Rider06
Avatar of Guitarman2
Avatar of justyouraveragebuilder
Avatar of CoolBrix10
Avatar of JCFRK_yodels_in_the_alps

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