How to Make a Custom Decoration
B1Trash started this discussion in Parts and Decorations Design

If you're wondering how to make a custom decoration, here is a step-by-step tutorial, current as of April 2023.







Part Management:


I hope this helps. Cheers!

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test code

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    sdf @Scrubs


  1. Footnote

204 replies · Page 2 of 11

I did that but no 3d thing showed up

Can you make your screen look like this? You may need to click the search button more than once.


I spammed it but it wouldnt work 😢

What browser are you using? Can you share a screenshot?

I am using Google Chrome (and It is Up to date) But I dont know how to share the screenshot i dont know how to

It's a bit convoluted, but you would need to upload to flickr or imgur then share it. I use flickr, and in the sharing options there is a BB tab that has the code you need.

How far were you able to get?

I cant use imgur or flickr because I am not aloud on mature websites and it is catogorized as mature 😛

Ok, let's try this... what happens when you try a different part number? Let's try typing in 3068 in the Configuration box. Does that pull anything up?

no but you dont need to keep helping me I will just try it when I get my windows 😃

oh I got it i had to zoom in LOL

Wow!! This helped SO much! Thank you!
Only one question: Where can I get the prints? Because I uploaded one and it's REALLY big..

Do either of these sections help?

If you want, you can also upload a smaller file with the same filename. That will overwrite it on the server and reduce the space it's taking up.

How do I update my part?


What do you want to update? If you want to update the texture image, just upload a new one... if you use the same file name from before, it will overwrite the old one. For anything else, just change what you need and make sure to hit the UPDATE button down at the bottom of the form.

Thanks again Lax!

No problem!

@b1Trash How do I get to my part page, like how do I see a part that I made. I cant seem to find it.

This is in the tutorial now... use the link at the bottom if you want pictures.

The quickest way is to hit the PARTS link in the top header which will bring you to the Library page. Then hit the Custom button. This will allow you to browse your parts. If you have parts in folders, you will need to navigate using the Library Tree in the left sidebar. If you have parts in hidden folders, they will be hidden here too. To open a part in the custom part builder, select it and then hit edit on the right sidebar under the 3D view.

To see all of your parts at once, open the Parts page by clicking the Lego Brick in the left sidebar. Then click the Custom button and below that you can click My Parts. Clicking on any icon will open that part in the custom part builder.

Any time you are in the Parts page, if you hover over a part name in the Library Tree, you will get an eyeball icon. If you click on that, it will open the part in the custom part builder. This icon will not appear if you are in the Library page.

I'll update the tutorial with some images and let you know when I do that.
I've updated the tutorial in Step 6: Use your part

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