Advanced Add-on for Blender
Scrubs started this discussion in Model Export and Render
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Check the Advanced Add-on description page for more information.

616 replies · Page 13 of 31

I'm getting a weird magenta tint when it renders.

Avatar of Scrubs

Hello, That is because you use the Blender template provided and you didn't select an environment image to light the scene. This pink tint is used in Blender when a file is missing.
Check this post:
Select your file in the "Environment Texture" node.

Hi Scrubs,

If you're still on updating Mecabricks script for 2.8, here is a link that might interest you: [url][/url].

Avatar of Scrubs

Thanks a lot. I keep all of this as well as the files you sent for later.
I am currently updating the core code of the workshop which is a pretty long and complex task.
I am adding heaps of improvements and options in the same time and the platform will be ready for further cool features development.

You're welcome.
Cool. Looking forward to testing all that!

Also looking forward here : )

A few questions about the advanced add on.

  1. Are all the options (scratches, fingerprints, roughness,) easily adjusted for more or less?
  2. Any plans to make the add on compatible for blender 2.8 and or EEVEE?

Love the look of this so far

Avatar of Scrubs

Hello Owenator13,

Yes, you can very easily adjust these options from the Mecabricks options panel:

If you need more control, you can also do it very easily in the material section:

From user feedback, it seems to work with eevee - However, you would have to use 2.79 to import your model and open the file later in 2.80. This video made by ControlAltBrick is using this add-on and eevee.

Blender 2.80 just reached the beta stage this week. There wasn't any point updating the add-on before as the python API wasn't complete and wasn't documented either. I will probably dive into this in the first quarter of 2019 when it will be closer to release date and that I will complete the workshop upgrade I am currently working on. See 2019 roadmap here.

Thanks for the reply.

I'm currently using the lite version and probably will upgrade it looks very good. Surprised it works with Eevee.

Hello everyone! I was wondering if you can use the advanced script with models that haven’t been imported with the importer? This would be handy when doing simulations when using dupliverts instead of full mecabricks models.

Hi Scrubs, replying about eevee with the add on...

I tried opening a blender 2.79 file with mecabricks model with 2.8 and tried using eevee like you said. Except when I try to render, Blender stops responding.

Any fix for this?


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@owenator13 ControlAltBrick would have the most experience doing that. I tried a few times myself and did not have any problems except that it was slow in real time in the viewport.

@sommer123456 automatic material settings only works with models imported with the Mecabricks add-on. You can still re-use and assign the materials manually later to any objects in Blender though.

Hello all,

I just started using Blender and the Advanced Add-on and I just did a few renders (with spot lamps) that I posted to my Instagram (@ lamborghiniwafflesauce)
I just have a few questions/complaints that may just be because I am really new to this...

The randomize parts does not seem to randomize, even when I have it turned up to 100% (unlike the MB Render Farm, where it works really well)
Where or how does one make the edge of the LEGO pieces rounded? Is that the bevel stuff when you import the MB .dae file and the bevel shading in the MB menu in the tools section?
Also, how does one make the surfaces of pieces uneven, like how @Scrubs did it with green bricks a few posts back?
How does one make transparent pieces glow, like in MB Render Farm?

Also props to Scrubs for making all of these amazing things!

Hello lamborghiniwafflesauce,

Do not forget to select the parts before to use Randomize Parts.
When you import your .dae file, you can change the width of the bevel and the number of segments in the 'Geometry Options' panel of the 'Import Mecabricks' menu in the bottom left corner of your screen. You can even choose to uncheck 'Apply Modifiers' option letting you the possibility to change these settings once your model imported.
Look at the 'Uneven Flateness' option in Mecabricks Menu in the Tool section. Note that this option do not affect the geometry of the part but simply 'deform' the surface through a Bump Map.
If you use Cycles, look at Compositing through the Glare Node. If you use EEVEE, look at the Bloom option.

Welcome on Mecabricks. 😃

Thanks @Helo for the tips!

I played around with Blender some more. Turns out I haven't been properly selecting the model/parts in the outliner window when trying to randomize parts. I also toggled the scratches, dirt, and etc. in the Material nodes. This is what I got:

I would also like more info on the compositing/glare node for making trans pieces glow.

Compositing is an optional step that follows the rendering. This allows you to add some effects to your render to enhance it like Glow, Lens Distortion, Color Correction, Depth of Field (if you don't use DoF option with Cycles), etc ... Here is a link to the Compositing chapter of the manual of Blender if you want an overview of all the tools available.

To create a Glow effect for your render, you need to use the Glare Node. There is a lot of good tutorials about it. Check this link.

Hello everyone,

Wondering how I would go about changing the size of a models Bevel. The bevel settings that appear when you import a mecabricks model doesn’t seem to change anything for me.

Hello Owenator13,

It should. However, depending on the geometry of some parts, you may not notice any changes. This is mainly due to the "Clamp Overlap" option of the Bevel Modifier. This option helps prevent unsightly artifacts created when two bevels overlap by reducing their size.

Try something:

  • uncheck "Apply Modifiers" during the import of your model.
  • Once your model is imported, select a part with a bevel issue. Go to the Modifiers Panel and uncheck "Clamp Overlap" in the Bevel Modifier.

You should now see the bevel at the width you previously set. However, you should also see some artifacts on the part. In this case, you can try to decrease the Width until at artifacts disappear, or apply the modifier and manually modify the mesh. And this for each part.

Hey, just as a quick note - if you export any model with anything in the new Vibrant Coral color, the add-on crashes with an error and won't import it into your project.

Avatar of Scrubs

Yes, Colors are hard coded and therefore the add-ons have to be updated.

87 participants
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