About this thread
You will find in this section everything needed to easily make photorealistic renderings of Mecabricks models with Blender.
Software and files needed
• Blender
• Blender Add-on by Mecabricks
• Environment images [e.g. zbyg Packs]
Thank you so much. Now i found both files i need.
Let's see if i am able to start rendering my LEGO model.
Scrubs, I have 2 problems in Blender.
Note: I have watched the "Mecabricks to Blender Template" video.
The textures should load as soon as you press the button to run the script, and I guess you aren´t allowed to move or rename the files/folders.
The only textures that load are the solid textures: http://i.imgur.com/avmTm4D.png
I guess I´m not understanding you right...
so, do you have textures (e.g. LEGO® Logo/control panels) on a brick and want that to be visible OR do you mean the material as textures?
Because if you convert a model some folders will be generated with the Bump Maps/Textures in it.
If you import your exported model in Blender, just select all parts, then select the model empty and choose Parent-->Object-->keep transform.
And then press the run script button. You should see the textures now.
If you don´t see the textures, there´s a harder way:
-Find your texture in the folder
-Select the part with the missing texture
-Under the materials tab, click on the number that represents how many parts are using this color and make a new material out of it
-Go to the Node Editor
-Connect the Image Texture Node with the Solid/Transparent or whatever node
-Open your texture
-Be sure "color" is checked!!
If this doesn´t look right, then the fun part 😦 :
-Select the object where the texture should be on
-Press tab
-Now you´re in edit mode. Press A, then U and select "Unwrap"
-Open a second window in the same Blender instance and open the UV editor. The UVs of the part should be visible.
-Open the texture
-Move the UVs until it fit to the texture
-You can move single parts of the UV as well 😉
-You can select edges of the mesh ad then press Ctrl+E-->Mark Seams (the edge/s should be red now) to manipulate edges of the UV that should keep their shape
And voilá, finished! I hope this helps...
...if not, you could give me your model and I´ll try it for ya.
Thanks NGCHunter2 for that your help 😃. Looking at the screenshot, I think that there is a confusion between textures and materials. Besides it looks like you did not run the script and therefore materials have not been replaced by my custom ones. What you see in the viewport. Is actually not the final scene. You have multiple mode in Blender to display or not textures, materials, etc. including a live render one which is closer to the real rendering output. If you follow every step of the tutorial and the final image after your press the "render" doesn't include image textures then it will be an issue.
Hope you can sort that out.
Yup, that´s why I asked "BeyodEnder" if he means materials or textures (materials = "colors"; textures = "decals, stickers etc.")
Because the MATERIALS won´t be visible in texture view, only in material and render view.
Hi, I just found a problem with the Subdivision script. It rounds the corners of the LEGO text on the studs. Just thought I'd bring it up for possible consideration.
I believe it won't be possible to separate and exclude the LEGO stud text from the subdivision surface modifier script without much ado. How to select the stud text faces by scripting?
But to be honest: I can rather see a significant problem, or only if I get really close. From further away the stud text is perhaps looking a little smoother, but I don't feel it's a showstopper. However, I noticed that subdividing may interfere with the OSL edge shading, which, in some places, came out as a dotted lines in some of my test renders. I've not yet spent time on finding a workaround for this effect.
Now, since I found that usually not the entire model needs to be subdivided, I will manually subdivide only those parts obviously showing low-poly edges, because they're close and parallel to the camera. For example, in this render I've subdivided only the wheels and rims. All other parts didn't need it, and it got me rid of the edge shading issue.
For each part you'd like to manually subdivide:
This is essentially what the script is doing. For few parts this doesn't take long. For the taxi it's taken me 2 minutes, or so. Double parts are mostly instances, so you won't need to do all the steps for each individual part (one can see part instances when selecting a part and then switching to Edit mode).
I updated the script to revision 1.8.6
Check the product page for more info about the changes.
@Masman8675 I know about it but I am a bit stuck though. The LEGO logo is really geometry consuming and I don't really want to add mush more vertices. I'll see later if I can update the model to make it a bit more friendly with subdivision.
Found these videos very helpful. Especially the first one.
The new Blender Guru video is indeed interesting. I think I'll give filmic-blender a try.
Would love to see the outcome of the filmic-blender. Just tried to compile blender with OpenCL, but looks like my graphics card is still not working with it.
Why re-compiling Blender? For what we're doing here the latest master is good enough, isn't it? I'm already happy about the denoiser and shadow catcher said to be coming with v4.79, though. And I'm curious about v2.8. Latest #b3d conference videos have given a good preview.
New version 1.8.7 available for download.
Transparent material has been 100% reworked.
Thank you, will certainly try it out - tomorrow. 😃
I having trouble with the script. I recently updated blender to 2.78 and whenever I try to run the script I get a "python script fail" message. I've tried it the newest templet (1.8.7) too but still I get the error. Does it have to do with the newest version of blender? What version are you guys using?
Edit: I just figured it out. 😛 I had switched to Filmic and I just saw that Scrubs said in a different thread that you have to change this in the script if your using Filmic.
bpy.context.scene.display_settings.display_device = 'sRGB'
to this
bpy.context.scene.display_settings.display_device = 'sRGB / BT.709'
@MalMan35, keep the order teached in https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rCMqcTCfD2c
If you change things and then run the script, it may not work.
@wlange Yup. I will make sure. I made that mistake a couple times when I first started. 😉
Script updated to version 1.8.8
The scene set up has been simplified. After importing the collada file, you do not need to add the pieces to the empty object "Model". Ensure that all the imported parts are selected and click "Run Script". It will do the parenting task automatically.
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