Sebachie Vs Negachie story forum
justyouraveragebuilder started this discussion in Community

okey day, this is where we discuss who's doing what and the sharing of every thing we make for the story and stoof.

443 replies Β· Page 1 of 23

This is a good Idea

Indeed. πŸ‘

So what parts are taken for writing? πŸ˜•

I'm writing part 6.
but I don't have to!

I do want to point out that everything will be public. Meaning that there will be spoilers. But nah, who cares seeing behind the scenes.

Anyway, I didn't see you Justy, but so that means Part 7? πŸ˜•

So here's my idea for next. We go into battle, rescue the guys, do more fighting. Seb uses a somewhat Brocken big guy mech to destroy Negachie supreme. Negachie runs a way. I find him days later, alone, then Negachie and I have a little hero/villain chat about how he wants me to join him, but I hate him for killing my girl. You guys show up as I'm using my lightning to brutally overpower him. He reveals he is made of anti matter and we have a cool fight scene with no mechs. I summon Inkemba, my sword, and kill him. Before I do this tho, he tells me that the girls is still alive, but held captive, I run to go save her from the sebotchies before they execute her. To introduce the next stories, our stand alone ones in the mbu, we all make our own concluding models.

Obviouly this can be made througout multiple parts.

Umm . . . Okay. πŸ˜• It's not bad, but. . . maybe include us more also.

Yeah, so to be more specific, the first battle is all of us against the mech army. During this seb finds a destroyed big guy mech as we've been calling them. He fights supreme Negachie who runs away. I find him the all that stuff happens. All Justy, being the one who forms the Mecabricks is kinda like captain america in term of an unofficial leader.

Idk about you killing him, Kirb. It kinda contradicts my plan to have Negachie affect my SigFig permanently. I'd rather not get into much more detail than that because spoilers, but the jist of it is that I was planning on having him mortally wound me in a wild west style duel where we both end up shooting each other.

He already told me about that actually. πŸ˜„
Through Private Messages.

I have been thinking about an aftermath part though, but I do think most of you guys already know about my idea.

Yeah, we can always combine our Ideas tho

I have had V2 Robin-Bots in the works, so I think I can merge them with the current androids as a battle form. Of course nobody has seen them yet. 😁 But I hope you like the idea though.

Yeah, I think we could, maybe with scrapping some of them as well.

Like maybe, I still "kill" him, but because he's anti matter, he come back to life later on, and then the west thing happens. As for the aftermath thing, that sound great. It could happen slowly throughout other stories. I really like the idea of us having our own ending tho, as a way to start other chapter of the universe.

Okay, how about this, we have the duel, then I guess we can have a large scale battle maybe with two parts, then maybe at some point after aftermath. Anybody like that layout? πŸ˜ƒ

Honestly, I more prefer Aftermath as the conclusion of the series, then maybe the Forelock Apoc could get involved? πŸ˜•

We gotta have the seb/neg mech battle, he runs away. The best build up for my story kinda require him telling me the truth, then us fighting and me winning. The way we could twist it is that he never truly dies, but I don't know this and have nightmares from the event. He come back an seb does the western thingoo. Other the that, yes.

9 participants
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Avatar of FieryRobin
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Avatar of Sebachie
Avatar of Cold_Fire

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