The LEGO Community is Retarded (Read my thoughts before you flame me)
_deleted_ started this discussion in Community

Alright, so you are probably super mad at me for saying that the LEGO community is "retarded" now a year or two ago I would have spoken against this. But seriously, this community, is so. Self. Centered. I helped Mecabricks when it had what- a hundred, "few hundred-" accounts?! I've tried, and have been there for certain users. (You guys know who you are.) I am glad I did it, but. This is just- stupid. Guys, the users on this website, LEGO Ideas, and others have helped ruin LEGO for me. The "community" was part of what I enjoyed about LEGO as I got older. I've always enjoyed being with, and exploring the communities of things, at least up to this point. But this community is so dumb, I hosted a Discord server (now called "Chilled") and every single time I'd get on my computer last summer. There was always some retarded fricking, drama that I had to "fix." While my I was dealing with my own issues irl, and I came to my computer last year for a place of peace, NOT TO COME ON AND BECOME Mr. Solve-All-Your-Problems-During-The-Free-Time-I-Wanted/Needed, last summer. 😕

Now I left that Discord server hoping for a break, rejoined a few months later. Nothing changed, still the same old crap that was floating around before. So I left again, and I haven't returned, but since then. I've checked my "LEGO-Ideas" account, and my "Mecabricks" account, and they both- I went though my old messages, and things sent over the last few years. Cough More drama 😃 Was all I good for is solving your drama that you can't trust yourself to take to your parents?

Okay I did a terrible job explaining this, but I don't plan on coming back to the LEGO community, for those of you that remember me fondly, honestly. Good for you. But those that don't, and read this and are like "wtf is this vile little child doing on this website" then good for you also.

I hope this inspires some change? Maybe? Probably not? A Do not. Ask me for help, or anything in this community anymore.

28 replies · Page 1 of 2

Yes and no I don't know like I really enjoy being a part of this "community" I have always wanted to join and well now I have so I think yes there are things people could do better cough LESS DRAMA cough but I like this community is great. those are my thoughts

silverlighIning22: The thing is, you don't know what it was like to be part of the community when Apoc was here. Mecabricks has drastically changed and is much different from what it used to be. I preferred the older community, and as Apoc said, the newer one has become very self-centered.

LaxsCCStudios: That's the thing. It literally hasn't changed. It started off as being semi private, the users that had beef, drama, even gossip. Kept it to themselves. But then people started deciding to share it, (why? honestly, I have no fricking idea why.) But they started making models, talking about whatever the drama was. Then people starting picking favorites, choosing sides, making enemies. Then who was it up to to fix it? Well the people caught in the middle, which was me.

Like wtf you guys, is this like 10yo girl's drama, and gossip club? LOL.

I won't say anything because I don't really um well like lax said I wasn't here before.

Sadly, I have had my fair share too, and have caused it without realizing it...

I remember when I was experiencing no drama from users on Mecabrics back around when I first joined, if kids nowadays are searching for drama, they should go to other places, not a platform for building LEGO MOCs...

I feel bad for Scrubs for having his own LEGO website built from his own hands filled with a ton of unnecessary drama and just plain stupid arguments.

I usually am in the middle of the drama too, and yet I am also excluded and forgotten.

What happened to Mecabricks...

I hear you. 😦
Been here for over a year now, and I do feel like things changed I bit.

It does seem unfair to call the entire LEGO Community "retarded" though.

@SnapStudio "unfair?" bruh, it's not only on Mecabricks.

So, what did I do to gain the title "retarded"? 😕

Same with me.

Did I say either of you did anything? Lol.

We're part of the LEGO community.

That's the point.
Seems like an unfair title. 😕

Apoc: Bro. I'm not saying you're entirely wrong, but kids are gonna be self-centered and egomaniacal sometimes. That's just life. In fact, that's not only limited to kids. Adults are that way too. And aren't you being a bit hypocritical yourself by making this post? ARGUMENTS AND FIGHTS WILL HAPPEN. Humans date our history around wars and controversial events! We're not good at keeping the peace.

But when does it become fair to call the entire LEGO Community "retarded"? I'm not saying that retarded is an especially bad insult, but would you call Jason Allemenn and his wife retarded? Would you call Nicholas Jarraud retarded? Would you call everyone in the LEGO Community retarded?

No offense to you, but I think you've been quite hypocritical by making this post at all. 😕 You're saying that drama is annoying. But this post is asking for drama. So, yeah, don't really know what you expected.

Apoc: I know you most likely didn't mean everyone in the LEGO community is retarded, but you have to think of the implications of your actions.

I don't understand what you mean by "There was always some retarded fricking, drama that I had to "fix.", because I never gave you a problem I wanted you to fix. I assume that this is just because I wasn't there for so long, however. This goes further because you said "last summer", which, yeah I wasn't there.

But I do have a question regarding "It started off as being semi private, the users that had beef, drama, even gossip. Kept it to themselves. But then people started deciding to share it, (why? honestly, I have no fricking idea why.)" <---- Who are we saying shared it? I remember YOU shared it (the server) with me, and I didn't share it with anyone else until you left for good a few months ago. I did have a ton (and I mean a ton) of people who tried to get me to join it in the beginning, but I only joined when you sent me the link and asked me to join. Idk, I'm not mad at you or anything, because so much of what you said was true. Obviously I don't agree with your statements calling people retarded (especially not since you won't apply it to anyone in specific), but you do have good points. I've been trying to help chilled and give it new life -- the life it had before I left at the beginning of last summer. But still, I don't perfectly understand any of your points. Don't get mad at me. I've DMed you something as well.

@Operator011 Yeah, when I made this post I was actually really dumb cause it made more drama. Hypocritical, eh? Take a look at yourself, how 'bout?

Apoc: When did I ever say I was against all the drama, though? Sure, it's uncomfortable, and it shouldn't be here, but people who are bullying should be stopped. You're being hypocritical because you're "against all the drama", but by making this post, you're causing more drama. So, I really don't understand why you made this at all.

Still, you never actually answered my accusation, you responded with rhetorics. So, um, maybe reconsider why you posted this?

I guess what I mean is that causing more drama won't solve the problem.

That's pretty much what I just said..

Apoc: I'm very confused. 😂

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