W.E.I.R.D. CLUB - EVERYONE WELCOME! (Except for hippopotamuses.*) JOIN IF YOU DARE!
TallGirl2006 started this discussion in Community


 Former (original) President: TallGirl2006 
 Current President: Lax_Swag5
 Former (original) Secretary: SlimBrick1 
 Current Secretary: WizardBuilds1
 Former (original) "What Exists In Real-life Discoveries Enforcer of the Rules" (W.E.I.R.D.E.R.): Lax_Swag5
 Current "What Exists In Real-life Discoveries Enforcer of the Rules" (W.E.I.R.D.E.R.): Justyouraveragebuilder

The point of this forum is that there is no point. It is pointless. However, many times, pointless things are fun. So the idea is simple. Basically, keep an eye out for wierd weird wierd (this WORD is weird!) things in your everyday life. They might be obvious, like your brother coming down the stairs in sunglasses, overalls, suspenders and a tie at the same time, or less so, like a strange structure in the park that appears to have no obvious function other than to look creepy. Then either post a link to a model where you can try to recreate the weird, or simply describe it in the comments. IMPORTANT To make a Weird an OFFICIAL Weird, you must list the appropriate category before describing the Weird. You may add a sub-category to an actual category, like this: Ex. Weird Someone Else (my sister) or like this: Ex. Weird Me/Baby Me. At the end of every month, I or my secretary will post the honor roll of the weirdest occurrences, and name the "W.E.I.R.D.E.S.T. of the month" to the person with the weirdest- whatever. You know what I mean. (W.E.I.R.D.E.S.T.=Weirdest Existing Individual of Real-life Discoveries Except for Sally Thally.)

Categories of Weirds: 
  1. Weird me. ***Ex. "Last night I dreamed the weirdest dream about the Bobbsey Twins and a house full of china cabinets..."

  2. Weird someone else. Ex. "Today my brother was singing the weirdest song about gouda..."

  3. Weird us. Ex. "The other day me and my sister tied up the weirdest..."

  4. Weird animals. Ex. "My dog lays on the floor in the weirdest way..."

  5. Weird natural occurrences. Ex. "The weirdest thing happened because of the derecho..."

  6. Weird structures. Ex. "In the park there is the weirdest shiny, gray box..."

  7. Weird facts. Ex. "It's the weirdest thing: goosebumps are actually..."

  8. Weird anything else I forgot. Ex. You fill in here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  9. No cussing.

  10. No inappropriate,
    discriminating, or rude
    pictures/conversation/models etc.

  11. Only post links to models, pictures, etc. where you have recreated the weird, unless you have asked for and received permission from one of the three users in charge (listed above). In that case, comment that you have permission to post whatever it is you're posting, or a bunch of people might jump on your back.

  12. Think before you Type. Try not to get into unnecessary arguments.

  13. Chat! and

  14. Keep it weird!

Duties of the President: Post the honor roll, W.E.I.R.D.E.S.T., etc., welcome new members, comment on everything, like everything, die laughing.

Duties of the Secretary: Pretty much nothing. Or everything no-one else does and what the President does when the President is absent. Depends on how Wiz is feeling.

Duties of the W.E.I.R.D.E.R.: The job is in the name! (See above.) Also mediates arguments, if any ensue.

                                                                   W.E.I.R.D.E.S.T. SO FAR!! (Drumroll, please)                            

🌟 🌟 🌟 🌟 🌟 🌟 🌟 🌟 @Justyouraveragebuilder!!!!!!!!!!! 🌟 🌟 🌟 🌟 🌟 🌟 🌟 🌟 🌟

										       HONOR ROLL!!





Members: I will put your name here! 

@Comicbookguy- 0 Weirds****

@staticking- 0 Weirds

@AABuilds- 0 Weirds

@Starmate- 0 Weirds

@KingOfAce- 0 Weirds

@Mayotron9- 0 Weirds

@Custom_Parts- 0 Weirds

@legomaster6383- 0 Weirds

@justyouraveragebuilder- 0 Weirds

@Cakery- 0 Weirds

@SlimBrick1- 0 Weirds

@Lax_Swag5- 0 Weirds

@TallGirl2006- 0 Weirds

@Marina_Studios04- 0 Weirds

@SuperPup1- 0 Weirds

@Ninjacatz- 0 Weirds

@UltimateSentinalA7- 0 Weirds

@ScrapKing127- 0 Weirds

@BlueFlame56- 0 Weirds

@ZecarLegoWarrior- 0 Weirds

@MoonLight_08- 0 Weirds

@Wynter_Studios02- 0 Weirds

@Dr.ZKnight- 0 Weirds

@Snapstudio- 0 Weirds

@WizardBuilds1- 0 Weirds

@Jaze_Dragon- 0 Weirds

@BRICK_FORGE- 0 Weirds

@________- 0 Weirds

@ItsJustJay- 0 Weirds

@Pamela_Isley- 0 Weirds

@MechaBrits- 0 Weirds

@Yerachmiel_15: Even though Yerach is unfortunately no longer on Mecabricks, he is considered an honorary member. 😉

*No offense to anyone with a hippopotamus username, and see page 244 to find out where the hippo reference even comes from.
** Credit to @Marina_Studios04 for coming up with what the D stands for!
***All examples come from real life experiences or facts.
****My apologies if the numbers of Weirds per person are inaccurate, it becomes hard to keep track of all of them. I will try to do a complete update and count ALL the Weirds of the month at the end of each month.

NOTE: Unfortunately, myself (TallGirl2006) and my brother (SlimBrick1) are no longer on the social side of Mecabricks. This means that while we still post models, we no longer comment, PM (Private Message), or post in the forums. Thus, as you can see, our Presidential and Secretarial duties have been passed down to other users, who are listed at the beginning of this post. This also means that I can no longer edit my original comment, the one you're reading right now, to keep track of members' Weirds and anything else I might normally. If you would still like to keep scores and other such things, please ask the current President or Secretary to copy and paste this comment and update and re-post it. Sorry, and thank you! Lots of love.

P.S. If you are a user new to this page and have just read this comment for the first time, and decided to join, get on here and tell all the lazy members to post an actual Weird every now and then instead of just making small talk about totally boring stuff like Joe Biden!!!! Really? Politics?
Seriously though, this forum is meant to be a super pointless escape from the hum-drum of life, where everyone can just be incredibly weird with fellow nerds, geeks, weirdos, and everything in-between. So go be a good example and post a Weird. (See Weird guidelines above.) 😄

14191 replies · Page 261 of 710

the year is go look at my pm


😂 Nice summary, @Tall!


Hey, everyone! This is a dust jacket I made for a school assignment! (Sorry, I’m not the best artist… 😄)
In case you haven’t read the book, the main character is not a mouse! 😂
This scene depicts the mind game Ender Wiggin plays—which simplified the general themes of the whole book. 😉
(I tried to make the giant look less like the movie version to add more creativity)

Nice! Is the mind game like the one in The Princess Bride?

Cool Wiz!

you call that a mind game!?
wait, to which part of princess bride are you referring to?

I love lenders game!!!

Everyone go too the app store and search pac man 256 it is so fun!

i only have the reguler pac man

I forgot how to play pac-man

Pac-man is a game where you play as a cheese pizza in a maze in the underworld. you move a stick around to avoid the ghosts, who want to murder you, because you've broken in and need to eat all of the little dots that most likely belong to the ghosts. there are big dots make you able to murder the ghosts via consuming them for a limited amount of time, but the ghosts come right back again to try and murder you, so there isn't really a point to eating them. oh, and random fruits sometime spontaneously materialize. oh, and there's portals too.

the ghost eats you and you are not a pizza

@Justy: The poisoned wine thingy.

Jaze_Dragon - Sort of, but with technology. He holds a screened device in his hand, like a tablet, and then his mind allows him to move the character around. This specific game is a test of wit. There are two goblets, and one of them is poisoned. 😉

I was told to repost this so here you go! W.E.I.R.D. CLUB ANNOUNCEMENTS

It is . . .


Which means . . .

        VOTING TIME            

The part of the month where Larry sings a silly- wait, sorry. Wrong thing.
THe part of the month where W.E.I.R.D. Club members VOTE (duh) the W.E.I.R.D.E.S.T. (Weirdest Existing Individual of Real Life Discoveries Except for Sally Thally) of the month, and compile an honor roll of the runners up.

This time I'm actually remembering to set it up!


  1. First off, if you are new and not on the members list, Private Message me. Also, welcome!

  2. Look through the small amount hint hint of W.E.I.R.D.s below, and pick your favorite.

  3. Next, out the the users below, pick who you think were the top three Weirdest people this month.

  4. Private message me your choices.

If you are a member, VOTE, please and thank you.
Y'all have till next Wednesday, the last day of June, also the next day I will be online.

Now, without further ado, I present,

         THE W.E.I.R.D.S.             


  1. this is werid but im haveing a brain freeze i didnt eat anything cold
  2. i did somthing weird today i talked to my venus flytrap plant


  1. according to my friend at school I am the weirdest person on earth but that probably isn't true... I am weirder nope I am the weirdest person in the universe or maybe I am not one time I used yoda talk for a hole day... that is how weird I am.
  2. Weird Someone Else: once I was at my friends house and he did something cool then when no one was around he started running around with his arms flailing saying a swear word.


  1. wierd brother: once me and my family went to a park and there was a school for the deaf and my brother said 'how can they see the sigh if they're deaf?'


  1. Weird Fact: More people can name two of Snow White's seven dwarves than could name two members of the US Supreme Court.

Poll: Seven Dwarfs More Famous Than US Judges
Hi Ho! Hi Ho! How many Supreme Court Justices do you know?
Reuters is reporting that three quarters of Americans can correctly identify two of Snow White's seven dwarfs while only a quarter can name two Supreme Court Justices, according to a poll on pop culture released on Monday.According to the poll by Zogby International, commissioned by the makers of a new game show on pop culture called "Gold Rush," 57% of Americans could identify J.K. Rowling's fictional boy wizard as Harry Potter, while only 50 percent could name the British prime minister, Tony Blair.The pollsters spoke to 1,213 people across the United States. The results had a margin of error of 2.9 percentage points.Just over 60% of respondents were able to name Bart as Homer's son on the television show "The Simpsons," while only 20.5% were able to name one of the ancient Greek poet Homer's epic poems, "The Iliad" and "The Odyssey."Asked what planet Superman was from, 60% named the fictional planet Krypton, while only 37% knew that Mercury is the planet closest to the sun.Respondents were far more familiar with the Three Stooges (Larry, Curly and Moe) than the three branches of the US government (judicial, executive and legislative). Seventy-four percent identified the former, 42% the latter.Twice as many people (23%) were able to identify the most recent winner of the television talent show "American Idol," Taylor Hicks, as were able to name the Supreme Court Justice confirmed in January 2006, Samuel Alito (11%).
(The above is from an article on the internet.)
2. Weird Me: I often talk to things that don't talk back.
3. Weird Fact (more or less): Apparently Google has now become a (commonly used) verb.
Maybe the modern world needs to rethink some things? Maybe.
4. Weird Someone Else: My little brother is playing with my baby sister on the floor next to me in the library. He is being silly, of course, and he just shouted "Oh babe!" I looked at him and said "What?" He repeated it, and I realized he was actually saying something like 'obabe'. He said, "It's a new word!"
"What's it mean?"
"Obabe! It's a new word!"
"Yeah, but what does it mean?"
"Um, it's what someone says- someone says it when a branch- when a branch- from a tree falls."
"Oh, okay."
Of course that's what it means.
He sounded very sure, so I guess he's right. After all, he made it up!
5. Weird Someone Else: Slim told me that at ranger camp, he went around asking random people if they knew where his toenails were.
6. Weird Us: My dad got us started on this. Whenever we have a song stuck in our heads, we are supposed to sing this:
Only now, we don't want this stuck in our heads, either!
7. Weird Someone Else: (Pretend it is yesterday, when I meant to post this.)
We watch a baby girl a few days a week, and she climbs the stairs, but she's not supposed to. This is what I encountered at the bottom of the stairs when I came down in the morning: a toy mop, a gray vacuum, and a wooden chair from the living room with a cat quilt draped over it and a potty seat sitting on it blocking the stairs.
I was kind of surprised not really, but it was a funny first thing to see coming down stairs.

  1. Weird Animal: My big cat Apollo really wanted out while I was sitting at the computer, and this is is what he did the WHOLE time: Gnawed at my pant leg and ankle, jumped on my lap, jumped on the DESK, put his head under my wrists as I was typing, rubbed my hands, rubbed my feet, climbed around the computer, jumped on the window he wanted out of, meowled (meowing and howling because that is how loud he is), and purred- strike that, RUMBLED, the whole time.



  1. Weird #1: i drew a peanut clown

  2. Weird #2: I wrote a nutty poem

  3. Weird #3: the other day i ran around the house singing mission impossible with my cat

  4. Weird #4: i had a dream that I was on a jelly cliff
    and i jumped into a jelly ocean


  1. weird someone else
    My nana finally made it to my house. her birthday is today and she's been here since Friday. And Friday was national donut day so we went to Krispy Kreme for free donuts. And on the way, my sister said this to my nana: Would you rather have cake or cupcakes for your birthday. Then my nana asked her which one she would choose. And my sister said (btw it's the 7-year-old one) and she said ice cream
  2. I have a weird: I am a big Star Wars fan but I have just started watching the prequels this year. (I kinda watched some of attack of the clones but that was because my dad was watching it.) today I finished attack of the clones and earlier this year I watched the phantom menace.
  3. And another weird that is also related: when I was watching attack of the clones (I watched it on multiple days and this was the first) I pulled out my iPad (I forgot why) and when I opened google (they have these news things at the bottom) and one of them was this article: https://www.cbr.com/star-wars-anakin-padme-red-flags-meme-viral/. I had literally just watched that part


  1. Yesterday I was humming absentmindedly. But then I realized I was singing the words 'Death and Destruction' over and over to the Star Wars theme tune.


  1. Weird Ranger Camp: on one of the nights that I was at the ranger camp, me and a couple other boys were making our marshmallows into Anakin Skywalker. (Putting them on stick and letting them melt into the fire)


  1. Weird me: Until today, I haven’t gotten a haircut for over 2 Months! (I was on vacation)


  1. Edit: oh, and weird me and my sibling, who I will call chair lemur table: a while ago, Chair lemur table made a LEGO fig named "Bok man," who's the weirdest of the weird figs. he can walk on walls, but the thing that I love that Chair lemur table makes him do, is just slowly making his head rise over the edge of a surface, and whisper: "bok" and slowly make him come down again. he has Emmet hair, the old LEGO face with a moustache, Jacob Kowalski's (fantastic beasts, not crimes of Grimmy the bald) torso, and Resistance troop's pants.

Any users who are not on the list, are not on because they did not post a W.E.I.R.D. If you really want to, you can nominate them for the W.E.I.R.D.E.S.T. in your PM to me, but I'm not typing up all those names.

And . . .

  THANK YOU      

and . . .


God bless, and #bewierdweirdwierdwhatever

Sorry I can’t pm...

Just tell her on weird club then.


my birthday is tomarrow a dont know if i will be on

I was on I guess

80 participants
Avatar of TallGirl2006
Avatar of justyouraveragebuilder
Avatar of WizardBuilds1
Avatar of KingofAce
Avatar of leatho
Avatar of legomaster6383-
Avatar of -Lax_Swag5-
Avatar of OldNCATZ
Avatar of LegoMaster707_2187
Avatar of SlimBrick1
Avatar of JCFRK_yodels_in_the_alps
Avatar of _Stat_
Avatar of Mayotron9
Avatar of Dr.ZKnight
Avatar of BricksAndBones
Avatar of Me_Pink
Avatar of DJFox
Avatar of Randdan
Avatar of ZekarRVO_613
Avatar of Starborn
Avatar of Wynter_Studios02
Avatar of Scrap_Knight
Avatar of Fireblade28
Avatar of Jaze_Dragon
and others

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