Welcome all contestants.
My name is Thanatos, but is it really?
You've been given the challenge of correctly identifying me. I am a current Mecabricks user, and that is the only information that will be given to you. Satisfied? Good.
How has the investigation gone?
Good, I'd say. I've narrowed it down to a couple of people.
Which are?
Oh, Lax... with politics, I'm silento... shh, if you take my meaning 😏
In public, anyways...
LW, MB, Cakery, and a few others that I forgot.
Who do we think it is now?
We have no idea 😲
I will return in 10 to 15 minutes. I expect a guess by then. Until then, talk amongst yourselves about who you all will vote for.
'Tis a mystery that will have to be solved tomorrow, kids.
Ok. Also, I know it ain't Gman, but he's still on my list.
I've returned.
Atlas, I see you will all guess at your own pace. If you'd like another hint, don't be afraid to ask.
Why not? Another hint would be beneficail, althouhg my list has been narrowed down.
Atlas was the Greek Titan who held up the sky - it was a punishment, and an eternal weight against his back. Who here has a username with "sky" in it?
Just a hunch.
suspect number is growing....
I'm back!
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