Welcome all contestants.
My name is Thanatos, but is it really?
You've been given the challenge of correctly identifying me. I am a current Mecabricks user, and that is the only information that will be given to you. Satisfied? Good.
I have received 393 notifications from this...
For the past 10 pages or so, all I've seen is a messy ramble to knowhere. Why???
Also, please do not kill me.
@MB, we made 10 pages in an hour!
ATTENTION: I will no longer be checking notifications on this. Good luck narrowing it down!
P.S. #340Notifications!!!
That is a rather suspicious response, but I'll take it.
Hold on a second...Death mentioned PMing Scrubs...even though Scrubs himself would not take the slightest account of this.....
P.S. I figured out that the majority of my notifications came from this. Also, if anyone could keep me up to date on the investigation, that'd be great.
Ok I’ll keep you updated
Thanks! And, goodbye everybody!
P.S. Since I'm leaving, that means I'm out of the challenge.
Guys, I know I'm supposed to be gone... but whatever. If I'm right LW was reading Percy Jackson recently, which could explain the Greek mythology part... maybe... however... A7X made some kind of god thing for my Fire thing... so I think A7 might also know about Greek Mythology. I'm too lazy to look it up though 😂
Oh, and Greenie? Can we PM a bit, or do you need to stay hidden?
That brings in more information.
@Lax sorry, I only popped on for a small break during my music practice 😕... am going to leave in just a minute...
I wonder what deathy is doin!
I hope they didn’t pm scrubs he already has a lot of stuff on his hands. 😕
Why would anybody inform Scrubs of anything?
Yeah, I know. I'm back. I have no idea. Bye! Again!
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