The discussion of Who will it be?, and its pointless conversations
Operator011 started this discussion in Community

Just random stuff. Check out this post ( for more info (on the pointless conversations). Rules: No swearing, or taking the Lord's name in vain. Not in abbreviations either.
Have fun, and be nice.

10703 replies · Page 76 of 536

scar on forehead

I said approx.
And I'm now at GF's level!


oh yeah

but you'll never beat me

OP, I assumed u'd pos' a new one while I was using mi keepad

@pyro what strange language are you speaking XD

I don't think even Scrubs could

what is it

i'm afraid its a rickroll

OOoooooh! You guys can sure post a lot in only a matter of minutes!

It's a harry potter rap song. Perfectly clean, BTW.

MrBrick, it's called "I can't use y or t"

Mr. Prez: IKR? XD

35 participants
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Avatar of -Lax_Swag5-
Avatar of MrBrick
Avatar of Greenflame24
Avatar of justyouraveragebuilder
Avatar of Guitarman2
Avatar of _Charles_
Avatar of PyrokineticNinjaMaster
Avatar of XYZextreme
Avatar of Fireblade28
Avatar of OldNCATZ
Avatar of LWProductions
Avatar of KnightofElabor
Avatar of Cakery
Avatar of Dragon_Rider06
Avatar of SnapStudio
Avatar of Random_dude
Avatar of Fireroid3319
Avatar of A7X
Avatar of Ian_themage
Avatar of Ov3rs33r
Avatar of LegoMaster707_2187
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