The discussion of Who will it be?, and its pointless conversations
Operator011 started this discussion in Community

Just random stuff. Check out this post ( for more info (on the pointless conversations). Rules: No swearing, or taking the Lord's name in vain. Not in abbreviations either.
Have fun, and be nice.

10703 replies · Page 339 of 536

I'm not talking to myself! And that's fine Pyro. Is there a way to report the guy who copied you micro Destiny's Bounty Pyro?

@HB, Frahnce? You speak French? Or, perhaps you are not really French.

Ok guys... I am waking up at 5😮0 in the morning tomorrow and will be gone on a three day canoe trip. By now y'all "all" might have noticed that my family likes to camp 😂! Anyways,

@Pyro In case I drowned: Goodbye, it's been fun working with you 👍.

@Fireblade In case I fall in the fire: Goodbye, continue beating others in chess 🔥.

@D_R In case I get killed by an alligator (which some may consider a relation to dragons): Goodbye, and keep writing 😉.

@LW In case I drop something electric in the water and am electrocuted: Goodbye, think of me every time you eat at Taco Bell 😆.

@Hammer In case I choke on food and die: Goodbye, I think you live in Canada 😕... 😆 I think.

@Snaptoit In case I get lost and starve to death: Goodbye, know that I would support your Ideas if I were still alive 😃.

@Lax In case I am throwing ball with some of my friends and get hit in the head. Goodbye, may the Nationals find great success when playing, unless they are playing the ASTROS of course 😛 😂.

@Guitarman2 In case I get bitten by a venomous snake: Goodbye, and keep strumming! 🎸

@MrBrick In case I am eaten by wild hogs or coyotes or something: Goodbye, thanks for being so faithful to support probably all my projects on Ideas 👋.

@O011 In case I get in a car reck on the way there or back: Goodbye, thanks for helping me become a smarter person 😂. Literally, I've actually improved since getting to know you 😂 😆 😂. 👏 👍 👍.

@KoE In case I am kidnaped or something of the sort: Goodbye, and Remember the Alamo 🔫!

@Justy Just in case a happen to just die for some reason: Goodbye, feel free to look at any of my post in order to get some inspiration 😏.

@XYZ In case something falls on me like a dead tree limb: Goodbye, not sure what to say because I haven't known you for very long... but I'll guess I just say keep building .

Did I get everyone? At least everyone on the forum??? Oh well... see y'all later!!!! 😆

@Greenie Goodbye...

That’s a lot of ways to die 😂

@HB, Ok. Me thinks you live in Canada, or perhaps somewhere in Europe.

See ya Greenie. I'm pretty sure it is supposed to be "wreck", not wreck. If I publish my custom military squad model before you get back, I will create a character for you!

Wouldnt parts of Canadia have the same time as the United States?


So umm what do we talk about now?

Toasters are great bath bombs, Mr. Green. 😉
I don't speak no Taco Bell 😖

Have any of you had Taco Bell before?

MB, first your going to have tell me where “Frahnce" is.

See ya Greenie!

Lax, Canadia?

Taco Bell...


@Lax, I haven’t eaten at Taco Bell. Is it good?

It is a joke from a couple of years ago with my friends. It is called Canada. If you're from Canada, then you are Canadian. Put them together, and you get Canadia

Also, I don't know if it is good...I've never had it

@Everyone Ok thanks for all the spelling corrections and what not... and as far as Taco Bell goes... well... It is kinda like the only "Mexican" fast food restaurant... so yeah it's good 😂 And yes, that is a lot of ways to die... wanna hear some more...?


u forgot no one exept me.
what am i, a joke to u?


@Chuck In case I die from some sudden illness of any sort: Thanks for reviving me a while back... sorry for um... ok lets forget that past offense 😂

lol ok have fun!!!

35 participants
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Avatar of Greenflame24
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Avatar of Guitarman2
Avatar of _Charles_
Avatar of PyrokineticNinjaMaster
Avatar of XYZextreme
Avatar of Fireblade28
Avatar of OldNCATZ
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Avatar of Dragon_Rider06
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