So for a while now I've had an idea for Mecabricks for learning. And now, I've turned it into Mecabricks EDU.
Here's the home page:
So, here's my plan:
In the Log In menu, There will be two buttons that say "Teacher Log In" and "Student Log In". Both buttons will take them to the Mecabricks EDU home page. The workshop and the parts menu will stay the same. The top of the menu will replace Library with Class Library, Forum with Assignments, and the shop will be deleted because students won't be buying anything there. The Assignment page ( will take you to a page that looks like the forum page, just with school subjects. When a new assignment is posted, a mark will be added next to it, like when a normal user gets notified. When students click on the assignments, they'll be taken to a screen like this ( Students will then do the assignment, and once they're done, they'll submit it to the class library. The Class Library page is pretty much the same as the normal library, except the "Featured, Selection, Sets, etc." stuff will be replaced with school subjects. Students will be given a selection of tags, and they choose the one the assignment was in. For example, if the assignment was math, then students would add the "Math" tag. Once it's submitted, students will copy the link and paste it in the assignment comments. Teachers will pick a new Teacher Pick (Staff Pick) every week for each subject.
I see a lot of possibilities with this and hope it will one day become an actual thing.
mecabricks classrooms that would be epic
here the Mecabricks Education first post
Is there any work done already of the project?
I am very interested to help out. I am looking for a Mecabricks version with Open-Source code to replace Tinkercad 3dmdeling . What is great about the Tinkercad is the teachers can have a real-time overview of the work of the students and can jump in, in real-time, to help out.
Rob Oudendijk
As of now there is currently no work being done on this. I made this as an idea and have not been contacted on further work into its creation.
I will attempt to continue negotiations with the owner.
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