Does anyone know if there's a way to change the minifigure decorations/prints after importing .zmbx files to Blender? Something along the lines of pulling up one of the decorations/prints that's in the file and uploading another to replace it. Previously this could have been changed when exporting as .dae files and simply overwriting the PNG files in the decoration folder. However, this is no longer possible with the new .zmbx exporting. Any easy solution to this would be great.
You need to change the texture inside the mb_decoration node group.
Where do I find this node group?
Fourth one from the left. You shall know what you are doing as materials are tailor made for each part and decoration. Remember that you can create custom decorated elements directly in Mecabricks. They will be exported and imported in Blender exactly as they are supposed to.
Oh really? I wasn't aware the Mecabricks Custom Decoration Editor was already available. Can you point me to a thread with instructions on how to create custom decorations directly in Mecabricks?
Texture design: https://mecabricks.com/en/forum/topic/1582
Oh . . . it's right up there on the home bar. facepalms Thanks a bunch!
In the workshop, your custom folders and parts are located in the latest option of the part category selector named "Custom Parts".
The info was a little sketchy but I figured it out.
Open up a Shader Editor/ object editor duel screen
Click on the piece that you want to change in the Object screen
Click on the Decoration node in the Decoration Shader Editor, and hit the TAB button
That will open up a new screen. Click the X on the .png node, and use the folder to browse to your replacement file.
Then TAB to get out.
@guyon It can sometimes work and sometimes not. It is not as easy as that. That is why I recommend to do create parts in mecabricks and export to blender from the workshop.
Thanks, Scrubs, for stills that does sound like a better way.
But If I make them all in mecabricks, how do you suggest changing/aniamting expressions in blender? Swapping head?m
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