Cloning several parts at once.
Flippedpancakes started this discussion in Help and Tips

I'm building a fairly large and fairly symmetrical moc and I'm at the point where I've built the upper half and want to clone the whole thing upside-down. I know how to clone several parts with the button on the left, but if I do it that way I'll have to clone about sixty parts by hand. Is there a way to select multiple parts and clone them all at once?
Thanks for your time!

12 replies · Page 1 of 1

Welcome to Mecabricks!

There are several ways to select multiple parts.
1.You can do it by holding down Ctrl key and left click the parts you want to select(you need to select one part first before pressing Ctrl).
2. You can use any of the selection tools, you find them under the arrow icon in the left bar or shortcut key W on your keyboad.
Shortcut key for Area is B
Shortcut key for invert selection is I
I don't think there are any shortcut for the other selection tools?
3. If you want to select most of the parts in you model i suggest you first select the parts you don't want and then use then invert selection tool (Shortcut I).
4. If you want to select multiple parts several times I suggest you make a group of them which you then can duplicate with the clone tool D.

Thanks for all the tips! I followed your instructions and it worked like a charm.

How do you select more than one brick? I’m not trying to clone it. I made a modern House and forgot to separate the floors downstairs. Do I do the same thing?

Welcome to Mecabricks!
You select it just like Sealund explained, you hold down the ctrl key (on the bottom left of the keyboard) and then click all the parts you want to select. His (/her) second method with the selection tools also works wonderfully.
Hope this helps!

I meant o iPad, not on computer

Avatar of Scrubs

Use the select tool (arrow on the top of left toolbar) and select "multiple". Then click on the parts you want to select. They will become red to show that they are part of the selection.

Thanks Scrubs

Check out my models, they’re pretty lit

How do you select a small area? I am trying to move something, but when I use the area tool, it keeps selecting everything. Also, this is on ipad

I’m having the Same problem as above. Is it possible to select an area with iPad? Seems to just select all.

i need to thank sealund for the help i am now able to do my project fast and efficiently

hey thanks sealund

7 participants
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Avatar of Scrubs

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