## Global
Ctrl + S - Save
Ctrl + Z - Undo
Ctrl + Y - Redo
## Viewport and Graph Panel
A - Select all / Deselect all
B - Start box select tool. Elements in the box will be added to the selection. Press shift to remove them
C - Take viewport screenshot
D - Clone selection
E - Show/Hide empty panel
F - Flexible Part Tool (only active for flexible parts like rubber band, flex tube, etc.)
H - Hide selection
ALT + H - Show everything
I - Invert selection
J - Group selection
Alt + J - Ungroup selection
L - Show/Hide lamp panel
M - Toggle between translation and rotation gizmo
P - Select pivot point
Q - Toggle between small, medium and large transformation grid
R + (X or Y or Z) + numerical value - Rotation along selected axis in the global or local space
S - Select snap point
T + (X or Y or Z) + numerical value - Translation along selected axis in the global or local space
V - Toggle between Global and Local Space
W - Display selection tools
Z - Toggle between shaded, shaded with edges and wireframe mode
CTRL + Left Click - Add or remove element to or from the selection
NUMPAD 8 or 2 - Translate along Z axis
NUMPAD 4 or 6 - Translate along X axis
Page Up or Page Down - Translate along Y axis
← or → - Rotate selection 45° along Y axis
↑ or ↓ - Rotate selection 45° along X axis
Home or End - Rotate selection 45° along Z axis (keys next to page up and page down keys on an apple keyboard)
Esc - Deactivate selected tool / Cancel rotation or translation
Ctrl + Click - Add or remove a part/group to the selection
Numpad 5 - Toggle between Perspective and Orthographic projection
Numpad 9 - Toggle between Turntable and Trackball orbit style
Numpad 0 - Reset the position of the camera
Ctrl + Numpad 3 - Left view
Numpad 3 - Right view
Ctrl + Numpad 1 - Back view
Numpad 1 - Front view
Ctrl + Numpad 7 - Bottom view
Numpad 7 - Top view
Numpad . - Center selection or scene
Space - Change camera orientation
Del or Bak - Delete selection
B - Box select: add to selection
B + Ctrl - Box select: remove from selection
I - Inverse selection
A - Select all / Deselect all
Click + Ctrl - Add / Remove Anchor point to / from selection
E - Extrude first or last anchor points
D - Divide curve joining two anchor points
DEL or BAK - Delete anchor points
S - Snap anchor point or solid part selected
## Animation Editor
A - Select all nodes
B - Start box select
Ctrl + C - Copy selected nodes
D - Duplicate selected nodes
G - Move selected nodes
I - Invert node selection
Ctrl + V - Paste nodes previously copied
Numpad . - Center selection
Numpad 0 - Reset diagram position
Numpad 1 - Reset diagram zoom
Del or Bak - Delete selected nodes
If you are looking to understand how to use the workshop, you may want to look at this forum topic: http://www.mecabricks.com/en/forum/topic/65
how do you share thing to the library?
Salut je voulais savoir comment on supprime les fichier dans notre section ?
Salut je voulais savoir comment on supprime les fichier dans notre section ?
Tu selectionnes le fichier/dossier/groupe et tu cliques sur l'icone "Effacer" a gauche. La selection est alors deplacee dans le corbeille. Pour finir de les effacer, clique en haut a droite sur "Corbeille" et choisis "vider".
Do you guys have a built in Animation Render?
Hello, no mecabricks currently doesn't generate any animation. Scenes can be exported and animated with third party software though.
Can you import .lxf files to this program?
Edit: Nope, I cannot.
There has been a conversion about it here if you want to follow - http://www.mecabricks.com/en/forum/topic/224/1
It is what I am working right now.
Hey scrubs,
I was wondering is there a way to focus a part? Like with right click in LDD. The "F" key doesn't seem to have any purpose at the moment so maybe it could be added. Dragging the camera around with right clicking gets a bit annoying... 😛
im confused I just started and I cant change the color of blocks one of the selection tools work
Please tell me how to put out the color palette of the selection tools appear on the right-hand side
The colour palette is visible by default. To change a colour of a brick, just select the brick and choose a color from the colour dialog.
The color palette When you change the browser came out
Thank you very much
Which browser were you using when you didn't saw any colour palette?
Yahoo Google
My personal computer was the browser problem
Hi Scrubs, i had some questions on what some of the tools (pivot point, groupings, and the grid buttons) do and how you would use them. I'm still figuring out things here, but I'm liking it! 😄
Oh, and is there also a way to save, after saving the first time (continuing to work on a project, save it and then keep going without have to give the project a title again-making it new file). Thanks! 😄
Information about the pivot points and how the snap function works can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AsDczg1pOFc
Regarding grouping: If you're having a part of the model done, you can select the parts with the mouse and click on the icon with 2 bricks and an arrow next to them pointing down. This will group the bricks together and grant you the ability to move the group of bricks easier (for example if you're having a cat and a mouse as group, you can move the mouse easier away as a group from the cat) and you can lock the group by clicking the lock next to the group allowing you to don't mess around with it accidently. To ungroup, click the group and click the button with 2 bricks and an arrow pointing up.
The grid buttons:
Colour: Select a brick with a color and all other bricks with the same color will be selected as well. Handy for if you want to make the blue of your model a little bit more blue.
Shape: Select a brick with a shape (for example brick 1x1) and all other bricks that are brick 1x1 will be selected as well.
Combined: Select a brick with a color and a shape (for example a blue brick 1x1) and all other bricks that are brick 1x1 and blue will be selected as well.
I'm unsure about the rest as I haven't used them much yet at this point. So, somebody else will have to explain them.
To save a project: This can be done from in the workshop. Use File -> Save to save it.
Thanks a lot for the help! I think I get it better now! 😄
In my workshop the entire panel that's normally on the right hand side of the screen is gone, how do i fix this?
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